Cultural Dissemination

In this project we use a NetLogo 2D-CA to study the dissemination of culture. The model is based on Robert Axelrod's paper: Disseminating Culture, which can be found in [Axelrod].

Assume each patch represents an ethnic region. Assume the state of a patch, called its culture, is a list consisting of N cultural features. For example:

   position 0 = religion
   position 1 = technology
   position 2 = political organization
   position 3 = economic system
   position 4 = language

Assume the value of a cultural feature, called a trait, is an integer, t such that:

   0 <= t < M

For example, the trait at position 0 might indicate the type of religion:

   0 = Animism
   1 = Hinduism
   2 = Buddhism
   3 = Christianity
   4 = Judaism
   5 = Islam

How many cultures are there in our model?

Let's assume the absolute value of the difference between two traits corresponds to their cultural distance. For example, if stone age technology is 0 then information age technology might be 8 indicating that the difference is very large. (Of course not all traits can be ordered in a linear way.) How can the color of a patch reflect its state in such a way that similar cultures have similar colors and dissimilar cultures have noticably different colors?

Initially the state of each patch is random.

To update the model:

   1. For each patch, p1, pick a random neighbor, p2.
   2. Compute s = the percentage of features that p1 and p2 have in common.
   3. Pick a random number n < 100. If n < s, then p1 borrows a trait from p2

Ideally, p1 borrows a trait from p2 other than one they already have in common.

Hint: In the RGB color space there are 256^3 = 2^24 colors. Since 24 = 6 * 4, this suggests we can take N = 4 and M = 6. Of course there are only 140 colors in the NetLogo color space. This might suggest choosing N = 5 and M = 3.