;;; This file contains the person structure which illustrates defstruct ;;; ;;; (defstruct person ; define a structure person with 6-parts (name 'bob) (height 5.5) (width 28) (weight 110) (sex 'male) (eye-color 'blue) ) (setf bob-instance (make-person)) ; create default instance of person (describe bob-instance) ; print out details of Bob (setf people (list (make-person) (make-person :name 'bobette :sex 'female) (make-person :name 'randy :eye-color 'orange) (make-person :name 'yvonne :sex 'female :eye-color 'indigo) ) ) (defun name_and_eye (plist) (prog nil (format t "~%The names and eye-colors of people in your list are:~%") (dolist (human plist) (format t "~%~A who has eye-color: ~A" (person-name human) (person-eye-color human) ) ) ) )