Analyzing the Hiring Problem, Generating Random Permutations


Chris Pollett

Jan 31, 2022



Probabilistic analysis

Randomized algorithms


To do probabilistic analysis and to understand randomized algorithms, we need to know a little probability -- so let's review.

Conditional Probability and Independence


Which of the following statements is true?

  1. If you have 10 insurance points and you score 10 out of 20 on the midterm. Your recorded score in the midterm will be 20/20.
  2. Of the five homework scores and total quiz score, the lowest one will be dropped in computing your final grade.
  3. The best case cost for the hiring problem is also `O(n cdot c_h)`.

Discrete Random Variables

Expectation, Variance, Linearity of Expectation

Indicator Random Variables


Lemma 5.1

Given a sample space `S` and an event `A subseteq S`, let `X_A=I{A}`. Then `E[X_A]=Pr{A}`.

Proof: `E[X_A] = E[I{A}] = 1 cdot Pr{A} + 0 cdot Pr{bar(A)} = Pr{A}`.

More Indicator Variables

Analysis of the Hiring Problem

More analysis of hiring problem

Lemma. Assume that the candidates are presented in random order, then algorithm Hire-Assistant has a hiring cost of `O(c_h ln n)`.

Proof. From before hiring cost is `O(m cdot c_h)` where `m` is the number of candidates hired. From the previous slide this is `O(ln n)`.

Finishing up the Hiring Problem

Randomly Permuting Arrays (Method 1)

Analyzing Method 1

Lemma. Procedure Permute-By-Sorting produces a uniform random permutation of the input, assuming that the priorities are distinct.

Proof. Let `sigma:[1 .. n] ->[1..n]` be a permutation, `sigma(i)` being where `i` goes under this permutation. Let `X_i` be the indicator that `A[i]` receives the `sigma(i)`th smallest priority. That is, it indicates that `i` will be mapped correctly after sorting by priorities. So if `X_i` holds then after sorting the element with original value `i` stored in `A[i]` gets mapped to `A[sigma(i)]`. By the definition of conditional probability,
`Pr{Y|X} = (Pr{X cap Y})/(Pr{X})`, so `Pr{X cap Y} = Pr{X} cdot Pr{Y|X}`.
Using this, we have
`Pr{X_1 cap ... cap X_n} = Pr{X_1 cap ... capX_(n-1)} cdot Pr{X_n | X_1 cap ... cap X_(n-1)}`.
Continuing to expand, we get: `Pr{X_1 cap ... cap X_n} = Pr{X_1} cdot Pr{X_2|X_1} cdots Pr{X_n | X_1 cap ... cap X_(n-1)}`.
We can now fill in some of these values:
`Pr{X_1} = 1/n = ` probability that first priority chosen out of `n` is `sigma(1)`th smallest.
`Pr{X_i|X_1 cap... cap X_(i-1)} = 1/(n - i + 1)`.
This is because of the remaining elements `i`, `i+1`, ... `n`, each is equally likely to be the `sigma(i)`th smallest. So
`Pr{X_1 cap ... cap X_n} = 1/n cdot 1/(n-1) cdot ... cdot 1/2 cdot 1/1 = 1/(n!)`.
As `sigma` was arbitrary, any permutation is equally likely.