HW #5 Page

HW#5 --- last modified January 16 2019 00:35:13..

A solution set is posted here.

Due date: Nov.14 in addition to you source code a project report
========= will be due start of class. This project report
          should contain a brief description of what GUI designs
          you tried during Iteration 2 and Iteration 3 and should
          also have the three signatures of the three people
          you tried these designs on.

Files to be submitted: cs151sec3hw5file1.jar
====================== (After unjarring, your programs will be run with
                        the commands:
                        java cs151sec3hw5file1
                        java cs151sec3hw5file2
                        java cs151sec3hw5file3

Purpose: To get more familiar with Java's GUI and I/O frameworks.
======== To use the iterative development process, the Composite,
         Decorator and State patterns. To think a little about
         GUI usability issues.

For this homework you will create a computer version of a toy resembling either
Mr.or Mrs. Potato Head. Your program will be developed in three iterations:

Iteration 1.(cs151sec3hw5file1) Your program should launch a JFrame on which
            a potato shaped object is draw. On this image should be drawn
            small circles at places where the hat, eyes, ears, nose, mouth, 
            arms, and feet could be drawn. Clicking on these circles makes 
            (depending on which one was clicked) either a hat, eyes, nose, etc.
            appear. To do Iteration 1 you should create a subclass of JPanel
            (say called HeadPanel) which you add to the JFrame. 
            Use the same technique as in the last homework to paint a GIF
            image of a potato onto this panel any time paintComponent
            is called.  You should also create a class called Hole which
            implements Serializable. A Hole has an centerX and a 
            centerY location, a width and a height as well as an ImageIcon.
            Hole's have a drawHole(Graphics g) method which draws the Hole 
            to the Graphics context g. If the ImageIcon is null this 
            method draws a circle centered at centerX, centerY of 
            dimensions width and height. Otherwise, it draws centered at 
            these coordinates the ImageIcon. A Hole also has a method
            setImageIcon(ImageIcon img). Your HeadPanel should have an array 
            of Hole's. Besides drawing the image of a potato each Hole on 
            the HeadPanel should be have 
            its drawHole method called in paintComponent. Add a MouseListener 
            subclass to the HeadPanel and use the getX() and getY() methods of 
            MouseEvent to figure out where on the potato image the mouse 
            was clicked. Then check if this point is contained in any Hole 
            on the HeadPanel. If so, call its setImageIcon() method with the
            correct image for that part of the body (you can hard code
            this for this iteration). You can be 
            a bit sloppy and treat any click within the Hole's rectangle as a
            click on the circle part of the Hole. To set up your HeadPanel you
            should have a constuctor HeadPanel(String head, Hole[] holes).
            head is the name of the file with the potato (or other image)
            and holes is an array of holes where we can click. 
            Your HeadPanel's should also have setHoles(Hole[] h), and 
            getHoles() method.   

Iteration 2. (cs151sec3hw5file2) In this iteration you allow the user to select
             which kind of body part to plug into a given place. For instance,
             you can put eyes where the mouth belongs. Or you may choose to
             place eyes with glasses rather than eyes without glasses on the
             head. Your design from Iteration 2 should be kept extensible
             so that it is easy to add new potato head parts. It is up
             to you to decide how to do the selection of the part to place
             on the potato head. One option would be to use a list of
             buttons on the side of the HeadPanel with icons on them like 
             in the draw program example in Chapter 7. You would probably 
             want to arrange the buttons into groups. Say groups of eye
             parts. You would also want to think of some way so that the 
             user knows what the currently selected part is.  
             Another option would be to use a JPopupMenu that appears when a
             given hole is clicked allowing the user to select the part
             to place there. You can write a new MouseListener for
             the HeadPanel in this iteration and use the State pattern 
             from Chapter 7 in the book to appropriate modify just clicked
             Holes according to the currently selected body part. 
             You should try a couple of GUI designs for this iteration but
             submit only your best. You should have three people try out each
             design and sign on your project report that they tested it.
             Write in your project report what you learned from these tests.

Iteration 3. (cs151sec3hw5file3) In this iteration you should add a JMenuBar
             to your program along with menus to further allow the user
             to control your potato head. Options you must support are
             saving and loading a potato head, and an exit option.
             To save potato heads to and from the disk you can use the
             the getHoles and setHoles method of HeadPanel and also the
             readObject and writeObject method of ObjectInputStream and
             ObjectOutputStream to read and write the array of Holes.
             You can use JFileChooser to have the user select filenames.
             The GUI design issue which is up to you how to resolve
             in this phase is how to let the user undo the placement of a body
             part. Again, test a couple solutions on three friends
             and choose the better solution, get your friends to sign
             a sheet of paper saying they tested your program. 

Point Breakdown
Departmental coding guidelines followed....1pt
One page project report containing friend
Iteration 1 program works as described.....1pt
Hole and HeadPanel classes as described....1pt
Iteration 2 program works as described.....1pt
State pattern use constructively...........1pt
(Iteration 3)
Save and load potato heads works...........1pt
Can undo body part placement...............1pt


There will be a 1 point bonus for people who develop especially cool

A solution set is posted here.