HW3 Solutions Page

After grading, I selected from amongst the better homeworks the solution below. There were no perfect homeworks so caveat emptor. The student or students that had their homework chosen received 1 bonus point after curving for having their homework selected. If you were chosen and would rather your homework not be used as part of the solution let me know and I will choose someone else's homework and they will receive the bonus point instead. The only changes I made were to convert the names listed in the homework files to SJSU students. The two things I took off for the group selected were on their solution to 4.5 as they didn't handle the ? case (which could have been handled by their approach by adding additional terms), and for a lack of documentation in their code. Their description of how they conducted their experiment could have been clearer but was gleanable from their readme.MD file. My test case is given in the file my_test_urls.txt in the part2/code subfolder.

[Hw3 Solution-ZIP]