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( Print View )

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HW2 Solutions Page

Return to homework page.

// -- a servlet to store student e-mails in grades file
import java.util.*;
import javax.servlet.*;
import javax.servlet.http.*;

   EmailServlet is a simple servlet that allows students to
   store their emails in the tabbed Excel file a professor
   might use for a class (right now hard-coded as CS100).
   The format of this file is spelled-out in the HW description.

   @author Chris Pollett

public class EmailServlet extends HttpServlet 
      This method is called when the servlet is initially loaded
      into the server. Since we retain our Servlet fields
      until the server releases us, we only need to read in
      the data file and set up our look up table here.
   public void init(ServletConfig conf) throws ServletException
      dataFile = conf.getServletContext().getRealPath("");
      dataFile += "/WEB-INF/classes/CS100.txt";

      courseData = new Vector();
      lookupRow = new Hashtable();


      This method is called whenever a request of our servlet is
      made. It spits out the header and footer HTML and calls
      the appropriate subfunction to handle the request.

      @param request - data on this request
      @param response - data on where to reply to

      @throws IOException, ServletException
   public void service(HttpServletRequest request,
                     HttpServletResponse response)
       throws IOException, ServletException
       out = response.getWriter();
       out.println("<head><title>CS100 Email Collector</title></head>"); 
       out.println("<body bgcolor=\"#EEEEEE\">");
       out.println("<center><h3>CS100 Email Collector</h3>");
       String studentID = request.getParameter("studentID");
       String email = request.getParameter("email");
       if(studentID == null || email == null)
       else if(validID(studentID))
          submitPage(studentID, email);



       This method is called when the servlet is relased by the Server.
       Just to be on the safe side we rewrite out all the data to
       the data file again.
    public void destroy()

       If no data was sent to the servlet then we output the HTML
    private void contactPage()
       out.print("<p>Please enter your student ID ");
       out.println("with dashes (i.e., XXX-XX-XXXX):</p>");

       out.println("<form method=\"GET\" action=\"EmailServlet\">");

       out.print("<p><input type=\"text\" name=\"studentID\"");
       out.println(" size=\"11\" maxlength=\"11\" ></p>");

       out.println("<p>Then enter your e-mail address:</p>");

       out.print("<p><input type=\"text\" name=\"email\"");
       out.println(" size=\"11\" maxlength=\"40\" ></p>");

       out.println("<p><input type=\"submit\" ></p>");       


       Updates the given students e-mail address, writes out
       the updated data file to disk (so that it is immediately
       available to the professor), spits out acknowledgement of
       update HTML. 
       @param studentID - a student ID in the data file
       @param email - the email address for this student.
    private void submitPage(String studentID, String email)
       int rowNum = 
         ((Integer) lookupRow.get("\""+studentID+"\"") ).intValue();
       String line = (String)courseData.get(rowNum);
       StringTokenizer fields = new StringTokenizer(line,"\t");

       int cnt=0;
       String outLine="";
          String field = fields.nextToken();

          if(cnt == emailColumn)
              outLine += "\""+email+"\"\t";
          else outLine += field+"\t";

       courseData.set(rowNum, outLine);

       out.println("<p>Your e-mail has been updated. Have a nice day!</p>");

       Checks if the given studentID is in our data file.

       @return true - if studentID was in data file
    private boolean validID(String studentID)
       return (lookupRow.get("\""+studentID+"\"") == null) ? false : true;

       HTML that is output if the studentID sent was not in
       the data file
    private void invalidIDPage()
       out.println("<p>Invalid ID. Please contact the professor.</p>");

       Reads the data file into a Vector. Also puts into a HashTable
       pairs of the form (studentID, rowNumber) where rowNumber is
       the row in the Vector that one can find the given studentID. 
    private void readDataFile()
           String line;

           BufferedReader buf = new BufferedReader(
              new FileReader(dataFile));

           //Get file meta data
           studentIDColumn = -1;
           emailColumn = -1;
           line=  buf.readLine();

           //Now read in rest of file

              StringTokenizer lineFields = 
                 new StringTokenizer(line,"\t");

              String field="";
              for(int i=0; i <= studentIDColumn; i++)
                  field = lineFields.nextToken();
                 new Integer(courseData.size()-1));
        catch(IOException e)
        catch(Exception e)
          System.err.println("ID or Email column missing");

       Given the meta line for the data file this
       computes which column has the the studentID data.
       and which column has the email data. These two
       items are stored in the global variables emailColumn
       and studentIDColumn

       @param metaLine - meta data line for file
    private void setStudentIDEmailColumns(String metaLine)
       throws Exception
           StringTokenizer meta = new StringTokenizer(metaLine,"\t");
           int cnt = 0;

              String field = meta.nextToken();
              if(field.equals("\"EMAIL\"")) emailColumn = cnt;
              if(field.equals("\"StudentID\"")) studentIDColumn = cnt;
           if( studentIDColumn < 0 || emailColumn <0) 
                throw new Exception();          


       Used to write out the file back to disk
       after an e-mail has been updated 
    private void writeDataFile()
           PrintWriter outFile = new PrintWriter(
             new BufferedWriter(
                new FileWriter(dataFile)));
           Iterator data = courseData.iterator();

        catch(IOException e)

    private String dataFile; //String path to file CS100.txt
    private Vector courseData; // stores all the rows of data file
    Hashtable lookupRow; // used to look up a row by its studentID
    private int studentIDColumn; //column of row which has studentID
    private int emailColumn; //column of row which has email
    private PrintWriter out; //writes to browser
