Regex, Forms, Files, Cookies, and Web-site Architecture


Chris Pollett

Sep 28, 2020


Pattern Matching

Types of web forms

Built-in Globals

File Reading

File Writing

Form Processing and File Functions Example

 * simple_blog.php
 * This program is used to maintain a simple web blog. It has two
 * pages a landing page, where people can add new blog posts as
 * well as see a list of previous posts and an entry page where
 * people can read an old post 
 * Specify location of file containing all the blog posts
define("BLOG_FILE", "blog.txt");
// Determine which activity to perform and call it
$activity = (isset($_REQUEST['a']) && in_array($_REQUEST['a'], [
    "main", "entry"])) ? $_REQUEST['a'] . "Controller" : "mainController";
 * Used to process perform activities realated to the blog landing page
function mainController()
    $data["BLOG_ENTRIES"] = getBlogEntries();
    $data["BLOG_ENTRIES"] = processNewBlogEntries($data["BLOG_ENTRIES"]);
    // maybe in the future could modify so also support RSS out
    $layout = (isset($_REQUEST['f']) && in_array($_REQUEST['f'], [
        "html"])) ? $_REQUEST['f'] . "Layout" : "htmlLayout";
    $layout($data, "landingView");
 * Used to get an array of all the blog entries currently stored on disk.
 * @return array blog entries [ title1 => post1, title2 => post2 ...] if 
 *   file exists and unserializable, [] otherwise
function getBlogEntries()
    if (file_exists(BLOG_FILE)) {
        $entries = unserialize(file_get_contents(BLOG_FILE));
        if ($entries) {
            return $entries;
    return [];
 * Determines if a new blog post was sent from landing form. If so,
 * adds the new post, to the end of a current list of posts, and saves the
 * serialized result to BLOG_FILE
 * @param array $entries an array of current blog entries:
 *  blog entries [ title1 =>post1, title2 => post2 ...]
 * @return array blog entries (updated) [ title1 => post1, title2 => post2 ...]
 *  if file exists and unserializable, [] otherwise
function processNewBlogEntries($entries)
    $title = (isset($_REQUEST['title'])) ?
        filter_var($_REQUEST['title'], FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING) : "";
    $post = (isset($_REQUEST['post'])) ?
        filter_var($_REQUEST['post'], FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING) : "";
    if ($title == "" || $post == "") {
        return $entries;
    $entries = array_merge([$title => $post], $entries);
    file_put_contents(BLOG_FILE, serialize($entries));
    return $entries;
 * Used to set up and then display the view corresponding to a single blog
 * post.
function entryController()
    $data["TITLE"] = (isset($_REQUEST['title'])) ? 
        filter_var($_REQUEST['title'], FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING) : "";
    $entries = getBlogEntries();
    if (!isset($entries[$data["TITLE"]])) {
    $data["POST"] = $entries[$data["TITLE"]];
    $layout = (isset($_REQUEST['f']) && in_array($_REQUEST['f'], [
        "html"])) ? $_REQUEST['f'] . "Layout" : "htmlLayout";
    $layout($data, "entryView");
 * Used to output the top and bottom boilerplate of a Web page. Within
 * the body of the document the passed $view is draw
 * @param array $data an associative array of field variables which might
 *  be echo'd by either this layout in the title, or by the view that is
 *  draw in the body
 * @param string $view name of view function to call to draw body of web page
function htmlLayout($data, $view)
    ?><!DOCTYPE html>
    <head><title>Simple Blog <?php if (!empty($data['TITLE'])) {
        echo ":" . $data['TITLE'];
    } ?></title></head>
 * Used to draw the main landing page with blog form on it as well as previous
 * blog posts
 * @param array $data an associative array of field variables which might
 *  be echo'd by this function. In this case, we will use $data["BLOG_ENTRIES"]
 *  to output old blog entries
function landingView($data)
    <h1><a href="simple_blog.php">Simple Blog</a></h1>
    <h2>New Blog Entry</h2>
    <label for='post-title'>Title</label>:
    <input id='post-title' name="title" placeholder="Post Title" type="text" />
    <label for='post-body'>Post</label>:<br />
    <textarea id='post-body' name="post" rows="30" cols="80"
    placeholder="Type your blog post here" ></textarea>
    <h2>Previous Entries</h2>
    if (!empty($data["BLOG_ENTRIES"])) {
        foreach ($data["BLOG_ENTRIES"] as $title => $post) {
            ?><div><a href="simple_blog.php?a=entry&title=<?=urlencode($title)
            ?>"><?=$title ?></a></div><?php
 * Used to output to the browser an individual blog entry
 * @param array $data an associative array of field variables which might
 *  be echo'd by this function. In this case, we will use $data["TITLE"]
 *  and $data['POST'] which contain the blog post
function entryView($data)
    <h1><a href="simple_blog.php">Simple Blog</a> : <?=$data['TITLE'] ?></h1>
    <h2><?=$data['TITLE'] ?></h2>
    <div><?=$data['POST'] ?>

Remarks on Code


Which of the following statements is true?

  1. Variable interpolation can occur with double quoted string literals in PHP.
  2. By default, all variables in PHP function calls are pass-by-reference.
  3. To cycle through the elements of an array in PHP you should use a for-in loop.

File Locking

Permissions and Unix-like File Manipulation

Directory Handling in PHP
