Domain Modeling

We can view an organization such as a business, governmental organization, or military organization as a system.

Like a software system, an organizational system has goals or objectives.

The components of an organizational system are roles, procedures, products, and resources.

Examples of roles include employee, customer, investor, manager.

Examples of resources include people, equipment, software, labs, and offices.

Examples of products include reports, services, software, and hardware.

Examples of procedures (aka workflows) include manufacturing procedures, testing procedures, and management procedures.

In some cases developers may need a deeper understanding of their customer's business. This is important if, for example, the system being developed must integrate smoothly with existing business procedures.

A domain model is a formal model of the important roles, procedures, products, and resources of an organization.

The domain model has two parts: the conceptual model and the procedural model.

Domain Models

One of the goals of a conceptual model is to understand the important domain concepts, entities, and relationships. This is necessary for a complete understanding of the use cases.

There are many types of domain models: taxonomies, E-R models, ontologies, etc. But for software engineering, UML diagrams are the most popular.


UML class diagrams as a conceptual models

A conceptual model captures the important concepts and relationships in some domain.

Concepts are represented by classes, while relationships are represented by associations.

Packages represent groups of related classes and associations.

Objects represent specific instances of classes.

For example a business might organize its concepts and relationships into three packages:



In the hr package we might find the Position and Person classes. Typical attributes of persons and positions can be listed in the attribute compartments of the respective class icons. Typical operations performed by persons and positions can be listed in their operation compartments:

In this example, an object representing a position, vice president for example, has a title attribute of type String and an execute operation that takes a task, t, as an input, and outputs a result.

An object representing a person has four attributes: last name, first name, and Social Security number, all of type String, and a salary of type Money and with initial value $0.0. The person class has no operations specified at this point.

It is often the case that operations correspond to responsibilities and are not assigned to classes until the design phase. For this reason operation compartments are often suppressed in domain models. Attribute compartments can also be suppressed if they are not needed.

Note that the "-" sign indicates that the scope of an attribute or association endpoint is private, visible only inside of the class. Other possible scopes are:

+ = public = system-wide scope
~ = package scope
# = protected = subclass scope

Generally speaking, the default for an attribute or association endpoint is private, while the default for an operation is public.


The relationship "Position X is filled by person Y" can be represented by an association connecting Position and Person:

Note that the name of an association can be decorated by a tiny arrow showing which way the association is read. This helps distinguish a relationship from its inverse.

Note that the endpoints of an association can be decorated by:

name = the name used by objects on one end to refer to objects on the other end. For example, an employee refers to his position as his "role" while a position refers to the employees filling it as its "actors."

multiplicity = the number of objects that can be related to a given object. For example, a given position, vice president, say, can be filled by by 0 or more persons (indicated by "*"), while a given person, Joe Smith, say, can fill one position.


Specific persons and positions can be represented using objects. Specific instances of the filledBy relationship can be represented by links connecting the participating objects:


Text Analysis

"Text Analysis" is a fancy term that simply means identifying important sounding phrases in a textual description of a domain. Important noun phrases—user, owner, controller, buffer, etc.-- are often modeled by classes, important verb phrases—uses, has, owns, controls, etc.-- are often modeled by associations. Phrases suggesting classifications—kinds, types, is one of, etc.—are often modeled using generalization. Phrases suggesting assemblies— is part of, is made from, etc.—are often modeled using composition. Phrases suggesting collections—contains, holds, etc.—are often modeled using aggregation.

See also

Domain Procedure Models

Procedures are modeled using UML activity diagrams.

Case Study

Case Study: Trilogy