Cost Functions, Output Layers


Chris Pollett

Oct 16, 2017



Costs Functions

Maximum Likelihood Estimation - unlabeled data

MLE for unlabeled data as an Expectation

From MLE for unlabeled data to a Cost Function

From MLE labeled data to a Cost Function

Cross-Entropy Cost Function - Linear Gaussian Case

Cross-Entropy Cost Function - Logistic Function Case


Which of the following is true?

  1. The linear_alg submodule that comes with a default numpy install can be used to compute matrix inverses.
  2. Leave-p-out is an inexhaustive cross-validation technique.
  3. `\hat{mu}_m = 1/m(sum_{i=1}^m x^{(i)})` is an unbiased estimator of `mu` for the Gaussian distribution.

Output Units

Motivating the Sigmoid Function, Softmax

Training a Softmax Layer