Fain (Frank) Butt
Fain (Frank) Butt
Spring 2017 Schedule
- CS160: Software Engineering
- Section 4: TR 4:30 - 5:45 PM (SCI311)
- Section 5: TR 6:00 - 7:15 PM (SCI311)
- CMPE189: Special Topics in CmpE
- Section 1: W 6:00 - 8:45 PM (DMH348)
- Office Hours: TR 7:15 PM - 8:30 PM (by appointment only)
Classes Taught At SJSU (Semester)
- CS40: Introduction to Computers (S11,S12)
- CS46A: Intro To Programming (F01,F11)
- CS47: Intro to Computer Systems (S08,M12,M14,S15,M15,M16)
- CS49C: Programming in C (F15)
- CS49J: Programming in Java (F15)
- CS149: Operating Systems (S16)
- CS157A: Data Base Management System I (F02,F08,F14)
- CS157B: Data Base Management System II (S02,S03,S04,F04,S11,S12,s16)
- CS160: Software Engineering (S16,F16,S17)
- CS167A: Fundamentals of DB2 for z/OS (F08,S09,F09,F10)
- CS167B: DB2 for z/OS Application Development (S10,S11,S12,S13,S14,S15)
- CS167C or CS286: DB2 Query Optimization for z/OS (F11,F12,F13,F14)
- CS174: Server-side Web Programming (F15)
- CS257: Data Base System Principles (S04,S14)
- CS267: Topics in Database Systems (S05,F13,F15)
Links Of Interest
Department of Computer Science
San Jose State University
208 MacQuarrie Hall
San Jose, CA 95192-0249
Last modified: Friday Aug 12 12:49:12 PDT 2005