Visual C++ Labs

This Lab manual covers Microsoft Developer Studio and Visual C++ version 5.0.  (Version 6.0 chapters will appear gradually.) Labs 1, 8, and 9 are from the old lab manual. Some of the problem sets refer to workspaces currently located on the department's NT server in the  k:\pearce\cs46a directory. Students seeking additional information on C++ programming are welcome to visit my C++ Programming page.

Lab 1, Basic Windows/DOS Usage

Lab 2, The MSDS User Interface
Lab 2, The MSDS User Interface (version 6.0)
Lab 2, Problems (version 6.0)

Lab 3, Editing
Lab 3, Editing (version 6.0)
Lab 3, Problems (version 6.0)

Lab 4, Workspaces, Projects, and Files
Lab 4, Workspaces, Projects, and Files (version 6.0)
Lab 4, Problems (version 6.0)

Lab 5, Getting Help
Lab 5, Getting Help (version 6.0)
Lab 5, Problems (version 6.0)

Lab 6, The Edit-Build-Test-Debug Cycle
Lab 6, The Edit-Build-Test-Debug Cycle (version 6.0)
Lab 6, Problems (version 6.0)

Lab 7, Separate Compilation and Linkage
Lab 7, Problems (version 6.0)

Lab 8, Advanced DOS

Lab 9, Department Style Guidelines
Lab 9, Problems (version 6.0)
