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Course Info:

Homework Assignments:
Practice Exams: PIC:

HW#3 --- last modified January 15 2019 16:35:19..

Solution set.

Due date: May 15, 8:30pm

Files to be submitted: -- zip file of your project and sources

HW3 Purpose:  To familiarize yourself with the A* algorithm for creature path
============		searching with obstacles and collision detection.

For this homework you will create the following pseudogame: There is
a player (the image of which you can make however you want). It is controlled
by the arrow keys. When it slides off the screen on one side it wraps to the
other side. There is also a monster (again whatever family-friendly viewing
monster image you desire). It uses the A* algorithm to try to chase
the player. Finally, there are also obstacles which are randomly added
to the screen whenever F1 is hit. Neither the player nor monster can
move through an obstacle. When the player and the monster collide
they both change colors. Finally, the space key toggles between chase mode
and chased mode. In chased mode the monster tries to distance itself as much as
possible from the player. The boundary of the player, monster, and obstacles
should be approximated by some kind of polygon and it is these polygons
that are used to check for object collision and in the A* algorithm.
To keep things simple you probably can modify the code for CObject from
Demo 4 in the book to also store a polygon. You probably want to extend
CObject for the monster with a class like CIntelligentMonster where move
makes use of the A* algorithm (look at Demo 6 for inspiration on extending
CObject). The obstacles should be reasonably large and not convex
(maybe shaped like a really large C).

Point Breakdown for HW3
Player controls work and wrap works.....1pt
F1 key generates a new obstacle.........1pt
Monster appears and does something......1pt
player and monster can't go through
When player and monster collide colors
A* algorithm functions and used by
space toggles between space modes.......1pt
