HW #6 Page

HW#6 --- last modified January 16 2019 00:35:12..

A solution set is posted here.

Due date: Dec. 3 In addition to turning in your programs the following
========= book problems are due on paper at the start of class:
          9.1, 9.11, 9.54, 10.3. 

Files to be submitted: cs146sec6hw6file1.java (sec8 if that's
=====================  your section. File for 9.50 out of the book)

Purpose:  To gain familiarity with topological sorting, shortest path
========  algorithms, maximum flow, NP-completeness reductions,
          Huffman coding, faster matrix multiplication.

In addition to the handwritten problems you need to turn in start of class
you need to write a program for problem 9.50 from the book. This program
will be run from the command line as:

java cs146sec6file1 sourceword targetword dictionary

Here sourceword is the word you are trying to find the one character
substitutions from; targetword is the word you are trying to transform to;
and dictionary is the filename of a dictionary of words that are to
be used to do the transformation (if possible). Your program should output
Yes or No on a line if the transformation is or is not possible. If it
is possible it should list out one possible way to do the transformation. 

Point Breakdown
Departmental coding guidelines
free pt...............................1pt
Your program reads in the dictionary
  in from provided file...............1pt
Shortest paths algorithm works........1pt


Problem 10.28 is now a bonus point if you do it.

A solution set is posted here.