Approximation Algorithms


Chris Pollett

May 1, 2019



Approximating the Traveling Salesman Problem

1. Select a vertex r to be a root vertex
2. Compute the minimal spanning tree for G from root r using Prim's algorithm
3. Let L be the list of vertices visited in a pre-order tree walk of T
4. return the Hamiltonian cycle H that visits the vertices in order L.

Subroutines used by our algorithm


Theorem. APPROX-TSP-TOUR is a p-time 2-approximation algorithm for TSP with triangle-inequality holding on the cost function.

Proof. The minimal spanning tree algorithm runs in time `O(|V|^2)`. The remaining step take at most `O(|G|)` time.

Let `H^star` denote the optimal tour of the vertices. Since we can obtain a spanning tree from any tour by deleting an edge, we have `c(T) le c(H^star)` where `T` is our minimal spanning tree. A full walk `F` of `T` lists the vertices when they are first visited and also whenever they are returned to after a visit to a subtree. So `c(F) = 2c(T) le 2c(H^star)`. A full walk is typically not a tour since it lists some vertices twice.

On the other, the `H` returned by the algorithm is a tour and satisfies `c(H) le c(F)`, since it is obtained by deleting vertices from the full walk and since the triangle inequality holds. We are using the triangle inequality as if we have a sequence `a b c` in the full walk and delete `b`, in our tour we want that the cost does not rise.

In-Class Exercise

General TSP

Theorem. If `P ne NP`, then for any constant `d ge 1`, there is no `p`-time approximation algorithm with approximation ratio `d` for general TSP.

Proof. Suppose that for some number `d ge 1`, there was an approximation algorithm `A` for general TSP with the given approximation ratio. Without loss of generality, we can assume `d` is an integer. We will then show how to use `A` to solve instances of HAM-CYCLE. Since HAM-CYCLE is NP- complete, this will imply the result...

Proof of Inapproximability of General TSP cont'd

Let `G = (V, E)` be an instance of the HAM-CYCLE problem. Let `G'= (V, E')` be the complete graph on `V`. Assign a cost to each edge in `E'` as follows:
`c(u,v) = {(1,mbox(if ){u,v} in E),(d cdot |V| + 1,mbox(otherwise.)):}`

This instance `(G', c)` of the TSP optimization problem can be created in p-time in the HAM-CYCLE instance length. If the original graph has a Hamiltonian cycle, then there is a tour following its edges of cost `|V|`. On the other hand, if no such tour exists, then a tour uses at least one edge not in `E`, so has cost `(d cdot |V| +1) + (|V| - 1) > d cdot |V|`. Since our approximation algorithm needs to find a tour within a factor of `d` of the smallest one, if there is a Hamiltonian cycle in `G` when we run `A` the tour output will have cost `le d cdot|V|`. On the other hand, if the graph G does not have a hamiltonian cycle our algorithm on this instance will return a value `> d cdot|V|`.

The Set Covering Problem

Example Set Cover Instance

Example Use of Set Cover

Greedy Algorithm For Set Covering

One can give a greedy algorithm for finding a cover by picking the set `S` at each stage that covers the greatest number of remaining elements that are uncovered.

1 U := X
2 C := ∅
3 while U ≠ 0
4     select an S ∈ F that maximizes {S ∩ U}
5     U := U - S
6     C := C ∪ {S}
7 return C

Approximation Result for Set Cover

Let `H(d) = sum_(i=1)^d 1/i` denote the `d`th harmonic number, defining `H(0) = 0`.

Theorem. GREEDY-SET-COVER is a polynomial-time `r(n)`-approximation algorithm, where
`r(n) = H(max{|S| : S in F})` on instances `(X,F)` or size `n`.

Proof. GREEDY-SET-COVER deletes at least one `S` from `F` in each iteration and the select step is at most quadratic time, so the algorithm will be polynomial time in the instance size.

To see that GREEDY-SET-COVER is an `r(n)`-approximation algorithm, we assign a cost of `1` to each set selected by the algorithm, distribute this cost over the elements covered for the first time, and then use these costs to derive the desired relationship between the size of an optimal set cover `C^star` and the size the cover `C` returned by the algorithm...

Proof of Approximation Result for Set Cover cont'd

Let `S_i` denote the `i` set selected by GREEDY-SET-COVER. We spread the cost of selecting `S_i`, 1, evenly among the elements covered for the first time by `S_i`. Let `c_x` denote the cost allocated to element `x in X`. If `x` is covered by `S_i`, then
`c_x = 1/(|S_i - (S_1 cup S_2 cup ... cup S_(i-1))|)`.
At each step of the algorithm, 1 unit of cost is assigned, and so
`|C| = sum_(x in X)c_x`.
The cost of the optimal cover is `sum_(S in C^star)sum_(x in S)c_x`,
and as each `x in X` is in at least one `S in C^star`, we have
`sum_(S in C^star)sum_(x in S)c_x ge sum_(x in X)c_x = |C|` (**).

We will show the theorem follows from the following claim:

Claim.`sum_(x in X)c_x le H(|S|)` for all `S in F`.

(Proof of Theorem from Claim). From (**) and the claim, we have
`|C| le sum_(S in C^star) H(|S|)`
`le |C^star| cdot H(max{|S| : S in F})`

Proof of Element Cover Cost Claim

Consider any `S in F` and `i = 1, ..., |C|`. Let
`u_i = |S - (S_1 cup S_2 cup ... cup S_(i))|`.
We define `u_0 = |S|`. Let `k` be the least index such that `u_k = 0`. At `k`, each element in S will be covered by at least one of `S_1, ... S_k`. We have `u_(i-1) ge u_i`, and that `u_(i-1) - u_i` elements of `S` are covered for the first time by `S_i`. Thus,
`sum_(x in S)c_x = sum_(i = 1)^k(u_(i-1) - u_i) cdot 1/(|S - (S_1 cup S_2 cup ... cup S_(i -1))|)`
Observe that
`|S_i - (S_1 cup S_2 cup ... cup S_(i - 1))| ge |S - (S_1 cup S_2 cup ... cup S_(i - 1))| = u_(i - 1)`
because we chose `S_i` greedily. This gives
`sum_(x in S)c_x le sum_(i = 1)^k(u_(i-1) - u_i) cdot 1/(u_(i-1))`
`= sum_(i=1)^k sum_(j = u_i + 1)^(u_(i-1))1/(u_(i-1))`
`le sum_(i=1)^k sum_(j = u_i + 1)^(u_(i-1)) 1/j` (because of the start condition of sum, `j le u_(i-1)`)
`= sum_(i=1)^k ( sum_(j = 1)^(u_(i-1)) 1/j - sum_(j = 1)^(u_(i)) 1/j)`
`= sum_(i=1)^k (H(u_(i-1)) - H(u_i))`
`= H(u_0) - H(u_k)` (telescoping series)
`= H(u_0) - H(0)`
`= H(u_0)`
`=H(|S|)`, proving the claim.