PIC 10b Fall 2000 HW #2

Homework FAQ.

Solution Set.

Due date: Oct. 18. Lecture 1's due time is: 10:30pm 
=========          Lecture 2's due time is: 5:30pm.

Reading Assignment: Read Sedgewick Ch1 to Ch3 Sec 3.
Files to submit:   pic10bhw2file1.h   -contains Set interface
=================  pic10bhw2file2.cpp -contains Set class implementation   
                   pic10bhw2file3.cpp -contains driver program i.e., main()

HW2 Purpose: Write a dynamic storage class called Set. 
============ Practice with separate compilation of files.
             Gain experience with operator overloading and
             dynamic memory allocation. Learn a little
             bit about analyzing amortized run time of an 

The Set class has three private variables:

int *array; // stores user data 
int curSize; // storage space used
int maxSize; // current total storage space.

Below are the public member functions for and friends of Set:

Set(); // constructor. array set to be a new array of ints of size 10
          // curSize is set to 0; maxSize set to 10

Set(int s); //constructor. array set to be a new array of ints of size s
               // curSize is set to 0; maxSize is set to s.

Set(const Set& s); //constructor. copies s into current object

~Set(); //destructor should free up memory in *array

Set& operator=(Set& v);        //should use this pointer to check if
                                    //v is current object. If it is
                                    //return current object. Otherwise,
                                    //set up current object as in v and
                                    //return current object.
                                    //member function not friend!

friend Set operator+(const Set& s, int m); //returns the Set that results from
                                          //adding m to s.

friend Set operator+(int m, const Set& s); //returns the Set that results from
                                          //adding m to s (does same as
                                          //previous function)

//For the previous two functions if s's curSize < maxSize then
//the Set returned by + has the same maxSize as s but curSize is incremented.
//On the other hand, if curSize = maxSize then the Set returned 
//has curSize one larger, but maxSize twice as large as s. 
//When allocating memory for array in the new Set make it of size this
//new maxSize.

bool element(int i); //checks if the integer i has been stored in the Set.
                     // returns true if it has; false otherwise.

friend ostream& operator << (ostream& out, const Set& s);
                                     //prints each element to ostream&
                                     //separated by a return

friend istream& operator >> (istream& in, Set& s);
                                     //reads one integer element 
                                     //and stores it into set s using
                                     //+ operator.

You should also write a driver program as below:
The driver should first should create two sets:
Set *s1, *s2;
s1 = new Set();
s2 = new Set(1); 

It should then set 
*s1 = *s2 +1; 
*s1 = *s1; 
*s2 = 2 + *s1;

It should check if 2 is an element of s1 and print out result using cout.
It should check if 2 is an element of s2 and print out result using cout.

It should read two more elements into s2 using cin >> *s2 >> *s2;

Finally it should print out the elements of s2 using cout << *s2 and then
delete s1 and s2 and return 0. 

Point Breakdown for HW2
If the submit program didn't collect your file
because you misnamed it or you did not follow
the required formatting instructions in the syllabus
you will get a 0 without an opportunity for a regrade.

If your driver program doesn't test something as described above, 
then you won't receive credit for it.

How well your code is commented.........1pt.
use #ifndef in header file..............1pt.
class def in header has member and
    friend functions as specified above.1pt.
constructors and destructors work
Set + int and int + Set work
= is overloaded and uses the "this" 
        pointer correctly...............1pt.
element(i) method works correctly.......1pt.
<< and >> overloaded and work 
Bonus...................................1pt.(after curving on final grade)

Bonus: Implement the following two additional member function and friend
====== function and write additional driver routine to test them:

Set& operator+=(int elt); // adds elt to current Set using same
                   // algorithm for resizing array as stated above
                  //returns reference of current set.
                  //Only does copying when need to resize.

friend bool operator==(const Set& s1, const Set& s2);
              // tests if two sets are the same.
              // They are the same if have same elements.
              // It doesn't matter if they have same number of
              // copies of a given element. i.e., {1,2} and {1,2,1}
              // are same.