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CS297-298 Project News Feed

Weekly Report (April 17)
   (Posted on Tue, 17 Apr 2007 12:01:39 PDT .)
- Completing the first deliverable,
extracting words and pictures in
pdf file and save them into a
separate file.
- Having problem with Heap memory
when allocating byte arrays to 
save pixels of images. 
- Trying to work on the second
deliverable that is the program 
that run on mobile phones and PDAs.

Weekly Report (Mar 13)
   (Posted on Tue, 13 Mar 2007 07:57:19 PDT .)
- Be able to get words from letters by different distances between letters.
- save pixel coordinates to text file.

Weekly Report (Mar 6)
   (Posted on Tue, 06 Mar 2007 18:12:04 PST .)
-We change to use 2D array of 
bytes to save gray scaled image 
instead of 3D array of int. So it 
saves heap memory.
_ From gray scaled image, we 
convert it to black and white 
- Now we can find lines of texts or images. Then we can extract words from the lines.

Weekly Report (Feb 20)
   (Posted on Tue, 20 Feb 2007 03:09:23 PST .)
My program is able to extract 
pixels from image files and put
them into a one dimensional array
of type int.
I convert the array of type int to
three dimensional array of type int
to process each pixel easier. The 3
dimensional array is [row][column][color].
My program can convert the image to
black and white image. 
This conversion makes edges 
dectection inside the image easier.

Weekly Report (Feb 13th)
   (Posted on Tue, 13 Feb 2007 12:10:37 PST .)
1. Learning Java Advanced Imaging
to process BMP image.
How to process a page:
1- If PDF page has text + images,
export words in text to BMP files
in sequence and scale any images
to fit target screen size.
2- If PDF page is just an image,
scan horizontally for lines and
then for each line split in to

Weekly Report (Feb 13th)
   (Posted on Tue, 13 Feb 2007 12:10:27 PST .)
1. Learning Java Advanced Imaging
to process BMP image.
How to process a page:
1- If PDF page has text + images,
export words in text to BMP files
in sequence and scale any images
to fit target screen size.
2- If PDF page is just an image,
scan horizontally for lines and
then for each line split in to

Weekly Report (Nov 28)
   (Posted on Mon, 04 Dec 2006 22:15:03 PST .)
1. Finishing Deliverablers 2 and 3.
2. Writing CS 297 Report.
3. Working on Deliverable 4.

Weekly Report (Nov 14)
   (Posted on Thu, 16 Nov 2006 17:39:48 PST .)
1. Slides for iText (approx. 6 pages)
2. Slides for extracting images from PDF file (approx. 6 pages)
3. Work on Deliverable 4.

Weekly Report (Oct 24)
   (Posted on Sun, 29 Oct 2006 11:45:06 PST .)
1. I found iText Java Library for PDF. 
2. Reading "iText in Action" book.
3. Using iText to implement my Deliverables.

Weekly Meeting (Oct 17)
   (Posted on Thu, 19 Oct 2006 20:30:10 PDT .)
1. Fix the Deliverable 2 or choose
   another Java library for PDE.
2. Work on Deliverable 2 and 3.

Weekly Meeting (Oct 3rd)
   (Posted on Fri, 06 Oct 2006 00:45:19 PDT .)
1. Make slides about Adobe PDF file. What's the structure of PDF file? How does PDF handle images?
2. Find the way to deploy J2ME program on a web server.   
3. Pick one Java library for PDF and implement the Deliverable 2.

Weekly Meeting (Sep 19th)
   (Posted on Fri, 22 Sep 2006 09:15:15 PDT .)
1. Revise Deliverable 1 with Javadoc.
2. Find the way to upload J2ME program onto a cellphone.
3. Read Chapter 4 & 5 of "Practical Algorithms For Image Analysis."
4. Work on Deliverable 2.


Weekly Meeting (Sep 5th)
   (Posted on Sun, 10 Sep 2006 01:42:21 PDT .)
1. Deliverable 1: Write a simple "Hello World" program with J2ME.
2. Post my Biography.
3. Research Otsu algorithm.

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