Recurrent Neural Networks


Chris Pollett

Nov 10, 2021



Unfolding Computation Graphs

Example of unfolding a computation graph

Advantages of RNNs

  1. Regardless of the sequence length, the model learned always has the same input size. This is because it is specified in terms of the transition from one state to another, rather than in terms of a variable-length history of states.
  2. The same transition function `f` is used with the same parameters at every step. Hence, we are learning a single model `f` that operates on all time steps, and all sequence lengths, rather than needing to learn a separate model `g^{(t)}` for each number of time steps.

In-Class Exercise

Designing Recurrent Neural Nets

Converting Graphs to Forward Propagation Equations

Backpropagation Through Time

Teacher Forcing, Networks with Output Recurrence

Output Hidden Layer RNN image  Train time versus Test Time when teaching forcing used image

Gradient Descent for RNNs

Bidirectional RNNs

Bidirectional RNN image 

Encoder-Decoder Sequence-to-Sequence Architectures

Encoder Decoder RNN image