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7.4 Short the result of first 7-sorting, then 3-sorting then 1-sorting:
     9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1

    7-sorting above gives

    2, 1, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 9, 8

    3-sorting this gives

    2, 1, 4, 3, 5, 7, 6, 9, 8

    Finally, 1-sorting produces the sorted list

    1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

7.15 Sort 3, 1, 4, 1, 5, 9, 2, 6 using mergesort.

     We would first sort the two halfs 3, 1, 4, 1
     and 5, 9, 2, 6 and merge the result.

     Sorting 3, 1, 4, 1 involves sorting 3, 1 and
     4, 1 and merging the result.

     Sorting 3, 1 involves sorting 3 and then 1 and
     merging the result. These are already sorted
     and after the merge we get 1, 3.

     Similarly, sorting 4, 1 involves sorting 4 and then 1
     and merging the result giving 1, 4.

     Merging 1,3 and 1, 4 yields 1, 1, 3, 4 and completes the
     the sorting of 3, 1, 4, 1.

     Sorting 5, 9, 2, 6 involves sorting 5, 9 then
     2,6 and merging the result.

     Sorting 5, 9 involves sorting 5 and then 9 and
     merging the result. These are already sorted
     and after the merge we get 5, 9.

     Similarly, sorting 2, 6 involves sorting 2 and then 6
     and merging the result giving 2, 6.

     Merging 5, 9 and 2, 6 yields 2, 5, 6, 9 and completes the
     the sorting of 5, 9, 2, 6.

     Finally, we merge A= 1, 1, 3, 4 and B= 2, 5, 6, 9. To illustrate
     how merge is done we describe this in more detail
     We have three counters Actr, Bctr, and Cctr which start at
     the start of the arrays A, B and the target arrays respectively.

     Since 1 < 2 we write 1 into the target array and do Actr++, Cctr++,
     since 1 < 2 we write again 1 into the target array and do Actr++, Cctr++,
     since ! 3 < 2 we write 2 into the target array and do Bctr++, Cctr++,
     since 3 < 5 we write 3 into the target array and do Actr++, Cctr++,
     since 4 < 5 we wrtie 4 into the traget array and do Actr++, Cctr++.
     At this point A is finished and we write the raminder of B into
     the target array giving the sorted list 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9.

Prove quickselect has O(N) expected running time.

By analogy with equation 7.14 in the book the running time of
QuickSelect is:

T(N) = 1/N[Sum^{N-1}_{j=0}T(j)] + cN       (*)

The fact of 2 from the first term on the write becomes a factor of 1
because we only look at the partition which has the kth element and not
both partitions as in Quicksort.

Multiplying both sides of (*) by N give

NT(N) = Sum^{N-1}_{j=0}T(j) + cN^2.        (**)

Subtracting the N-1 version of eqn (**) from the above version gives:

NT(N) - (N-1)T(N-1) = T(N-1) + 2cN - c.

which is equivalent to

NT(N) = NT(N-1) + 2cN - c.

We can now divide both sides by N to get

T(N) = T(N-1) + 2c - c/N.

Since c > 0 and we just want an upper bound we have

T(N) < T(N-1) + 2c < T(N-2) + 2c +2c < ... < T(1) + (N-1)2c

as T(1) is a constant this shows T(N) is O(N).

//cs146sec6hw5file1.java - an application to make random mazes

import java.awt.*; // for drawing
import java.awt.event.*; // for window closing
import javax.swing.*; // for JFrame
import java.util.*; // for Random

   This application  is used to draw randomly generated mazes
   in a JFrame.
public class cs146sec6hw5file1 extends JFrame
      The constructor used to create JFrame. Has on it a
      MazePanel where the maze where the maze is acutally drawn.

      @param width - how wide in pixels frame is
      @param height- how high in pixels frame is
      @param mazeWidth - how many cells wide the maze is
      @param mazeHeight - how many cells high the maze is
   public cs146sec6hw5file1(int width, int height, 
                            int mazeWidth, int mazeHeight) 
      super("Maze Drawer");

      Container c = getContentPane();

      c.add(new MazePanel(width, height, mazeWidth, mazeHeight));
      setSize(width, height);      

      Set-up frame and window closing listener. 
      @param args - command line arguments used to determine
                    size of frame and maze
   public static void main(String[] args) 
      if( args.length < 4 )
         System.err.println("You need four command line arguments:"); 
         System.err.println("sizeX sizeY maze_width maze_height"); 
      cs146sec6hw5file1 app = new cs146sec6hw5file1(

      app.addWindowListener( new WindowAdapter() //anonymous inner class
            public void windowClosing( WindowEvent e)


} //end cs146sec6hw5file1.java

class MazePanel extends JPanel
      Constructor for MazePanel. Sets up both its size in pixels and
      the number of cells wide and high it is.
   MazePanel(int width, int height, int mazeWidth, int mazeHeight)
      this.width = width;	
      this.height = height;				
      this.mazeWidth = mazeWidth;
      this.mazeHeight = mazeHeight;

      xOffset = width/(mazeWidth+2);
      yOffset = height/(mazeHeight+2);  

      Method called when maze needs to be drawn to a graphics context    
      g - graphics constext on which maze is drawn.      
   public void paintComponent(Graphics g)

       returns the preferred size of the MazePanel so that 
       it will be drawn correctly of frame. 
   public Dimension getPreferredSize()
      return new Dimension(width,height);

      This method draws the complete grid with four walls around
      each cell. 

      g - graphics context we are drawing to.
   void drawFullGrid(Graphics g)

	for(int y = yOffset, i = 0; i <= mazeHeight ; i++, y += yOffset) 
           for(int x = xOffset, j = 0 ; j <= mazeWidth; j++, x += xOffset)
              g.fillOval(x-2, y-2, 4, 4);
              if(j < mazeWidth) g.drawLine(x, y, x+xOffset, y);
              if(i < mazeHeight) g.drawLine(x, y, x, y+yOffset);

      This method uses randomness and the disjoint Set ADT to delete 
      edges from the full grid that has already previously been drawn
      to create a maze. To ensure that our maze doesn't change under
      repaints our random number generator always starts with the
      same seed.
   void mazifyGrid(Graphics g)
      int gridSize = mazeWidth*mazeHeight;
      int numComponents = gridSize;
      DisjSetsFast connectedCells= new DisjSetsFast(gridSize);
      Random random = new Random(randomSeed);

      while(numComponents > 1)
          int cell = random.nextInt(gridSize);
          int direction = random.nextInt(2);
          int neighbour = cell;
          int tmp;
          if(direction > 0) 
             if((tmp = cell + mazeWidth) < gridSize)
                neighbour = tmp;   
          else if( cell % mazeWidth < mazeWidth - 1 )
          int nRoot = connectedCells.find(neighbour);
          int cRoot = connectedCells.find(cell);
          if(nRoot != cRoot)
             connectedCells.union(nRoot, cRoot);
             deleteLine(g, cell, neighbour);


      Used to delete the edge between cell and neighbour in the
      maze image that has already been drawn to g.
   void deleteLine(Graphics g, int cell, int neighbour)
       int cRow = cell/mazeWidth;
       int cColumn = cell % mazeWidth;
       int nRow = neighbour/mazeWidth;
       int nColumn = neighbour % mazeWidth;

       if( cRow == nRow)
           cRow ++;
           nRow += 2;
           cColumn += 2;
           nColumn = cColumn;
           cColumn ++;
           nColumn += 2;
           cRow += 2;
           nRow = cRow;
       g.drawLine(cColumn*xOffset, cRow*yOffset,  nColumn*xOffset, nRow*yOffset);

   int width; // width of panel in pixels
   int height; // height of panel in pixels
   int mazeWidth; // number of cells width the maze is
   int mazeHeight; // number of cells high the maze is
   int xOffset; // length of a horizontal edge
   int yOffset; // height of a vertical edge

   protected long randomSeed = 101; /* fixed seed for our random
                                       number generator */

   Below is essentially code from Weiss' book for the
   disjoint set class, using union by rank
   and path compression.
   Elements in the set are numbered starting at 0.
class DisjSetsFast
      Construct the disjoint sets object.
      numElements is the initial number of disjoint sets.
   DisjSetsFast( int numElements )
      s = new int [ numElements ];
      for( int i = 0; i < s.length; i++ )
         s[ i ] = -1;

      Union two disjoint sets using the height heuristic.
      For simplicity, we assume root1 and root2 are distinct
      and represent set names.
      root1 is the root of set 1.
      root2 is the root of set 2.
   void union( int root1, int root2 )
      if( s[ root2 ] < s[ root1 ] )  // root2 is deeper
         s[ root1 ] = root2;        // Make root2 new root
         if( s[ root1 ] == s[ root2 ] )
            s[ root1 ]--;          // Update height if same
         s[ root2 ] = root1;       // Make root1 new root

      Perform a find with path compression.
      Error checks omitted again for simplicity.
      x is the element being searched for.
   int find( int x )
      if( s[ x ] < 0 )
         return x;
         return s[ x ] = find( s[ x ] );

   private int [ ] s;