HW6 Solutions Page

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<? if($State=="Save Itinerary"){SetCookies();}
// FileName: p40hw6file1.php (Travel Planner program)
//                            Now with Advertisements
// Purpose: This file accesses the airtransportation database to allow
//          user to make a travel itinerary based on the flight
//          information stored in this database.

    <title>Travel Planner</title>
    <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">

   <? //check if we will do the ItinerarySaved page
      if($State =="Save Itinerary")

      // Load in Our Images for ItinerarySaved page

      $Car0 = new Image;
      $Car0.src = "car0.gif";

      $Car1 = new Image;
      $Car1.src = "car1.gif";

   <? }//end ItinerarySaved Check

      //Intro check
      //Only need to output VerifyDate when could be on Intro page

      if(!$State || $State=="Main Menu" || $State=="Show Flights")
	// Function: VerifyDate()
	// Purpose: Checks that the date is in the correct format
      function VerifyDate()
	var $DEPDATE=document.forms[1].DEPDATE.value;
	var $BadDate = false, $DateParts, $Part, $i;
	var $Month, $Day;

	//Split Date into parts make sure has three parts

	$DateParts = $DEPDATE.split("-");

	if($DateParts.length != 3) {return BadDate();}

	//Make sure parts of date of correct length and consist
        //of numbers.

	if(!( $DateParts[0].length == 4  &&
              $DateParts[1].length == 2  &&
	      $DateParts[2].length == 2)) {return BadDate();}

	for ($Part in $DateParts)
		for($i=0; $i < $Part.length ; $i++)
		{ if($Part.charAt($i)<'0' || $Part.charAt($i)> '9')
                           {return BadDate();}

	$Month = parseInt($DateParts[1]);
	$Day = parseInt($DateParts[2]);

	if( ($Month == 2 && $Day >28) ||
	    (($Month == 4 || $Month == 6 || $Month == 9 || $Month == 11)
               && $Day >30) || $Day >31) {return BadDate();}

	return true;

      function BadDate()
	var $MSG = 'Date format should be YYYY-MM-DD\n';
	    $MSG += 'where Y=Year, M=Month, D=Day.\n';
            $MSG += 'For example, 2001-08-01.\n';
	    $MSG += 'Make sure the day is correct for\n';
	    $MSG += 'the month as well. For example, Feb. has\n';
	    $MSG += '28 days.';
	return false;

   <? } //end of Intro Check

	   // Check again if will do ItinerarySaved page
	   if($State == "Save Itinerary")

	// Function: GoToURL()
	// Purpose: used by the select object on the ItinerarySaved
 	//          page to immediately jump to selected hotel
      function GoToURL()
	var $Hotels = document.forms[0].hotels;
	var $Hotel = $Hotels.options[$Hotels.selectedIndex].value;

	document.location.href = $Hotel;

	// Function: ChangeImage()
	// Purpose: changes which car is display on the ItinerarySaved()
	//          page
      function ChangeImage($car)


    <? }// End second ItinerarySaved check

  <body bgcolor="#99FFCC">

        // Main Loop:
        // $State variable is used to control which page is displayed

		case "Fetch Now":

		case "Save Itinerary":

		case "Show Flights":
                  $MSG = CKAirport();
                   if($MSG == "Flight")
                   else if($MSG != "done")

		case Previous:
		  if($SEAT2) {Flight();}
                  else {SelectSeat();}

                case Flight:

                case "Continue":

		case "Main Menu":



// Function: ItinerarySaved()
// Purpose: After the itinerary has been saved this page
//          provides the user with links to hotels
//          and car rental companies in the destination city
function ItinerarySaved()
	<h3 style="color:blue">Itinerary Saved</h3>
	<h1>Now that you've chosen your trip may we suggest the following

	<form method="post" action="hw6.php">
	<div style="text-align:center">
	if($DESCITY == "YFK")
	<select name="hotels" onChange="GoToURL()" size="4">
	  <option value="http://www.centennialhotels.com/" selected="true">
	  Centenial Hotels Halifax
	  <option value="http://www.ramadans.com/">
	  Ramada Park Place
	  <option value="http://www.citadelhalifax.com/">
	  The Citadel Hotel
	  <option value="http://www.waverleyinn.com/">
	  The Waverley Inn

	<a href="http://www.halifax.worldweb.com/Rentals/CarTrucks/"
           onMouseover="ChangeImage($Car1); return true;"
           onMouseout="ChangeImage($Car0); return true;">
	<img name="car" src="car0.gif" />

	if($DESCITY == "BOS")
	<select name="hotels" onChange="GoToURL()" size="4">
	  <option value="http://www.theinnatharvard.com" selected="true">
	  The Inn at Harvard
	  <option value="http://www.fshr.com/locations/Boston/">
	  Four Seasons
	  <option value=
	  The Marriot Long Wharf
	  <option value=
	  Radisson Hotel Downtown

	<a href="http://www.boston-bos.com/car_rental.html"
           onMouseover="ChangeImage($Car1); return true;"
           onMouseout="ChangeImage($Car0); return true;">
	<img name="car" src="car0.gif" />

	if($DESCITY == "LAX")
	<select name="hotels" onChange="GoToURL()" size="4">
	  <option value="http://www.holidayinnlongbeach.com" selected="true">
	  Long Beach Holiday Inn
	  <option value="http://www.bestwesternhollywood.com">
	  Best Western Hollywood
	  <option value="http://www.daysinn-maingate.com">
	  Days Inn Anaheim
	  <option value="http://www.esanaheim.com">
	  Embassy Suites Anaheim

	<a href="http://www.la-rentacar.com/"
           onMouseover="ChangeImage($Car1); return true;"
           onMouseout="ChangeImage($Car0); return true;">
	<img name="car" src="car0.gif" />

	if($DESCITY == "CDG" || $DESCITY == "ORY" )
	<select name="hotels" onChange="GoToURL()" size="4">
	  <option value="http://www.ritz.com/" selected="true">
	  The Ritz Paris
	  <option value="http://www.fourseasons.com/locations/Paris/index.php">
	  Hotel George V
	  <option value="http://www.sofitel.mgn.fr/">
	  <option value="http://www.hotels-parisiens.com/">
	  Comfort Inns in Paris

	<a href="http://www.deluxe-international.com/"
           onMouseover="ChangeImage($Car1); return true;"
           onMouseout="ChangeImage($Car0); return true;">
	<img name="car" src="car0.gif" />

	OutButton(submit,"State","Main Menu");

// Function: Intro
// Purpose: This function takes a message $MSG and if it exists
//          outputs in blue followed by the intro screen to
//          the Travel Planner program. If $MSG is false it
//          just outputs the intro screen. If $MSG has some value
//          then any of the form variables is not set it also
//          outputs a star by this element in the intro screen.
function Intro($MSG=false) {

  if ($MSG)   {print "<h3 style=\"color:blue\"> $MSG</h3>";}

  <h1>Travel Planner</h1>

  <form method="POST" action="hw6.php" >

  <h3>Previous Itinerary:
     <? OutButton("submit","State","Fetch Now");?>

  <form method="POST" action="hw6.php" onSubmit="return VerifyDate();">
    <table border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="3">
      <td><b>Departure City or Airport:</b></td>
      <td><? OutText("DEPCITY", "$DEPCITY", 15, 80);
             if($MSG && !$DEPCITY) {OutStar();}
      <td><b>Destination City or Airport:</b></td>
      <td><?  OutText("DESCITY", "$DESCITY", 15, 80);
             if($MSG && !$DESCITY) {OutStar();}
      <td><b>Departure Date:</b></td>
      <td><?  OutText("DEPDATE", "$DEPDATE", 15, 80);
             if($MSG && !$DEPDATE) {OutStar();}
    <td align="center" colspan="2">
       OutButton("submit","State","Show Flights");?>

// Function:CKAirport
// Purpose: this function check if the three variables
//          $DEPCITY, $DESCITY, $DEPDATE all have values.
//          If not it returns the string "Sorry, you did not give
//          me enough data. Please fill in the starred fields."
//          Otheriwse, it looks at the Airport table of the airtransportation
//          database to see if $DEPCITY and $DESCITY are codes for
//          airports or are cities. If they are cities but there
//          is only one airport in that city the $DEPCITY or $DESCITY
//          is then set to the code of that airport. If at this
//          point both $DEPCITY and $DESCITY are codes of airports
//          then the value "Flight" is returned. If neither a code nor
//          a city could be found then "Sorry we not service $DEPCITY"
//          or "Sorry we nor service $DESCITY" or both is returned
//          by CKAirport. Finally, if there is more airport for $DESCITY
//          of $DEPCITY of both it produces a form with selection
//          selection gadgets to let the user pick between the possibilities.
//          after generating this form it returns the value "done".

function CKAirport()

		$ERRMSG = "Sorry, you did not give me enough data. Please";
                $ERRMSG .= " fill in the starred fields.";
		return $ERRMSG;


	$cur=Prepare("select code from Airport where city='$DEPCITY'
                                                  OR code='$DEPCITY'");
	if(NumRows($cur)==0) { $ERRMSG.=
                                  "Sorry, we do not service $DEPCITY.<br />\n";
                                $DEPCITY = false;
	if(NumRows($cur)==1) {$row=FetchRow($cur);
                                $DEPCITY = $row[0];

	$cur=Prepare("select code from Airport where city='$DESCITY'
                                                  OR code='$DESCITY'");
	if(NumRows($cur)==0) { $ERRMSG .=
                                  "Sorry, we do not service $DESCITY.<br />\n";
                                $DESCITY = false;

	if(NumRows($cur)==1) {
                                $DESCITY = $row[0];

	if(!$DEPCITY || !$DESCITY) {Close($dbh); return $ERRMSG;}
	if($isAirport1 && $isAirport2) {Close($dbh); return "Flight";}


	<form method="POST" action="hw6.php"> <?
	  $cur=Prepare("select code from Airport where city='$DEPCITY'");
	  if(NumRows($cur) > 1) {
		print "<h3> Please select a departure airport:</h3>\n";
		print "<br />";
	  else {  OutButton("hidden","DEPCITY","$DEPCITY");}

	  $cur=Prepare("select code from Airport where city='$DESCITY'");
	  if(NumRows($cur) > 1) {
		print "<h3> Please select a destination airport:</h3>\n";
		print "<br />";
	  else {  OutButton("hidden","DESCITY","$DESCITY");}
        OutButton("submit","State","Main Menu");
        OutButton("submit","State","Show Flights");
	?> </form> <?
	return "done";

// Function: Flight
// Purpose: produces the screen that allows the user to
//          select the from a list of available flights
//          between $DEPCITY and $DESCITY on $DEPDATE.
//          Queries the airtransportation database Flight
//          table to get this info.

function Flight()

	$cur=Prepare("select flightNo, airCraftName, dateTime
                      from Flight
                      where fromAirport='$DEPCITY'
                            AND toAirport='$DESCITY'
                            AND dateTime like '$DEPDATE%'");

  <h1>Travel Planner</h1>

  <form method="POST" action="hw6.php">

  <h3>Please select a flight:</h3>
	DrawSelect($cur, "FLIGHT", 10);

  <? OutButton("hidden","DEPCITY",$DEPCITY);
     OutButton("submit","State","Main Menu");

// Function: SetCookies
// Purpose: sets cookies to store the variables

function SetCookies()

// Function: Itinerary
// Purpose: if $saved is equal to "saved". It copies the variables
//          stored in the cookies back into the variables
//          $DEPCITY, $DESCITY, $DEPDATE, $FLIGHT, $SEAT first.
//          In all cases, it then draws the itinerary that the
//          user has selected so far followed by the buttons
//          Main Menu, Previous, and Save Itinerary.
//          these either return to the Intro screen, select seat
//          screen or returns to Intro screen with saved info
//          message and where the first line of the program has been
//          execute to set the appropriate cookies.

function Itinerary($saved)

		if(!$DEPCSAVE) return Intro("No previous itinerary");

	$flArray = split( "#", $FLIGHT);
	$flightNo = $flArray[0];
  <h1>Travel Planner</h1>
  <h3>Your current schedule is as follows:</h3>
  <p>You are leaving on: <? print "$DEPDATE."; ?></p>
  <p>You are flying from: <? print "$DEPCITY."; ?></p>
  <p>You are flying to: <? print "$DESCITY."; ?></p>
  <p>The flight number is: <? print "$flightNo."; ?></p>
  <p>Your seat is: <? print "$SEAT."; ?></p>
  <form method="POST" action="hw6.php">
  <?   OutButton("hidden","DEPCITY",$DEPCITY);
       OutButton("submit","State","Main Menu");
       OutButton("submit","State","Save Itinerary"); ?>

// Function: SelectSeat
// Purpose: This function draws the screen to allow the user to pick a
//          from the available seats on a given flight.

function SelectSeat()

	$flArray = split( "#", $FLIGHT);
	$flightNo = $flArray[0];
        $aircraft = $flArray[1];
	$dateTime = $flArray[2];

  <h1>Travel Planner</h1>

  <form method="POST" action="hw6.php">

  <h3>Please select a seat:</h3>
  The information below is formatted as follows:


	print "<select name=\"SEAT\" size=\"10\">\n";


	// Notice I open up two cursors at this point. I wouldn't
        // need to do this on a database

	$cur=Prepare("select rowNo, seat,aisle,window, class
                      from AircraftRow
                      where airCraftName = '$aircraft'");
	while($row = FetchRow($cur))

	   $cur2=Prepare("select rowNo, seat from Bookings
                          where flightNo='$flightNo'
			  and dateTime='$dateTime'
                          and rowNo='$row[0]' and seat='$row[1]' ");
                   if($flag) {$flag=false;}

  <? OutButton("hidden","DEPCITY",$DEPCITY);
     OutButton("submit","State","Main Menu");


// Function: OutButton
// Purpose: draws to screen a button of type $type with name $name
//          and with value $value.

function OutButton($type,$name,$value)
 print "<input type=\"$type\" name=\"$name\" value =\"$value\" />";

// Function: OutText
// Purpose: draws to screen a textfield of type $type with name $name
//          and with value $value of size $size and max number of char's
//          maxlength.

function OutText($name,$value,$size,$maxLength)
 print "<input type=\"text\" name=\"$name\" value =\"$value\"";
 print " size=\"$size\" maxlength=\"$maxLength\" />";

// Function: OutStar
// Purpose: draws a bold-face blue star

function OutStar()
	print "<b style=\"color:blue\">*</b>\n";

// Function: OutOption
// Purpose: Writes out an option of a selection gadget
//          If $selected is true this will be a selected option
//          of the selection gadget. $row is the value of the option.

function OutOption($selected,$row)
		if($selected) {print "<option selected=\"true\">";
		else {print "<option>";}
                foreach($row as $field)
			print "$field#";

// Function: DeleteSharp
// Purpose: returns the substring of $string before the first # symbol

function DeleteSharp($string)
	return $row[0];

// Function:DrawSelect
// Purpose: Draws a selection gadget with name $name where the options
//          are given by cycling over the rows returned by the database
//          cursor $cursor.

function DrawSelect($cursor, $name, $rowsVisible)
	print "<select name=\"$name\" size=\"$rowsVisible\">\n";

	while($row = FetchRow($cursor))
		if($flag) { $flag=false;}

// Function:Connect
// Purpose: connect to the database system.

function Connect()
	return mysql_connect("localhost", "pic40", "pic40");


// Function: FetchRow
// Purpose:

function FetchRow($cursor)
	return mysql_fetch_row($cursor);
// Function:NumRows
// Purpose: returns the numbers of rows left in database cursor $cursor.

function NumRows($cursor)
	return mysql_num_rows($cursor);

// Function: Prepare
// Purpose: prepares an SQL query to be executed

function Prepare($query)
	return mysql_db_query("airtransportation", $query);

// Function:FreeCursor
// Purpose: frees a cursor

function FreeCursor($cursor)

// Function: Close
// Purpose: closes a database handle $dbhandle

function Close($dbhandle)

