More Light and Optics


Chris Pollett

Mar 11, 2019



Coherent Versus Jumbled Light


Which of the following statements is true?

  1. The function navigator.getVRDisplays() returns a Promise from which an array of VR Display objects can be gotten.
  2. The only Javascript object allowed to have a requestAnimationFrame() method is Window.
  3. It is impossible to do screen casting using the Android debugger (adb).

Wavelengths and Colors

Light Spectrum
Power Distribution of Light

Perceiving our Surroundings

Spectrum reflection function for common materials

Frequency of Light


Early Examples of Lenses

Snell's Law

Effect of light switching media

Implications of Snell's Law


Light going through a prism

Simple Convex Lens

Light going through a simple convex lens non perpendicular light going through a simple convex lens