Chris Pollett>Old Classes>PIC 10a, Spring 2000>Hw5>Hw5 Solutions

Spring 2000 PIC 10a HW5 Solutions Page

// Program Name: CounterType.cpp
// Purpose: contains the CounterType class and a driver program.
//          The CounterType class stores a nonnegative integer
//          and besides two contructors supports increment, decrementing
//          getting the counter value, and output the counter value to
//          an ostream.
// Known Bugs: none


// Classes

// Class name: CounterType
// Purpose: Stores a nonnegative integer called a counter.
//	    Has methods which allows one to construct
//	    a CounterType object, add one to the counter,
//          subtract one from the counter, get the current
//          counter value, and output the counter to an ostream.
// Known Bugs: none

class CounterType
	   CounterType(); //constructor. Sets counter to 0.

	   CounterType( int i); // constructor. Sets counter to i.

	   int increment(); // Postcondition: counter++
	   int decrement(); // Postcondition: if counter<=0
			    // then it is unchanged, else counter--

	   int getCounter(); // returns current counter value/

	   int output( ostream& out); //directs counter value to
				      // stream out.

	   int counter; // this is where the counter value stored


// Method name: CounterType()
// Purpose: creates a CounterType object with counter set to 0.
// Known Bugs: none


// Method name: CounterType(int)
// Purpose: creates a CounterType object with counter set to the value
//          passed
// Known Bugs: if i <0 this constructor has a side-effect in that
//             it prints an error to the screen. It then sets
//             the counter to 0.

CounterType::CounterType(int i)
	if( i < 0)
	  cout << "Attempt to give a negative counter value\n"
	       << "setting counter to 0.\n";
	  counter = 0;
	   counter = i;

// Method name: increment()
// Purpose: adds one to the counter
// Known Bugs: none


// Method name: decrement()
// Purpose: if counter is positive subtract one from its value
//          otherwise leaves it unchanged
// Known Bugs: none

	if(counter > 0) counter--;

// Method name: getCounter()
// Purpose: returns current value of the counter
// Known Bugs: none

	return counter;

// Method name: output(ostream& )
// Purpose: directs the value of the counter to the specified ostream.
// Known Bugs: none

CounterType::output( ostream& out)
	out << counter << endl;

// Function Prototypes for Driver program

void PrintMenu(); // Prints driver menu

int GetChoice(int lo, int hi);
// Precondition: lo < hi have been assigned values
// Postcondition: has gotten a choice from the user between lo and hi
//                and returned it

// Global Variables

CounterType test;

// Function Definitions

// Function name: main()
// Purpose: Prints a menu and allows the user to test CounterType
//	    class
// Known Bugs:

int main()
        bool keepTesting = true;
	int count;

        while( keepTesting)
                case 1:
                   test = CounterType();
                case 2:
                   cout << "\nEnter an integer value for the counter:";
		   cin >> count;
		   test = CounterType(count);
                case 3:
		case 4:
		case 5:
		   cout << "\nTesting getCounter()...\n";
		   cout << "According to getCounter\n";
		   cout << "current counter value is:"
			<< test.getCounter() << endl;
		case 6:
		   cout << "\nTesting output(cout)...\n";
		case 7:
                   keepTesting =false;

	return 0;

// Function name: PrintMenu()
// Purpose: prints driver program's menu
// Known Bugs:
void PrintMenu()
	cout << "\nCounterType testing program\n";
	cout << "===========================\n";
	cout << "(1) Use 0-ary constructor\n";
	cout << "(2) Use 1-ary constructor\n";
	cout << "(3) Increment counter\n";
	cout << "(4) Decrement counter\n";
	cout << "(5) Test getCounter()\n";
	cout << "(6) Test output to stream\n";
	cout << "(7) Quit test program\n";

// Function name: GetChoice(int lo, int hi)
// Purpose: if lo < hi have been assigned values then gets a choice from
//          the user between lo and hi
//          and returns it
// Known Bugs: Can screw up if a non-integer input by user

int GetChoice(int lo, int hi)
        int choice = lo-1;
        bool flag =true;

                cout << "\nPlease enter a number between " << lo
                     << " and " << hi << ": ";
                cin >> choice;

                if( choice < lo || choice > hi)
                        cout << "Invalid choice.\n";
                else flag = false;

        return choice;

// Program Name: Blackjack.cpp
// Purpose: A short program to score blackjack hands.
// Comments: A card is a single character. '2'-'9' are as would guess
// 'a' = Ace, 't' = 10, 'j'= Jack, 'q' = Queen, and 'k'= King


void GetCardsAndScore(int n); //get n cards from user then calculates
			      //the value of this hand and prints it

int ScoreCard(char card); //returns what an individaul card is worth

// Function name: main
// Purpose: main loop for Blackjack program. Prints welcome then
//          gets number of cards. Calls GetCardAndScore
//          to get each card in turn and calculates and prints score.
//          Then asks if want to play again.
// Known Bugs: none

int main()
	bool keepPlaying=true;
	int numCards;
	char playAgain;

	    cout << "\nWelcome to the Blackjack game! \n\n";
	    cout << "Enter the number of cards in the blackjack hand: ";
	    cin >> numCards;


	    cout << "\nWould you like to play again? (Type y if yes)\n";
	    cin >> playAgain;
	    if(playAgain != 'y') keepPlaying=false;

// Function name: GetCardsAndScore
// Purpose: Gets n cards from user. It then calculates and prints
//          their blackjack score. If this is > 21 busted is printed.
// Known Bugs: none

void GetCardsAndScore(int n)
	char card;
	int sum =0;
	bool sawAce = false;

	for(int i = 0; i <n; i++)
		cout << "\nPlease enter card "<< i << ": ";
		cin >> card;

		sum +=ScoreCard(card);
		if(card=='a' || card == 'A') sawAce = true;

	if(sawAce && sum <= 11) sum += 10;

	if(sum <22)
	  cout << "\nThe score of that hand is: " << sum <<endl;
	  cout << "\nBusted.\n";

// Function name: ScoreCard
// Purpose: returns the value of what an individual card is worth.
// Known Bugs: none

int ScoreCard(char card)
		case 'A':
		case 'a':
		   return 1;

		case 'T': case 'J': case 'Q': case 'K':
		case 't': case 'j': case 'q': case 'k':
		   return 10;

		case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5':
		case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9':
		    return (int)(card - '0'); // viewing characters
					      // as ASCII number
					      // then subtracting '0' gives
					      // between 2 and 9

		    cout << "\nThat was a bogus card. This hand probably\n";
	 	    cout << "won't be accurately scored!\n\n";
		    return 0;