
JDeveloper is an IDE developed by Oracle.

Creating a Java Application

Applications contain Projects

In JDeveloper files are contained in projects, and projects are contained in applications. The idea is that an application might consist of several independently developed subsystems.

Therefore we begin by creating a new application (File>New):

There are many types of applications to choose from:

Depending on the type of application, JDeveloper automatically creates some standard projects. In the example above a project (package) called "client" was created in the HelloWorld application.

Projects contain Files

JDeveloper provides two navigators to view an application's contents: the application navigator and the system navigator. The system navigator is just a file browser. The application navigator shows the abstract structure of the application. Both navigators show the application as a type of tree.

To create a file within a project, using either navigator, left click on the client project node and select "New ..." from the shortcut menu:

JDeveloper provides a number of editors.

Running a Project

Use Project Properties from the project's shortcut menu to select the main file to be executed when the project runs:

Now save, build, and run the project using the green arrow:

Note the structure window that shows the logical tree structure of the selected file.

Note the document tabs. Note the source, design, and history tabs associated with the current document.

Creating a Web Application

We are primarily interested in creating Model 1 Web applications. A model 1 web application is an implementation of the Model-View-Controller architecture in which views and controllers are implemented as JSP pages and the model consists of Java Beans.

This type of architecture is embodied by the Struts Framework.

To begin, create a new application using JSP/Struts/ADF technologies:

This application contains two projects:

Model (EJB Tier)

ViewController (Web Tier)

Add a new HTML document to the ViewController project

Use the HTML editor to add forms and common elements.

Let's assume we created a single web page called hello.html.

Make hello.html the default run target. This is done by opening the project properties dialog:

Edit the Default run configuration and set it to hello.html:

Make and run the project. It may take a while for the embedded server to start. Be patient.


From the Table of Contents see

Developing J2EE Applications/Developing the Web Tier

Of special interest are the articles:

Working with HTML Pages

Working with JSP Pages

Using the HTML Editor

Views: Design, Source, Preview, and History

Component Palettes: HTML Common, Form, CSS, Code Snipettes, etc.

Component Property Inspector

Using the JSP Editor

Adding a new JSP page

Left click on the Web Content folder: