Merge Based Index Construction - Query Processing


Chris Pollett

Apr 4, 2022



Merge-based Index Construction

Merge-Based Index Pseudocode

buildIndex_mergeBase(inputTokenizer, memoryLimit) 
    n := 0;
    position := 0;
    memoryConsumption := 0;
    while (inputTokenizer.hasNext()) {
        T := inputTokenizer.getNext();
        obtain dictionary entry for T;
        create new entry if necessary;
        append new position to T's posting list
        if (memoryConsumption > memoryLimit) {
    if (memoryConsumption > 0) {
    merge index partitions I[0],...,I[n-1]
        to make final index I_final;

    create empty on disk inverted file I[n];
    sort in-memory dictionary entries in lex order;
    for each term T in dictionary {
        add T's posting list to I[n];
    delete all in memory posting lists;
    write the dictionary to disk
    reset the in-memory dictionary;
    memoryConsumption := 0;

mergeIndexPartitions([I[0], ..., I[n-1]])
    create empty Inverted File I_final;
    for (k = 0; k < n; k++) {
        open partition I[k] for sequential processing;
    currentIndex := I[0];// anything other than nil so go through loop once
    while (currentIndex != nil) {
        currentIndex = nil;
        for (k = 0; k < n; k++) {
            if (I[k] still has terms left) {
                if (currentIndex == nil || 
                    I[k].currentTerm < currentTerm) {
                    currentIndex := I[k];
                    currentTerm := I[k].currentTerm;
        if (currentIndex != nil) {
    delete I[0], ..., I[n-1];

Remarks on Merge Algorithm

Query Processing

Query Processing for Ranked Retrieval

Okapi BM25

BM25 Example


Which of the following is true?

  1. The insert-at-back heuristic is used as part of hash-based dictionary construction.
  2. Hash-based dictionaries are better if we want to support prefix queries.
  3. A per-term index is a B-tree used for posting lists.

Document-at-a-Time Query Processing

Binary Heaps

Query Processing with Heaps

We can overcome the two limitations of our first algorithm for ranked retrieval by using two heaps: one to manage the query terms and, for each term t, keep track of the next document that contains t; the other one to maintain the set of the top `k` search results seen so far:

rankBM25_DocumentAtATime_WithHeaps((t[1], .. t[n]), k) {
    // create a min-heap for top k results
    for(i = 1 to k) {
       results[i].score := 0;
    // create a min-heap for terms
    for (i = 1 to n) { 
        terms[i].term := t[i];
        terms[i].nextDoc = nextDoc(t[i], -infty);
    sort terms in increasing order of nextDoc x
    while (terms[1].nextDoc < infty) {
        d := terms[1].nextDoc;
        score := 0;
        while(terms[1].nextDoc == d) {
            t := terms[1].term;
            score += log(N/N_t)*TM_(BM25)(t,d);
            terms[1].nextDoc := nextDoc(t,d);
            REHEAP(terms); // restore heap property for terms;
        if(score > results[1].score) {
            results[1].docid := d;
            results[1].score := score;
            REHEAP(results); // restore the heap property for results
    remove from results all items with score = 0;
    sort results in decreasing order of score;
    return results;

The complexity of this algorithm is `Theta(N_q cdot log(n) + N_q \cdot log(k))`.


Term-at-a-Time Query Processing