Dr Katerina Potika
Assistant Professor
Department of Computer Science
San Jose State University
email: katerina.potika.at.sjsu.edu
Office: MacQuarrieHall 215, phone: 4-5134
office hours (Fall 2016): Tuesdays 1:30-3:30pm
Project Ideas for graduate students:
Research Topics
courses Fall 2016:
CS 146 Data Structures and Algorithms, TTh 10:30-11:45am and 12:00-13:15pm
CS 185C Section Social Networks, TTh 9:00-10:15am
Past Semesters
courses Spring 2016:
CS 146 Data Structures and Algorithms
CS 255 Design and Analysis of Algorithms
courses Fall 2015:
CS 146 Data Structures and Algorithms
CS 49J Programming in Java
Research DBLP publications
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