David Scot Taylor
Associate Professor
Dept. of Computer Science
San Jose State University
212 MacQuarrie Hall
Phone: (408) 924-5124 (email works better)
Email: david.taylor "at" sjsu.edu

Fall 2024 office hours:

  • Monday, noon-1 (in person).
  • Tuesday, 10:30-11:30 (in person).
  • Other times available, especially on Tuesdays. Set up an appointment by email.

Office hours will generally be in-person. When they are virtual, use this zoom link for zoom office hours, and you will enter the waiting room (I will see one at a time in the order you enter, occasionally updating the waiting room through chat about the size of the queue.)



Research Interests

Algorithm efficiency, external memory algorithms, database indexing schemes, online algorithms, and approximation algorithms.
My publications can be found here.

A Few Links of Interest