Chris Pollett>Old Classes>PIC 10a, Spring 2000>Hw6>Hw6 Solutions

Spring 2000 PIC 10a HW6 Solutions Page

// Put your personal info and Honesty statement here
// Program Name: MineSweeper.cpp
// Purpose: A program that plays a simplified version of the game minesweeper
// Known Bugs: random number generator generates same bomb positions
//		each time played would be better to connect to system clock

#include<iostream.h> //for cout
#include<stdlib.h> //for exit(), rand()

// Enumerated types and constants

enum SquareValues { EMPTY_SEEN=' ',
		    BOMB= 9}; // SquareValues enumerates the possible values
                              // that can be stored in
			      // a position on a minesweeper board

enum MoveResult { MOVE_OUT_OF_RANGE,
		}; // MoveResult enumerates possible things that can happen
		   // when attempting a move on a MineSweeper game

const int MAX_UNSEEN = 9; // highest number in SquareValues that is
			  // printed to screen as '#'

const int DEFAULT_NUM_BOMBS =10; //number of bombs that
				// will be put on a minsweeper board
				// unless otherwise specified
const int DEFAULT_SIZE =10; //the start-off size of a minesweeper board

// Classes

// Class name: MineSweeper
// Purpose: Stores board used in minesweeper game.
//          Also keeps track of the number of bombs on the board
//	    and the size of the board. Has methods which allows
//          a driver program to calculate the score, to print the
//	    board to the screen, or to play a move on the board.
// Known Bugs: none

class MineSweeper
	MineSweeper( int nBombs = DEFAULT_NUM_BOMBS,
		     int boardSize = DEFAULT_SIZE);
			// Constructor for a MineSweeper object.
			// It sets size = boardSize and
			// numBombs= nBombs. Then it
		        // creates memory for the board by doing
			// board[r] = new SquareValues [size];
			// for each row. Next it sets each square
			// on board to be EMPTY_UNSEEN.
			// Then it adds BOMBS to numBombs many
			// random and **DISTINCT** places on board.
			// To select a row for a bomb randomly
		        // row = (int)(size*rand()/(RAND_MAX+1.0))
			// is used. (Columns are selected similarly)
			// rand() is in stdlib and is much like generator
			// from hw2. RAND_MAX is a constant defined in
			// stdlib. When each BOMB is added the values
			// of the surrounding non-BOMB squares are
			// incremented by one, so they accurately reflect
			// how many BOMBS are adjacent.

	~MineSweeper(); //Destructor. Deletes game board.
			//Since board is a 2-dimensional array
			//must do delete [] board[r] for each row.

	MoveResult move(int x, int y); // if x and y is a BOMB or
				       // or out of range the
				       // corresponding MoveResult value
				       // is returned. Otherwise, the square
				       // board[x][y] is set to its
				       // corresponding SEEN value and
				       // SUCCESSFUL is returned. i.e.,
				       // ONE_UNSEEN would become ONE_SEEN

	void printBoard(); // prints out what the current board
			   // looks like. If board[i][j] is less than
			   // or equal MAX_UNSEEN then the square is printed
			   // as a #. Otherwise char(board[i][j]) is printed.

	int scoreBoard(); // counts up the number of squares in
			  // the board with value greater than
			  // MAX_UNSEEN. This is the number of pieces that
			  // have been seen.

	int getNumBombs(); // returns the value numBombs;
	int getSize();	// returns the value size

	SquareValues** board; // the minesweeper game board
			      // a pointer to a pointer is
			      // just like a 2-dimensional array

	int size; //store the size of current game board

	int numBombs; // stores the number of bombs used on current
		      // game board.

// Method name: MineSweeper
// Purpose: Constructor. Creates a board, places BOMBS on it,
//          and sets adjacent square accordingly
// Known Bugs: none
MineSweeper::MineSweeper(int nBombs, int boardSize)
	numBombs = nBombs;
	size = boardSize;
	int xRand, yRand;

	board = new SquareValues* [size];

	for(int i =0; i  <size; i++)
		board[i] = new SquareValues [size];

		for(int j=0; j  <size; j++)
		   board[i][j] = EMPTY_UNSEEN;

	for(int i = 0; i  <numBombs; i++)
		xRand = (int)(size*rand()/(RAND_MAX+1.0));
		yRand = (int)(size*rand()/(RAND_MAX+1.0));

	    }while(board[xRand][yRand] == BOMB);

	   for(int v = xRand-1; v  <xRand+2; v++)
		for(int w= yRand-1; w  <yRand+2; w++)
		    if(v  <0 || w  <0 || v >=size || w >= size ||
				board[v][w] == BOMB) continue;
		    board[v][w] = (SquareValues)(board[v][w]+ 1);

	   board[xRand][yRand] = BOMB;


// Method name: ~MineSweeper
// Purpose: Destructor. Deletes each row of MineSweeper game.
// Known Bugs: none

	for(int i =0;  i  <size; i++)
	     delete [] board[i];

	delete [] board;

// Method name: move
// Purpose: if x and y is a BOMB or out of range
// 	    corresponding MoveResult value is returned. Otherwise, the square
// 	    board[x][y] is set to its corresponding SEEN value and
//          SUCCESSFUL is returned. i.e., ONE_UNSEEN would become ONE_SEEN
// Known Bugs: none

MoveResult MineSweeper::move(int x, int y)
	if( x  <0 || y  <0 || x >= size || y >= size)

		case BOMB:
			return WAS_BOMB;
			board[x][y] = EMPTY_SEEN;
			board[x][y] = (SquareValues) (board[x][y] + '0');


// Method name: printBoard
// Purpose: prints the score of the current board along with what it looks
//	    like.
// Known Bugs: none

void MineSweeper::printBoard()
	int i;
	SquareValues tmp;

	cout <<"Current Score:" <<scoreBoard() <<"\n\n\t  ";

	for( i =0; i  <size; i++)

		cout <<setw(3)<<i;

	for(i = 0; i  <size; i++)
		cout <<"\n\t" <<setw(2)<<i;
		for(int j = 0; j  <size; j++)
			tmp = board[i][j];
			if(tmp > MAX_UNSEEN)
				cout <<"  "<<char(tmp);
			else cout <<"  #";

// Method name: scoreBoard
// Purpose: returns the number of squares in the board that have been seen.
//	    This is what the score is defined to be
// Known Bugs: none

int MineSweeper::scoreBoard()
	int score =0;

	for(int i = 0; i  <size; i++)
		for(int j = 0; j  <size; j++)
			if(board[i][j] > MAX_UNSEEN) score++;

	return score;

// Method name: getSize
// Purpose: returns size of current board
// Known Bugs: none

int MineSweeper::getSize()
	return size;

// Method name: getNumBombs
// Purpose: returns number of bombs on current board.
// Known Bugs: none

int MineSweeper::getNumBombs()
	return numBombs;

// Function Prototypes for Driver program

void PrintMenu(); // Prints title screen and options available
		  // also says what current game settings are

void SetOptions(); //allows the user to change the size of the minesweeper
		   //game along with the number of bombs used

void PlayGame(); // Does game playing loop. Loop just prints the board
		 // ask the user for a row and column does that move
		 // and loops if game not terminated.

int GetChoice(int lo, int hi);
// Precondition: lo  <hi have been assigned values
// Postcondition: has gotten a choice from the user between lo and hi
//		  and returned it

typedef MineSweeper* MineSweeperPtr;

MineSweeperPtr game = new MineSweeper(); //Used to store current
					 //MineSweeper game

// Function name: main
// Purpose: main loop for MineSweeper game, draws main menu, gets
//          a menu choice from user and does that task, then loops
// Known Bugs: none
int main()
	bool keepPlaying = true;
	int nBombs, size;

	while( keepPlaying)
	   nBombs = game->getNumBombs();
	   size = game->getSize();
	   delete game;
	   game = new MineSweeper(nBombs, size);

		case 1:
		case 2:
		case 3:
		   keepPlaying =false;

	return 0;

// Function name: GetChoice(int lo, int hi)
// Purpose: if lo  <hi have been assigned values then gets a choice from
//          the user between lo and hi
//	    and returns it
// Known Bugs: Can screw up if a non-integer input by user
int GetChoice(int lo, int hi)
	int choice = lo-1;
	bool flag =true;

		cout <<"\nPlease enter a number between " <<lo
		     <<" and " <<hi <<": ";
		cin >> choice;

		if( choice  <lo || choice > hi)
			cout <<"Invalid choice.\n";
		else flag = false;

	return choice;

// Function name: PrintMenu
// Purpose: Prints title screen and options available.
// 	    Also says what current game settings are
// Known Bugs: none
void PrintMenu()
	cout <<"\nWelcome to MineSweeper\n";
	cout <<"======================\n\n";
	cout <<"Current game size is: " <<game->getSize() <<endl;
	cout <<"Games use " <<game->getNumBombs()<<" bombs" <<endl;
	cout <<"\nSelect:\n";
	cout <<"(1) Change settings\n";
	cout <<"(2) Play Game\n";
	cout <<"(3) Quit\n";

// Function name: SetOptions
// Purpose: Allows the user to change the size of the minesweeper
//	    game along with the number of bombs used
// Known Bugs: none
void SetOptions()
	int bSize, nBombs;

	cout <<"\nSelect a new board size...";

	cout <<"\nSelect number of bombs...";

	delete game;

	game = new MineSweeper(nBombs, bSize);

// Function name: PlayGame
// Purpose: Does game playing loop. Loop just prints the board,
//          asks the user for a row and column does that move
// 	    and loops if game not terminated.
// Known Bugs: none
void PlayGame()
	int row,col;

		cout <<"\nSelect a row (-1 to quit)...";
		row =GetChoice(-1,game->getSize()-1);
		if (row == -1) exit(0);

		cout <<"\nSelect a column (-1 to quit)...";
		if (col == -1) exit(0);

	} while(game->move(row,col) != WAS_BOMB);

	cout <<"\n\nThat was a bomb! Game over.\n";
	cout <<"\n\nYour final score was: " <<game->scoreBoard() <<"\n\n";

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