Scheduled Speakers
All talks will be in the
Engineering Auditorium
ENGR 189
6:00-7:00 PM and are open to the public. A
reception for students and faculty to meet informally with the
speaker will start at 5:00 upstairs in ENGR 294 before each talk.
All the talks are recorded
and you can view them
here. Scroll down the lower portion of the window to see the
entire list. (The remaining talks will be posted soon.)
Refresh your browser! This schedule is subject to frequent changes.
We are happy to announce that
is the corporate sponsor of this speaker series.
Academic Credit
Sign up for
CS 185C Section 1: The History of Computing
to receive 3 units of academic credit for attending this
Speaker Series and working on computing history projects with the
advice and guidance of some of these and other computing pioneers.
You will also have the opportunity to publish your work on the
IEEE Global History Network website.