import sys from PyQt5 import uic from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QDialog, QApplication, QTableWidgetItem, QHeaderView from DATA225utils import make_connection class StudentClassesDialog(QDialog): ''' The student dialog ''' def __init__(self): """ Load the UI and initialize its components. """ super().__init__() # Load the dialog components. self.ui = uic.loadUi('student_classes_dialog.ui') # Student menu and query button event handlers. self.ui.student_menu.currentIndexChanged.connect(self._initialize_table) self.ui.query_button.clicked.connect(self._enter_class_data) # Initialize the teacher menu and the student table. self._initialize_student_menu() self._initialize_table() def show_dialog(self): """ Show this dialog. """ def _initialize_student_menu(self): """ Initialize the student menu with student names from the database. """ conn = make_connection(config_file = 'school.ini') cursor = conn.cursor() sql = """ SELECT first, last FROM student ORDER BY last """ cursor.execute(sql) rows = cursor.fetchall() cursor.close() conn.close() # Set the menu items to the students' names. for row in rows: name = row[0] + ' ' + row[1] self.ui.student_menu.addItem(name, row) def _adjust_column_widths(self): """ Adjust the column widths of the class table to fit the contents. """ header = self.ui.class_table.horizontalHeader(); header.setSectionResizeMode(0, QHeaderView.ResizeToContents) header.setSectionResizeMode(1, QHeaderView.Stretch) def _initialize_table(self): """ Clear the table and set the column headers. """ self.ui.class_table.clear() col = [' Code ', ' Subject '] self.ui.class_table.setHorizontalHeaderLabels(col) #self._adjust_column_widths() def _enter_class_data(self): """ Enter class data from the query into the student and takes tables. """ name = self.ui.student_menu.currentData() first_name = name[0] last_name = name[1] conn = make_connection(config_file = 'school.ini') cursor = conn.cursor() sql = ( """ SELECT class.code, class.subject FROM student, class, takes """ f"WHERE student.last = '{last_name}' " f"AND student.first = '{first_name}' " """ AND takes.student_id = AND takes.class_code = class.code ORDER BY class.code """ ) cursor.execute(sql) rows = cursor.fetchall() cursor.close() conn.close() # Set the class data into the table cells. row_index = 0 for row in rows: column_index = 0 for data in row: item = QTableWidgetItem(str(data)) self.ui.class_table.setItem(row_index, column_index, item) column_index += 1 row_index += 1 #self._adjust_column_widths() if __name__ == '__main__': app = QApplication(sys.argv) form = StudentClassesDialog() form.show_dialog() sys.exit(app.exec_())