Chris Pollett>Old Classes>PIC 10a, Spring 2000>Hw3>Hw3 Solutions

Spring 2000 PIC 10a HW3 Solutions Page

//page 210. Problem 2

// Program Name: pic10avg.cpp
// Purpose: Obtains four numbers from the user and caluclates and
//          displays there average and standard deviation
// Known Bugs: As is not very extendable to more than 4 numbers


//Function prototypes

void AvgAndStd(double s1, double s2, double s3, double s4, double& avg,
			double& stdev);
// Computes the average and standard deviation of four numbers
// Precondition: s1, s2, s3, s4 have been assigned values
// Postcondition: avg contains the average of these numbers
//                stdev contain the standard deviation

double Average(double s1, double s2, double s3, double s4);
// Computes the average and standard deviation of four numbers
// Precondition: s1, s2, s3, s4 have been assigned values
// Postcondition: average of numbers is returned

double StdDev(double s1, double s2, double s3, double s4, double avg);
// Computes the average and standard deviation of four numbers
// Precondition: s1, s2, s3, s4, avg have been assigned values
//              and avg is the average of s1, s2, s3, s4
// Postcondition: standard deviation is returned

// Function name: main()
// Purpose: driver program to test AvgAndStd. Asks user to enter
//          four numbers and the average and stdard deviation of
//          these numbers is then displayed. The user is then
//          prompted if he/she want to do calculation again.
// Known Bugs: none

int main()
        double s1, s2, s3, s4, avg, stdev;
        char keepGoing;

        cout << "Standard Deviation and Average calculator\n\n";
        cout << "Enter four numbers and this program will compute\n";
        cout << "their and average and standard deviation\n";

          //Get Inputs

          cout << "\nEnter the first number: ";
          cin >> s1;

          cout << "\nEnter the second number: ";
          cin >> s2;

          cout << "\nEnter the third number: ";
          cin >> s3;

          cout << "\nEnter the fourth number:";
          cin >> s4;

          //Calculate Average and Standard deviation

          AvgAndStd( s1, s2, s3, s4, avg, stdev);

          //Output Results and prompt if want to do again

          cout << "\nThe average of those numbers was: " << avg << endl;
          cout << "\nThe standard deviation was: " << stdev << endl;

          cout << "\nDo you want do this again on some more numbers?(y/n)";
          cin >> keepGoing;

        }while( keepGoing == 'y' );

        return 0;

// Function name: AvgAndStd
// Purpose: Calculates the average and standard deviation of the four
//          numbers s1, s2, s3, s4 it returns the result by call-by-
//          reference in avg and stdev
// Known Bugs: none

void AvgAndStd(double s1, double s2, double s3, double s4, double& avg,
			double& stdev)
        avg = Average(s1,s2,s3,s4);

        stdev = StdDev(s1,s2,s3,s4,avg);

// Function name: Average
// Purpose: Calculates the average of the four
//          numbers s1, s2, s3, s4 and returns this value
// Known Bugs: none

double Average(double s1, double s2, double s3, double s4)
        return (s1+s2+s3+s4)/4;

// Function name: StdDev
// Purpose: Calculates the standard deviation of the four
//          numbers s1, s2, s3, s4 using avg as their average.
//          It then returns this value.
// Known Bugs: none

double StdDev(double s1, double s2, double s3, double s4, double avg)
	double diff1= s1-avg, diff2 = s2-avg, diff3=s3-avg, diff4=s4-avg;

	return sqrt( (
                     )/4 );

// page 210 problem 3

// Program Name: pic10avg.cpp
// Purpose: Obtains four numbers from the user and caluclates and
//          displays there average and standard deviation
// Known Bugs: As is not very extendable to more than 4 numbers


//Function prototypes

void compute_coin(int coin_value, int& number, int& amount_left);
// Computes the number of coins of denomination coin_value
// can be subtracted from amount_left. It decreases amount_left
// by this much and sets number to this number of coins.
// Precondition: 0 < coin_value < 100, 0 <= amount_left < 100
// Postcondition: number has been set equal to the maximum number of coins of
//                denomination coin_value cents that can be obtained from
//                amount_left cents.
//                amount_left has been decrease by the value of the coins, i.e.,
//                decreased by number*coin_value.

// Function name: main()
// Purpose: program to test compute_coin. Asks user to enter
//          an amount and tells what coins to give out for that
//	    amount of change. Then queries user is wants to change
//          another amount
// Known Bugs: none

int main()
        int number, amount_left;

        char keepGoing;

        cout << "\n** Welcome to the Change Making Program ** \n";

            // Prompt and get an amount

            cout << "\nPlease enter a number between 1 and 99 to make"
                 << " change for:\n";

	    cin >> amount_left;

            // Check if in allowed range and if so make change
            // Otherwie give an error

            if ( amount_left > 0 && amount_left <100)
              cout << endl<< amount_left << " cents can be given as\n";

              compute_coin(25, number, amount_left);
              cout << number << "quarter(s) ";

              compute_coin(10, number, amount_left);
              cout << number << "dime(s) ";

              compute_coin(1, number, amount_left);
              cout << number << "penny(pennies) ";
            else cout << "\nError. Number should be between 1 and 99";

            // Prompt whether to do again

            cout << "\n\nDo you want to make change again? (y/n)\n";
	    cin >> keepGoing;
        while( keepGoing == 'y');

        return 0;

// Function name: compute_coin()
// Purpose: Computes the number of coins of denomination coin_value
//          can be subtracted from amount_left. It decreases amount_left
//          by this much and sets number to this number of coins.
// Known Bugs: none

void compute_coin(int coin_value, int& number, int& amount_left)
        number = amount_left/coin_value;
        amount_left %= coin_value;