program TestIf; begin i := 1; j := 2; IF i = j THEN x := 3.14 ELSE x := -5; IF i <> j THEN y := 3.14 ELSE y := -5; write('i = '); write(i:3); write(', j = '); write(j:3); write(', x = '); write(x:5:2); write(', y = '); writeln(y:5:2); IF i = j THEN BEGIN x := -7 END ELSE BEGIN x := 8; END; IF i <> j THEN BEGIN y := 14 END ELSE BEGIN y := -2; END; write('i = '); write(i:3); write(', j = '); write(j:3); write(', x = '); write(x:5:2); write(', y = '); writeln(y:5:2); IF i = j THEN x := 55.55 ELSE BEGIN x := 77.77; y := 88.88; END; write('i = '); write(i:3); write(', j = '); write(j:3); write(', x = '); write(x:5:2); write(', y = '); writeln(y:5:2); k := 10; if i = j then i := 33 else if not (i <= j) then i := 44 else if i = j then i := 55 else i := 6; write('i = '); write(i:3); write(', j = '); write(j:3); write(', x = '); write(x:5:2); write(', y = '); writeln(y:5:2); write('k = '); writeln(k:3); if not (i <= j) then if i div 22 <= j then j := 9 else j := -9; write('i = '); write(i:3); write(', j = '); write(j:3); write(', x = '); write(x:5:2); write(', y = '); writeln(y:5:2); write('k = '); writeln(k:3); if i = j then if i <= j then k := 11 else k := 12; write('i = '); write(i:3); write(', j = '); write(j:3); write(', x = '); write(x:5:2); write(', y = '); writeln(y:5:2); write('k = '); writeln(k:3); writeln; x := i + j + k - x - y; write('x = '); writeln(x:5:2); writeln; if not (i = j) and (i < j) and (i <> j) and (x < y) then write('Good-bye'); if not (i < j) or (x <> y) then if i > j/2 then if i <> j then if x < 5*y then write(', world!'); writeln; writeln('Done!'); end.