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CS297 Proposal

Efficient Replication of XML Documents with BLOB data

Preethi Vishwanath (

Advisor: Dr. Chris Pollett


With the advent of XML support in many commercial database systems, which could be run in distributed mode, new issues in replication of XML data arise. For instance, if an XML document is used to manage several BLOBs such as might occur in multi media applications or in code management, then in a distributed setting both the XML document and the BLOBs might be replicated independently of each other. The goal of our project is to develop a replication algorithm for this kind of XML data and then to implement our algorithm in an open source database such as Postgres.


Week 1 and 2: Aug 30th - Sept 14th [Patrick1999] pp 75-101,pp 102-160, pp 198-201
Week 3: Sept 15th - Sept 22nd [Patrick1999] pp 352-414,pp 462-523, pp 571-601
Week 4: Sept 23rd - Sept 30th Deliverable(1) due
Week 5 and 6 : Oct 1st - Oct 15th[Nancy1997]
Week 7: Oct 9th - Oct 16th [Oliver2005]
Week 8 and 9: Oct 17th - Oct 31stDeliverable(2) due
Week 10: Nov 1st - Nov 8th [Tova2003]
Week 11: Nov 9th – Nov 16th [Alonso2000]
Week 12 and 13: Nov 17th – Dec 1st Deliverable (3) due
Week 14 and 15: Dec 2nd – Dec 9th Deliverable (4) due


The full project will be done when CS298 is completed. The following will be done by the end of CS297:

1. Deliverable_1 Installation of Postgres database. Use CREATE FUNCTION and C to extend Postgres with a new test function. Provide a brief report on the books read.

2. Deliverable_2 Take the class homework on Byzantine agreement from Professor Chris Pollett’s CS255 class and write the code for the same. Provide a brief report on the books and the articles read.

3. Deliverable_3 Modify the voter’s algorithm (distributed algorithm used in database) for XML setting. Provide a test implementation for the same.

4. Deliverable_4 CS297 Report


[Patrick1999] Principles of Distributed Database Systems (2nd edition). M. Tamer Ozsu and Patrick Valduriez. Prentice Hall. 1999

[Nancy1996] Distributed Algorithms (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Data Management Systems). Nancy A. Lynch. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers. 1996

[Oliver2005] Event Points: Annotating XML Documents for remote sharing. Olivier Beaudoux. Proceedings of the 2005 ACM symposium on Document engineering. ACM Press. 2005. Pages 159-161

[Tova2003] Dynamic XML Documents with distribution and replication. Serge Abiteboul, Angela Bonifati, Gregory Cobena, Ioana Manolescu, Tova Milo. Proceedings of the 2003 ACM SIGMOD international conference on Management of data. ACM Press. 2003. Pages 527-538

[Alonso2000] Database replication techniques: a three parameter classification. M Wiesmann, F Pedone, A Schiper, B Kemme, G Alonso. Proceedings of the 19th IEEE Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems. IEEE Computer Society. 2000. Page 206