Chris Pollett>Old Classes>CS170, Fall 1998>Hw4

CS 170

        Due at start of class, Tuesday, Nov. 17, 1998. Read to page 234 in P&Z.  Then do the following exercises from P&Z:

p.187-190  14, 15 (left over from last homework)
p. 235 2,4.

In addition, write the following program which will help you towards your final project. This program takes as input a character line, extracts a string from it  and returns true or false. Here is a prototype for this function.

BOOL sItemParse(char **line, char **string);

If the input **line is not a double quote or an upper case letter
it returns FALSE and *string should be NULL. 
i.e., on input where *line points to 
the dog jumped.
sItemParse returns FALSE, *string would be NULL and line, *line, **line
are unchanged.

If **line is an uppercase letter then *string should point to the string
consisting of a v followed by a copy of the string pointed to by *line
up to the first character which is not an (upper/lower case) letter or a number.
*line should then be advance to this character and sItemParse should return TRUE.
i.e., on input where *line points to
The dog jumped.
sItemParse returns TRUE. *line is set to point to the space after The and
*string is set to point at vThe

If **line is double quote then *string should point to the string consisting of an s followed by a string which consists of characters after *line up to the next " not preceded by a blackslash except that
\\ is converted to \ and \" is " and single \ followed by any other character
are replaced with that other character. If no double quote not preceded by a backslash exists in *line then sItemParse returns FALSE. Otherwise, *line
is advanced to the character after this " and sItemParse returns true.
i.e., on input where *line points to
"The dog said, \"good\\bad\"" things
sItemParse returns TRUE, *line is set to point to the space before things and
*string points to
sThe dog said, "good\bad"

Hint: You try to come up with a finite state machine that performs these transformation and then implement it. In addition write a short program which
can be used to show your program works. Submit printouts of your code with your
homework together with a printout showing your program works.