\newcommand{\SIG}[1]{\hat\Sigma^{\compfont b}_{#1}}
\newcommand{\SIB}[1]{\Sigma^{\compfont b}_{#1}}
\newcommand{\SIGINFTY}[1]{\Sigma^{\compfont #1}_{\infty}}
\newcommand{\ASIGINFTY}[1]{\mathcal{A}\Sigma^{\compfont #1}_{\infty}}
\newcommand{\pSIB}[1]{p\Sigma^{\compfont b}_{#1}}
\newcommand{\PI}[1]{\hat\Pi^{\compfont b}_{#1}}
\newcommand{\PIB}[1]{\Pi^{\compfont b}_{#1}}
\newcommand{\BOOL}{\compfont B}
\newcommand{\UNIV}{\compfont U}
\newcommand{\EXIST}{\compfont E}
\newcommand{\LEX}{\compfont L}
\newcommand{\NC}{\compfont {NC}}
\newcommand{\SigmaP}[1]{\Sigma^{\compfont p}_{#1}}
\newcommand{\SiP}[1]{\Sigma^{\compfont p}_{#1}}
\newcommand{\PiP}[1]{\Pi^{\compfont p}_{#1}}
\newcommand{\RR}[1]{\theoryfont{\hat R}^{#1}_2}
\newcommand{\quasip}{\theoryfont{\{2^{ \mathbf{ \dot{(||\id||)} } } \} }}
\newcommand{\Interval}[3]{\mathfnfont{#1 \in [#2, #3)}}
\newcommand{\monus}{\frac{\cdot}{ }}
\noindent {\it Proof.}
- $S^1_2$ is a bounded arithmetic theory whose $\hat\Sigma^b_1$-definable function
correspond to polynomial time computable functions, the class $FP$.
- $R^1_2$ is a bounded arithmetic theory whose $\hat\Sigma^b_1$-definable function
correspond to functions computable by polylog-depth polynomial-sized
circuit families, the class $FNC$.
- Although not as great maybe as showing $\NC \neq P$, proving a separation
of $R^1_2$ from $S^1_2$ would imply new lower bounds on the provability of
complexity problems. For instance, that $R^1_2$ can't prove $\NP = \coNP$ or that $R^1_2$ can't
the collapse of polynomial hierarchy.
- Unfortunately, both these classes of functions and bounded arithmetic theories
seem difficult to separate.
- However, if you look at the "prenex" version
of $R^1_2$ you get a theory whose $\hat\Sigma^b_1$-consequences seem a fair
bit weaker than $FNC$, so there seems to be some hope to separate this theory
from $S^1_2$.
- This talk is about trying to come up with a good way to describe the
$\hat\Sigma^b_1$-consequences of prenex $R^1_2$ that might lead to a separation
First-order Bounded Arithmetic
- The bounded arithmetic theories we will be looking at have BASIC axioms
y\leq x &\IMP & y \leq S(x)\\
x+Sy &=& S(x+y)\\
for the symbols $0$, $S$, $+$, $\cdot$, $x\# y := 2^{|x||y|}$,
$|x| :=$ length of $x$, $\monus$, $\MSP{x}{i}$, $\leq$
We add to this base theory $L^mIND_{A}$ induction axioms of the form:
$$A(0) \wedge \forall x<|t|_m[A(x) \IMP A(S(x))] \IMP A(|t|_m)$$
Here $t$ is a term made of compositions of variables and our function symbols
and where we are using the definition
$|x|_0=x$, $|x|_m=| |x|_{m-1}|$.
String Manipulation, Collection/Replacement axioms
- Because we have $\MSP{x}{i}$ in the language, it is possible
to define as a term $\beta_{a}(i, w)$, the function which projects out
the $i$th block of $a$ bits out of $w$.
- We will also use later that we can define pairing and the function
$\BIT(j, w)$ as a terms.
- Besides induction another scheme known as $\BB_A$ or $\REPL_A$:
$$(\forall x \leq |s|)(\exists y \leq t(x)) A(x,y) \IMP
(\exists w \leq \bd(t^+, s))(\forall x \leq |s|)
\beta_{|t^+|}(x,w) \leq t(x) \AND A(x,\beta_{|t^+|}(x,w)) $$
will also be considered in this talk as it allows us to do a limited amount of
quantifier exchange. Here $t^+$ is a monotone term derived from $t$.
$\bd(t^+, s)$ is a term used to a string of consisting of concatenating $|s|$
strings of length $|t^+|$.
Bounded Arithmetic Theories
- $\Sigma^b_0$ (aka $\Pi^b_0$) are the bounded arithmetic formulas whose quantifiers
are all of the form
$(\forall x \leq |t|)$ or $(\exists x \leq |t|)$.
- For $i>0$, $\Sigma^b_i$ (resp. $\Pi^b_i$) are the closure of the
$\Pi^b_{i-1}$ (resp. $\Sigma^b_{i-1}$) formulas under conjunctions,
disjunctions, $(\exists x \leq t)$ and $(\forall x \leq |t|)$ (for $\Pi^b_i$,
$(\forall x \leq t)$ and $(\exists x \leq |t|)$).
- The prenex variant of the $\Sigma^b_i$ formulas, the $\SIG{i}$-formulas, look like:
$$(\exists x_1 \leq t_1) \cdots (Qx_i \leq t_i) (Qx_{i+1}\leq|t_{i+1}|)A$$
where $A$ is an open formula. So we have $i+1$ alternations, innermost being
- A $\PI{i}$-formula is defined similarly but with the outer quantifier being universal.
- $\TT{i}$ is the theory $\BASIC$$+$$\Sigma^b_i$-$\IND$.
$\ST{i}$ is the theory $\BASIC$$+$$\Sigma^b_i$-$\LIND$.
$\RT{i}$ is the theory $\BASIC$$+$$\Sigma^b_i$-$\LLIND$.
Prenex Theories
- It seems natural to ask if it makes any difference to define $\TT{i}$,
$\ST{i}$, or $\RT{i}$ using $\SIG{i}$-$L^mIND$ rather than $\Sigma^b_i$-$L^mIND$.
- For $\TT{i}$ and $\ST{i}$ it makes no difference as the prenex theory
can prove $\BB\Sigma^b_i$ and so can convert between prenex and non-prenex
formulas. For $R^i_2$, it is not known.
- We denote the prenex version of $\RT{i}$ by $\RR{i}$.
- We write $\TR{i, \{|id|_m\} }$ for the theories
- Let $\Psi$ be a class of formulas, we say a theory $T$ can $\Psi$-define
a function $f$ if there is a $\Psi$-formula $A_f$ such that
$$T \proves \forall x \exists! y A_f(x, y)$$
$$\nat\models \forall x A_f(x, f(x))$$
Recapping + What's Known
- As we said earlier, the $\SIG{1}$-definable function of $\ST{1}$ and
$\RT{1}$ are $\FP$ (Buss) and $FNC$ (Allen, Clote, Takeuti) respectively.
- Multifunction algebras for the $\SIG{1}$-definable multifunctions of
$\RR{1}$ and $\TR{1, \{|id|_m\} }$ are known from Pollett (2000).
- That paper also used a Johannsen-style block counting argument to show for $m \geq 4$
the multifunction algebra one gets cannot define
$\lfloor \frac{x}{3}\rfloor$.
- Boughattas and Ressayre (2009) using a model
theoretic technique then separated $\TR{1, \{|id|_3\} }$ from $\ST{1}$.
One Possible Separation Approach...
- Jerabek (2006) showed $\ST{1}$ was $\Sigma^b_1$-convervative over $T^0_2$.
- For $i \geq 1$, Pollett (1999) had a result that $\TT{i, \{2^{p(||id||)}\}} \preceq_{\forall\SIG{i+1}} \RT{i+1}$.
- Here the $\{2^{p(||id||)}\}$ indicates the bound on induction.
- So it was natural to conjecture Jerabek's techniques could be used to
show that $\TT{0, \{2^{p(||id||)}\}} \preceq_{\forall\SIG{1}} \RR{1}$.
- The hope would be then that some weaker notion of definability might
then be used to separate $\TT{0, \{2^{p(||id||)}\}}$ from $\TT{0}$, and hence separating
$\RR{1}$ from $\ST{1}$.
... That doesn't seem to work.
- Pollett (2011) shows $\TT{0, \{2^{p(||id||)}\}}$, again by a block counting
argument, can't define $\lfloor \frac{x}{3}\rfloor$.
- It is unknown if $\RR{1}$ can define $\lfloor \frac{x}{3}\rfloor$. Certainly,
$\RT{1}$, which can define all functions in $FNC$, can.
- However, if you look take an $\TT{0, \{2^{p(||id||)}\}}$ induction axiom
and prenexify it, it has an outer existential that is of size $2^{p(||id||)}$
which is too small to be able to express a string that codes the steps
of a computation of the kind of functions $\RR{1}$ can $\SIG{1}$-define. So it
is at least unlikely that $\TT{0, \{2^{p(||id||)}\}}$ is conservative under
- Pollett (2011) formulates a messy variant of a comprehension axiom called
$\open_{\{||id||\}}$-$\COMP$ (will describe in a moment) which when added to $\LIOpen$ ($\BASIC$$+$$\open$-$\LIND$) suffice to carry out Jerabek's method and give a $\SIG{1}$-conservative subtheory
of $\RT{1}$.
- There were earlier $\SIG{1}$ theories for the functions in $\NC$.
For example, $TNC$ of Clote Takeuti and RSUV isomorphisms of $VNC$ of
Cook Nguyen. The point here was to be able to carry out a modified Jerabek's construction.
A later hope was that this could be modified to $\RR{1}$ with the goal to come
up with as simple and breakable an axiomatization of $\forall\SIG{1}(\RR{1})$ as possible.
A New Strategy on $\RR{1}$ and $\RT{1}$ versus $\ST{1}$
- The function algebra for the $\SIG{1}$-definable functions of $\RR{1}$
consists of initial functions of the language, the functions
$\mu i \leq |a| t(i,a, \vec{b}) = 0$ for some term in the language
(use $\PI{0}$-$\LIND$ to get), closure
under composition and under the following kinds of recursion:
\( \EQN{
F(0,x) &=&g(x)\\
f(n,x) &=& F(||t(n,x)||,x)
- To get the $\SIG{1}$-definable functions, $FP$, of $\ST{1}$ switch
$|| \cdot||$ to $|\cdot|$. For $\RT{1}$, one adds
to this closure under another kind of recursion called $CRN$.
- Expressed as a function algebra it seems hard to do things
like diagonalization to separate these algebras.
- So ideally we want to get a normal form for the functions in these
- Even if we can't separate the classes, and hence the original theories,
the normal form will at least tell us something about finite axiomatization
in the theories.
Axiomatisations for
$\forall\SIG{1}(\RR{1})$, $\forall\SIG{1}(\RT{1})$, and $\forall\SIG{1}(\ST{1})$
- We begin with $BASIC$. To this we add the following $BITMIN$ axiom
$(\exists i \leq |a|)LEASTON(i, a)$
where $LEASTON(i, a)$ is:
\( \EQN{(\forall j < i)[ ( i < |a| \IMP
\BIT(i, a) = 1 \AND \BIT(j, a) = 0) \AND \\
(i = |a| \IMP (\forall k < |a|) \BIT(k, a) = 0)].} \)
- This axiom can be proven in $\RR{1}$ using $\PI{0}$-$\LIND$, on the other
hand it give us the sharply bounded $\mu$-operator for terms.
- Next we add for each term $t$ a bounded dependent choice axiom, $\BDC_{\ell, t}$
\( \EQN{(\exists w \leq \bd(d, b))(\forall i < \ell(b))[\beta_{|d|}(0, w)= \min(a, d) \AND \\
\qquad\qquad t > 0 \IMP \beta_{|d|}(i+1, w) = min(t(\beta_{|d|}(i, w) , i, a, b, c) \monus 1, d) \AND\\
\qquad t = 0 \IMP LEASTON(\beta_{|d|}(i+1, w), \beta_{|d|}(i, w))].} \)
where $\ell$ is $|x|$ if we want $\forall\SIG{1}(\ST{1})$ or of the form $||x||^k$ if we want $\forall\SIG{1}(\RR{1})$.
- For $\forall\SIG{1}(\RT{1})$ you need in addition to add to $\BDC_{\ell, t}$
another clause to handle $CRN$.
- These are $\forall\SIG{1}$ axioms and can be proven in the theory they correspond to
by a straightforward induction argument.
- Let $ChoiceStr_{\ell}(w,a,b,c, d)$ the formula inside the $(\exists w \leq \bd(d, b))$ in a $\BDC_{\ell, t}$. Let $f(x,z)$ be a function, we say $f(x, z)$ is $\ell$-choice defined if
$$f(x, z) = y \IFF
(\exists w \leq \bd(2^{|s|}, t))[ChoiceStr_{\ell}(w, x, t, z, 2^{|s|}) \AND OUT_f(w, x, z) = y]$$
for some terms $t, s$ not involving $w$, and for some term $OUT_f$.
- To show the conservativity result, you need to show the class of $||\cdot||^k$- (resp. $|\cdot|$-)choice defined functions have the necessary closure properties to carry out a witnessing argument.
- This gives that the $\SIG{1}$-definable functions of $\RR{1}$, $\RT{1}$, $\ST{1}$
are just projections of these kind of choice strings.
- The main difference in the above and my 2011 Archive paper is that there I
was working with open formulas rather than terms. This meant I had to define in an inductive
fashion the open-formulas that would be suitable for the computation of a choice string.
- The set-up above looks very promising for diagonalization provided we could
come with a nice universal predicate for choice strings.
Finite Axiomatizations
- Pairing, etc can be defined as terms in our language and using this we
can give an encoding for terms as numbers.
- You could imagine adding a parameter $e$ and modify our $ChoiceStr_{\ell}$
so that instead of having
$$\beta_{|d|}(i+1, w) = min(t(\beta_{|d|}(i, w) , i, a, b, c) \monus 1, d)$$
we say that after $\beta_{|d|}(i, w)$, $w$ codes a string which computes
the operations according to the term coded by $e_t$ until we get to what would
have been $\beta_{|d|}(i+1, w)$.
- Writing this down, one would get a single $\SIG{1}$-formula $U(e_t, a, b, c, d)$
which for different codes $e_t$ would imply $\BDC_{|id|, t}$. This gives an alternative
proof to Cook-Kolokolova (2003) that $\forall\SIG{1}(\ST{1})$ is finitely axiomatized.
- In the case of $\RR{1}$ and $\RT{1}$ you get a sequence of formulas $U_k(e_t, a, b, c, d)$
for different values of $k$ in
- I conjecture that the theory, which over the base theory has the axiom $U_{k+1}$, is strictly
stronger than the theory with $U_k$. I.e., $\forall\SIG{1}(\RR{1})$ and $\forall\SIG{1}(\RT{1})$
are not finitely axiomatised.
- For $\RT{1}$ these formulas probably correspond to hard problems at various levels of the $NC^k$ hierarchy, so are likely hard to separate.
- The $d$ parameter in $U_k(e_t, a, b, c, d)$ would typically be of the form $2^{|x|^e}$ and bounds
the intermediate terms occuring in the choice string computation. Since it depends on $e$
we can't immediately do diagonalization.
- However, maybe in $\RR{1}$ there is some clever way to compress the intermediate
steps (as they are just given by terms) to within some $2^{|x|^c}$ for fixed ??? I end my talk with that open problem.