

Chris Pollett

Nov 30, 2022



Feedback to learn from

There are three main types of feedback that correspond to the three main types of learning:

In addition, to the above there is also things such as semi-supervised learning where we are given a few labeled examples and must make what we can of a large collection of unlabeled examples.

Unsupervised Learning

In-Class Exercise

Supervised Learning

Decision Trees

Example Decision Tree

Inducing decision trees from examples.

Decision Tree Learning Algorithm

Here is an algorithm for coming up with a decision for a set of examples.

function Decision-Tree-Learning(examples, attributes, parent_examples) returns a tree
    if examples is empty then return Plurality-Value(parent_examples)
    else if all examples have the same classification then return the classification
    else if attributes is empty then return Plurality-Value(examples)
        A := argmax_(a in attributes)Importance(a, examples)
        tree :=  a new decision tree with root test A
        for each value v_k of A do
            exs := {e : e in examples and e.A = v_k}
            subtree := Decision-Tree-Learning(exs, attributes -  A, examples)
            add a branch to tree with label (A=v_k) and subtree subtree
        return tree

Choosing the Attribute to Test

Information Gain


Choosing a Attribute Revisited