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4.9 (a)

Step 1: insert 3             Step 2: insert 1         Step 3: insert 4
=======                      =======                  =======

       (3)                          (3)                      (3)
                                    /                        / \
                                  (1)                      (1) (4)
Step 5: insert 6             Step 6: insert 9         Step 7: insert 2
=======                      =======                  =======

       (3)                          (3)                      (3)
       / \                          / \                      / \
     (1) (4)                      (1) (4)                  (1) (4)
           \                            \                    \   \
           (6)                          (6)                  (2) (6)
                                          \                        \
                                          (9)                      (9)

Step 8: insert 5             Step 9: insert 7       
=======                      =======                

       (3)                          (3)                     
       / \                          / \                     
     (1) (4)                      (1) (4)                  
       \   \                        \   \    
       (2) (6)                      (2) (6)           
           / \                          / \                        
         (5) (9)                      (5) (9)

4.9 (b) Delete 3 from last tree above.

Step 1
3 has two children in above tree so we find the minimal element
in the right subtree of 3. This is 4. So we store 4 in 3's node to get

       / \                                           
     (1) (4)                                       
       \   \                          
       (2) (6)                                 
           / \                                               
         (5) (9) 

Now we do a remove 4 on the right subtree of the root. Since 4 has only
one subtree, we set the right subtree of the root to be this subtree.
Hence we get:

       / \___                                           
     (1)    (6)                                       
       \    / \                          
       (2)(5) (9)                                 
//cs146sec6hw2file1.java - an application to parse and draw ShML files

import java.awt.*; // for drawing
import java.awt.event.*; // for window closing
import java.awt.geom.*; // for Rectangle
import javax.swing.*; // for drawing
import java.util.*; // for Stack
import java.io.*; // to read files


   Objects of this class read in ShML files, parse them and draw
   them in frames. This class can be run as an application from
   the command line with a line like

   java cs146sec6hw2file filename
   where filename is the name of an ShML file.
   @author  Chris Pollett
   @version 1.0			
public class cs146sec6hw2file1 extends JFrame
   protected ShMLShape docFigure; /* 
                                     Outermost shape to be drawn
                                     This is a black ShMLSquare
                                     on which all the other objects
                                     from the shmlfile are put
   public static final int DEFAULT_X_SZ = 400; // default frame sizes
   public static final int DEFAULT_Y_SZ = 400;

      The constructor reads file into docFigure ShMLShape. Sets
      title and color of frame.
      @param name - name of file to be read.
   public cs146sec6hw2file1( String name) 
      super("ShML Browser");



      Sets how big the frame to view the ShML file should be.
      Also sets how big outermost ShMLShape docFigure should be.  
   public void setSize(int x, int y)
      docFigure.setRectangle(new Rectangle(5,22,x,y));

      Called whenever our frame needs to be painted.
      This method just draws the top level shape on itself.
   public void paint(Graphics g)

      Reads in an shml file and parse it into a ShMLSquare

      @param shmlFile - file containing shml tags
      @return the ShMLShape described by the shml tags
              added to a ShMLSquare the size of the frame.
      @see parseShMLLine
   public ShMLShape parseShMLDoc(String shmlFile)
      Stack shapeStack = new Stack();
      ShMLShape figure = new ShMLSquare(); // root ShMLShape we will return 
      String line;


         BufferedReader buf= new BufferedReader(new FileReader(shmlFile));

         while((line = buf.readLine()) != null)
      catch(FileNotFoundException fe)
         System.err.println("File not found");
      catch(IOException ie)
         System.err.println("An I/O Exception occurred:"+ie.toString());
      catch(Exception ee) //will get here if parseShMLLine gets stuck
         System.err.println("The provided file was not a valid ShML file.");
      if(shapeStack.size() != 1)
         System.err.println("The provided file was not a valid ShML file.");
         figure.setColor(Color.black); // root shape is black.
         return figure;

        Parses a line of shml tags, create shape objects
        in correct tree structure and add them
        to stack.

	@param line - a String of shml tags
        @param stack - a Stack of ShMLShape object
        @throws Exception  - if string not parseable

   public void parseShMLLine(String line, Stack stack)
                             throws Exception
      StringTokenizer tokens = new StringTokenizer(line);
      String cur;

      ShMLShape fig;
      ShMLShape tmp=new ShMLShape(); 

         cur = tokens.nextToken("<");

         fig = (ShMLShape)stack.pop();
         if(cur.equals("square>") || cur.equals("circle>") ||
            if(cur.equals("square>")) tmp = new ShMLSquare();
            if(cur.equals("circle>")) tmp = new ShMLCircle();
            if(cur.equals("triangle>")) tmp = new ShMLTriangle();
         else if( cur.trim().equals("") ) /* don't change top of
                                            stack if see white space
         else if(!( (cur.equals("/square>") && fig instanceof ShMLSquare) || 
                    (cur.equals("/circle>") && fig instanceof ShMLCircle) || 
                    (cur.equals("/triangle>") &&fig instanceof ShMLTriangle)
                ) //not correct tag or symbol so bail
             throw new Exception();

   // Main entry point
   public static void main(String[] args) 
      if( args.length == 0 )
         System.err.println("You need to give as a comand line " +
                            "argument an ShML file.");
      cs146sec6hw2file1 app= new cs146sec6hw2file1(args[0]);

      if(args.length == 3)
         app.setSize(DEFAULT_X_SZ, DEFAULT_Y_SZ);	

      app.addWindowListener( new WindowAdapter() //anonymouse inner class
            public void windowClosing( WindowEvent e)

   Base class from which all shapes derived.
   Provides basic functionality to draw a shape and its children to
   a graphics context and to arrange subshapes on a shape.

   Notice used inner classes. This was to keep the javadoc functionality. 
public static class ShMLShape
   protected Color color; // color of shape

   protected Polygon shape; // polygon used to draw shape
   protected Rectangle interior; /* an open Rectangle 
                                    on which subShapes can be drawn */ 

   protected boolean curOrganized; /* flag to ck if we've set
                                      the rectangle's for sub shapes*/

   protected ArrayList subShapes; // child shapes attached to this one

      Initial array of child shapes on shape and
      polygon used to draw shape. Shapes not organized yet.
   public ShMLShape() 
      subShapes =new ArrayList();
      shape = new Polygon();
      curOrganized = false; 

      This method set the size of the exterior rectangle
      for shape. By default we say this is the same as the interior 
      rectangle.; however, we will override this.
      @param ex - Rectangle that just bounds exterior of shape
   public void setRectangle(Rectangle ex)

      Sets the color of current shape

      @param c - color shape changed to
   public void setColor(Color c)

      Adds sub shape to the list of shapes on this ShMLShape

      @param s - subshape to be added
   public void add(ShMLShape s)

     Divides the interior rectangle into subrectangle
     used to set the exterior rectangles of subshapes. 
   private void organize()
      ShMLShape curSubShape;
      Rectangle r;

      Iterator iter = subShapes.iterator();

      int size = subShapes.size();
      int x = interior.x;
      int y = interior.y;
      int height = interior.height;
      int width = interior.width;
      if ( size> 0) width = width/size;

         curSubShape = (ShMLShape)(iter.next());
         r=new Rectangle(x+1,y+1,width-1, height-1);
      curOrganized = true;

      Draws just the current ShMLShape
   protected void drawShape(Graphics g)


      Draws shape
   public void draw(Graphics g)
      ShMLShape tmp;

      if(!curOrganized) organize();
      Iterator shapeIter = subShapes.iterator();




    Derived type of ShMLShape used to draw a triangle.
public static class ShMLTriangle extends ShMLShape

      Initialize triangle color to red. Implicit call
      to ShMLShape default constructor.
   public ShMLTriangle()
      color= Color.red;

      Uses the exterior rectangle to set the coordinates
      for the triangle's polygon. Then calculates interior

      @param ex - exterior rectangle
   public void setRectangle(Rectangle ex)
      int x = ex.x, y =ex.y;
      int width = ex.width, height = ex.height;
      int side = (width > height) ? height : width;	
      int[] xPoints = {x, x+side/2, x+side};
      int[] yPoints = {y+side, y, y+side};

      shape=new Polygon( xPoints,  yPoints, 3);

      interior =new Rectangle(x+side/4,y+side/2, side/2, side/2);


    Derived type of ShMLShape used to draw a square.
public static class ShMLSquare extends ShMLShape
      Initialize square color to blue. Implicit call
      to ShMLShape default constructor.
   public ShMLSquare()

      Uses the exterior rectangle to set the coordinates
      for the square's polygon. Then calculates interior

      @param ex - exterior rectangle
   public void setRectangle(Rectangle ex)
      int x = ex.x;
      int y = ex.y;
      int width = ex.width;
      int height = ex.height;
      int side = (width > height) ? height : width;	

      int[] xPoints = {x, x, x+side, x+side};
      int[] yPoints = {y, y+side, y+side, y};

      shape = new Polygon(xPoints, yPoints, xPoints.length);

      interior = new Rectangle(x+1, y+1, side-1, side-1);

    Derived type of ShMLShape used to draw a circle.
public static class ShMLCircle extends ShMLShape

   private Rectangle exterior; /* rectangle used to bound outside of

   private double root2Over2 = Math.sqrt(2)/2; /* used to calculate 
                                                  interior rectangle
   private double offsetScaling = (1-root2Over2)/2; /* used to calculate
      Initialize circle color to green. Implicit call
      to ShMLShape default constructor.
   public ShMLCircle()
      color = Color.green;

      Sets both the interior and exterior rectangles for circles

      @param ex - exterior rectangle to set to
   public void setRectangle(Rectangle ex)
      int x = ex.x;
      int y = ex.y;
      int width = ex.width;
      int height = ex.height;
      int side = (width > height) ? height : width;
      int interSide = (int)(side*root2Over2);
      int offset = (int)(offsetScaling*side);	

      interior = new Rectangle(x + offset, y+offset, 
                               interSide, interSide );

      exterior = new Rectangle(x , y, side, side );

     Draw the current circle. Notice don't use a Polygon.
   protected void drawShape(Graphics g)
      g.fillOval(exterior.x, exterior.y, exterior.width, exterior.height);

} //end cs146sec6hw2file1.java