VR from Hardware to Software


Chris Pollett

Feb 11, 2019



Virtual World Generators

VR Brain and Sense Organs Creating a Believable World

World-Fixed versus User-Fixed Sound

VR Surround System

World-Fixed versus User-Fixed Visual Input

CAVE vs Headset


Which of the following statements is true?

  1. A-Frame extends basic HTML with custom tags.
  2. Javascript is a strongly typed language.
  3. Rigid objects that can move through space have at most 3 degrees of freedom.

Hardware Components of a VR System

The hardware components of VR systems are classified as:

Components in Detail - Displays

Haptic Displays

Components in Detail - Sensors

MEMS Gyroscope

Components in Detail - Computers

Oculus Rift Teardown

VR Software

Software Components needed for a VR Experience


Human Physiology and Perception

Optical illusions

Optical Illusions

Classification of Senses

Chart of Senses, Stimuluses, Receptors, and Sense Organs

Brains and Processing

Hierarchal Processing in the Brain

Chart of Senses, Stimuluses, Receptors, and Sense Organs