Finish Transactions - Parallel and Distributed Databases


Chris Pollett

Apr 24, 2023



Dealing with Deadlocks

Comparing Deadlock Handling Methods


Which of the following statements is true?

  1. Serializable schedules are always recoverable.
  2. It is impossible to have a write-too-late situation when multi-version timestamping is used for concurrency control.
  3. A DBMS handling a transaction at a serializable isolation might need to make use of IX or IS locks.

Long Duration Transactions (Gray 1981)

Example Workflow

Example Workflow Long Transaction


Concurrency Control for Sagas

Parallel and Distributed Databases

Models of Parallelism

Parallel Algorithms on Relations

Tuple-at-a-Time Operations in Parallel

Parallel Algorithms for Full-Relation Operations - Distinct Case

Parallel Algorithms for Full-Relation Operations - General Case

Cost of Parallel Algorithm for Full-Relations

Map-Reduce Parallelism Framework

The Basic Framework

Distinct Phases of a Map-Reduce Job

Example Map-Reduce Job for Counting

Example map reduce job for counting

Distributed Databases