Project Requirements

This project can be completed individually or with a partner. In some cases, I might allow teams of more than 2, but any teams of 3 or more will have progressively higher expectations.

Your project will be focused on ransomware, and the project must consist of original work. The "standard" project will consist of the following:

You must inform me of your project topic (and partner, if you plan to have one) by Monday, April 4. You need to provide a brief (a couple of paragraphs should suffice) proposal, summarizing what you plan to do.

If you have a different ("nonstandard") project topic that you would prefer to work on, let me know and we'll see if it will work. I'm willing to consider other ransomware-related topics.

Feel free to discuss any project ideas with me.

A written report and an oral report are both required, and both are due Tuesday, May 10. We will begin in-class presentations on the due date.