Source code for paikin_tal_solver.solver

"""Paikin Tal Solver Master Module

.. moduleauthor:: Zayd Hammoudeh <>
import copy
import heapq

import numpy

from hammoudeh_puzzle.best_buddy_placer import BestBuddyPlacerCollection
from hammoudeh_puzzle.puzzle_importer import PuzzleType, PuzzleDimensions, BestBuddyResultsCollection, Puzzle
from hammoudeh_puzzle.puzzle_piece import PuzzlePieceRotation, PuzzlePieceSide
from hammoudeh_puzzle.solver_helper_classes import NextPieceToPlace, PuzzleLocation, NeighborSidePair
from paikin_tal_solver.inter_piece_distance import InterPieceDistance

[docs]class BestBuddyPoolInfo(object): """ Used to encapsulate best buddy objects in the pool of pieces to be placed. """ def __init__(self, piece_id): self.piece_id = piece_id self._key = str(piece_id) @property def key(self): """ Returns (int): Best Buddy Pool Info Key. """ return self._key
[docs]class BestBuddyHeapInfo(object): """ A heap is used to store the best buddy matches. This class encapsulates all the requisite data for the heap objects. It must implement the "__cmp__" method for sorting with the heap. Note that cmp is used to create a maximum heap. """ def __init__(self, bb_id, bb_side, neighbor_id, neighbor_side, location, mutual_compatibility): self.bb_id = bb_id self.bb_side = bb_side self.neighbor_id = neighbor_id self.neighbor_side = neighbor_side self.location = location self.mutual_compatibility = mutual_compatibility def __cmp__(self, other): """ Best Buddy Heap Comparison Used to organize information in the best buddy info heap. Args: other: Returns (int): Maximum heap so the piece with the higher mutual compatibility is given higher priority in the priority queue. """ # Swapping to make a MAXIMUM heap return cmp(other.mutual_compatibility, self.mutual_compatibility)
[docs]class PuzzleOpenSlot(object): """ As pieces are placed in the puzzle, invariably open slots on the puzzle board will be opened or closed. This data structure stores that information inside a Python dictionary. """ def __init__(self, location, piece_id, open_side): self.location = location self.piece_id = piece_id self.open_side = open_side # Get the information on the row and column row = location.row column = location.column self._key = str(location.puzzle_id) + "_" + str(row) + "_" + str(column) + "_" + str(open_side.value) @property def key(self): """ Dictionary key for the an open slot in the dictionary. """ return self._key
[docs]class PaikinTalSolver(object): """ Paikin & Tal Solver """ # stores the type of the puzzle to solve. DEFAULT_PUZZLE_TYPE = PuzzleType.type1 # Define the minimum mutual compatibility to spawn a new board DEFAULT_MINIMUM_MUTUAL_COMPATIBILITY_FOR_NEW_BOARD = 0.5 # Used to simplify debugging without affecting test time by enabling assertion checks _PERFORM_ASSERTION_CHECK = True # Prints progress messages while the puzzle is running _PRINT_PROGRESS_MESSAGES = True # Select whether to clear the BB heap on completion _CLEAR_BEST_BUDDY_HEAP_ON_SPAWN = True # Used to refer to an unplaced piece in the numpy matrix showing the board placement _UNPLACED_PIECE_ID = -1 # Number of pieces to be placed between heap clean-ups _ENABLE_BEST_BUDDY_HEAP_HOUSEKEEPING = True _MINIMUM_CLEAN_HEAP_SIZE = 1 * (10 ** 6) _MINIMUM_CLEAN_HEAP_FREQUENCY = 100 # Select whether to use the best_buddy_placer use_best_buddy_placer = False def __init__(self, numb_puzzles, pieces, distance_function, puzzle_type=None, new_board_mutual_compatibility=None, fixed_puzzle_dimensions=None): """ Constructor for the Paikin and Tal solver. Args: numb_puzzles (int): Number of Puzzles to be solved. pieces ([PuzzlePiece])): List of puzzle pieces distance_function: Calculates the distance between two PuzzlePiece objects. puzzle_type (Optional PuzzleType): Type of Paikin Tal Puzzle puzzle_type (Optional Float): Minimum mutual compatibility when new boards are spawned fixed_puzzle_dimensions(Optional [int]): Size of the puzzle as a Tuple (number_rows, number_columns) """ if numb_puzzles < 0: raise ValueError("At least a single puzzle is required.") if numb_puzzles > 1 and fixed_puzzle_dimensions is not None: raise ValueError("When specifying puzzle dimensions, only a single puzzle is allowed.") # Store the number of pieces. Shuffle for good measure. self._pieces = pieces self._piece_placed = [False] * len(pieces) self._numb_unplaced_pieces = len(pieces) # Define the puzzle dimensions self._initialize_open_slots() self._piece_locations = [] # Store the number of puzzles these collective set of pieces comprise. self._actual_numb_puzzles = numb_puzzles # Store the function used to calculate piece to piece distances. self._distance_function = distance_function # Quantifies the number of best buddies that self._best_buddy_accuracy = BestBuddyResultsCollection() # Stores the best buddy placer information self._best_buddy_placer = BestBuddyPlacerCollection() # Store the puzzle dimensions if any self._actual_puzzle_dimensions = fixed_puzzle_dimensions self._placed_puzzle_dimensions = [] # Store the dimensions of the puzzle # Select the puzzle type. If the user did not specify one, use the default. self._puzzle_type = puzzle_type if puzzle_type is not None else PaikinTalSolver.DEFAULT_PUZZLE_TYPE if new_board_mutual_compatibility is not None: self._new_board_mutual_compatibility = new_board_mutual_compatibility else: self._new_board_mutual_compatibility = PaikinTalSolver.DEFAULT_MINIMUM_MUTUAL_COMPATIBILITY_FOR_NEW_BOARD # Stores the best buddies which are prioritized for placement. self._best_buddy_open_slot_heap = None # Initialize here to prevent warnings in PyCharm self._initialize_best_buddy_pool_and_heap() self._numb_puzzles = 0 self._last_best_buddy_heap_housekeeping = None if PaikinTalSolver._PRINT_PROGRESS_MESSAGES: print "\tStarting to calculate inter-piece distances" # Calculate the inter-piece distances. self._inter_piece_distance = InterPieceDistance(self._pieces, self._distance_function, self._puzzle_type) if PaikinTalSolver._PRINT_PROGRESS_MESSAGES: print "\tFinished calculating inter-piece distances" # Release the Inter-piece distance function to allow pickling. self._distance_function = None
[docs] def run(self, skip_initial=False): """ Runs the Paikin and Tal Solver. Args: skip_initial (Optional bool): Used with Pickling. Skips initial setup. """ if not skip_initial: # Place the initial seed piece self._place_seed_piece() # Mark the last heap clear as now self._last_best_buddy_heap_housekeeping = self._numb_unplaced_pieces # Place pieces until no pieces left to be placed. while self._numb_unplaced_pieces > 0: if PaikinTalSolver._PRINT_PROGRESS_MESSAGES and self._numb_unplaced_pieces % 50 == 0: print str(self._numb_unplaced_pieces) + " remain to be placed." self._best_buddy_accuracy.print_results() # if len(self._best_buddies_pool) == 0: # return # Get the next piece to place next_piece = self._find_next_piece() if self._numb_puzzles < self._actual_numb_puzzles \ and next_piece.mutual_compatibility < self._new_board_mutual_compatibility: # PickleHelper.exporter(self, "") # return self._spawn_new_board() else: # Place the next piece self._place_normal_piece(next_piece) if PaikinTalSolver._PRINT_PROGRESS_MESSAGES: print "Placement complete.\n\n" # If no pieces left to place, clean the heap to reduce the size for pickling. if self._numb_unplaced_pieces == 0: self._initialize_best_buddy_pool_and_heap() self._best_buddy_accuracy.print_results() total_numb_bb_in_dataset = self._inter_piece_distance.get_total_best_buddy_count() print "Total number of Best Buddies: %d" % total_numb_bb_in_dataset # Once all pieces have been placed verify that no best buddies remain unaccounted for. if PaikinTalSolver._PERFORM_ASSERTION_CHECK: for best_buddy_acc in self._best_buddy_accuracy: assert best_buddy_acc.numb_open_best_buddies == 0 assert self._best_buddy_accuracy.total_best_buddy_count() == total_numb_bb_in_dataset
[docs] def get_solved_puzzles(self): """ Paikin and Tal Results Accessor Gets the results for the set of the Paikin and Tal solver. Returns (List[PuzzlePiece]): Multiple puzzles each of which is a set of puzzle pieces. """ # A puzzle is an array of puzzle pieces that can then be reconstructed. solved_puzzles = [[] for _ in range(self._actual_numb_puzzles)] unassigned_pieces = [] # Iterate through each piece and assign it to the array of pieces for piece in self._pieces: puzzle_id = piece.puzzle_id # If piece is not yet assigned, then group with other unassigned pieces if puzzle_id is None: unassigned_pieces.append(piece) # If piece is assigned, then put with other pieces from its puzzle else: solved_puzzles[puzzle_id].append(piece) # Returns the set of solved puzzles return solved_puzzles, unassigned_pieces
def _place_normal_piece(self, next_piece_info): """ Piece Placer This method is used to place all pieces except a board seed piece. Args: next_piece_info (NextPieceToPlace): Information on the next piece to place """ puzzle_id = next_piece_info.open_slot_location.puzzle_id # Get the neighbor pieces id next_piece_id = next_piece_info.next_piece_id next_piece = self._pieces[next_piece_id] next_piece_side = next_piece_info.next_piece_side # Get the neighbor piece's id neighbor_piece = self._pieces[next_piece_info.neighbor_piece_id] neighbor_piece_side = next_piece_info.neighbor_piece_side # Set the parameters of the placed piece next_piece.set_placed_piece_rotation(next_piece_side, neighbor_piece_side, neighbor_piece.rotation) next_piece.puzzle_id = puzzle_id next_piece.location = next_piece_info.open_slot_location.location # Update the board dimensions self._updated_puzzle_dimensions(next_piece_info.open_slot_location) # Update the data structures used for Paikin and Tal self._piece_locations[puzzle_id][next_piece.location] = next_piece.id_number self._update_best_buddy_accuracy(puzzle_id, next_piece.id_number) self._mark_piece_placed(next_piece.id_number) self._remove_open_slot(next_piece_info.open_slot_location) if next_piece_info.is_best_buddy: self._remove_best_buddy_from_pool(next_piece.id_number) self._add_best_buddies_to_pool(next_piece.id_number) self._update_open_slots(next_piece) self._update_best_buddy_collection_neighbor_slots(next_piece.id_number) def _remove_open_slot(self, slot_to_remove): """ Open Slot Remover For a given puzzle identification number and location (row, column), the removes any locations in the open slot list that has that puzzle ID and location. Args: slot_to_remove (PuzzleLocation): Location in a puzzle to remove. """ puzzle_id = slot_to_remove.puzzle_id loc_to_remove = slot_to_remove.location i = 0 while i < len(self._open_locations): open_slot_info = self._open_locations[i] open_slot_puzzle_id = open_slot_info.location.puzzle_id open_slot_loc = open_slot_info.location.location # If this open slot has the same location, remove it. # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences if open_slot_puzzle_id == puzzle_id and open_slot_loc == loc_to_remove: del self._open_locations[i] # If not the same location then go to the next open slot else: i += 1 # Remove the open slot from the best buddy placer if PaikinTalSolver.use_best_buddy_placer: self._best_buddy_placer.remove_open_slot(slot_to_remove) def _remove_best_buddy_from_pool(self, piece_id): """ Best Buddy Pool Remover This function removes best buddies from the best buddy pool. Args: piece_id (int): Identification number of best buddy to be removed. """ # If the best buddy is in the pool then delete it. bb_info = BestBuddyPoolInfo(piece_id) # Verify the key is in the pool. if PaikinTalSolver._PERFORM_ASSERTION_CHECK: assert bb_info.key in self._best_buddies_pool # Delete the best buddy del self._best_buddies_pool[bb_info.key] def _find_next_piece(self): """ Next Piece to Place Finder If the best buddy pool (and accompanying heap) are not empty, then the next piece to place comes from the best buddy pool. If the pool is empty, the mutual compatibilities are recalculated and the piece with the highest mutual compatibility with an open slot is selected. Returns (NextPieceToPlace): Information on the next piece to be placed. """ # Prioritize placing from BB pool if len(self._best_buddies_pool) > 0: next_piece = None # Clean the BB Heap if self._check_if_perform_best_buddy_heap_housecleaning(): self._clean_best_buddy_heap() # Use Best Buddy Placer By Default if PaikinTalSolver.use_best_buddy_placer: next_piece = self._select_piece_using_best_buddies() # Use Standard Paikin Tal Placer Always or if no best buddy found if not PaikinTalSolver.use_best_buddy_placer or next_piece is None: # Keep popping from the heap until a valid next piece is found. while next_piece is None: # Get the best next piece from the heap. heap_info = heapq.heappop(self._best_buddy_open_slot_heap) # Make sure the piece is not already placed and/or the slot not already filled. if not self._piece_placed[heap_info.bb_id] and self._is_slot_open(heap_info.location): next_piece = NextPieceToPlace(heap_info.location, heap_info.bb_id, heap_info.bb_side, heap_info.neighbor_id, heap_info.neighbor_side, heap_info.mutual_compatibility, True) return next_piece else: print "Need to recalculate the compatibilities. Number of pieces left: " \ + str(self._numb_unplaced_pieces) + "\n" placed_and_open_pieces = copy.copy(self._piece_placed) for open_location in self._open_locations: placed_and_open_pieces[open_location.piece_id] = False # Recalculate the inter-piece distances self._inter_piece_distance.recalculate_remaining_piece_compatibilities(self._piece_placed, placed_and_open_pieces) # Get all unplaced pieces unplaced_pieces = [] for p_i in range(0, len(self._pieces)): # If the piece is not placed, then append to the list if not self._piece_placed[p_i]: unplaced_pieces.append(p_i) # Use the unplaced pieces to determine the best location. return self._get_next_piece_from_pool(unplaced_pieces) def _select_piece_using_best_buddies(self): """ Places a piece using the best buddy placing technique. Returns (NextPieceToPlace): If a next piece is found, then it returns the information on the best piece to place and None otherwise. """ # Select the next piece to place next_piece_to_place = None for numb_neighbors in xrange(PuzzlePieceSide.get_numb_sides(), 0, -1): # If the piece already has more best buddies than is available for the remaining pieces, then return if next_piece_to_place is not None and next_piece_to_place.numb_best_buddies > numb_neighbors: return next_piece_to_place # Get the open slots associated with the neighbor count open_slot_dict = self._best_buddy_placer.get_open_slot_dictionary(numb_neighbors) # If no open slots with this neighbor count, go to next count if open_slot_dict is None or len(open_slot_dict) == 0: continue open_slots_with_neighbor_count = open_slot_dict.values() # Iterate through all pieces in the best buddy pool for bb_id in self._best_buddies_pool.values(): # Get the best matching open slot for this piece. candidate_next_piece = self._get_best_location_for_best_buddy(bb_id, open_slots_with_neighbor_count, numb_neighbors) # Check if the next piece should be updated. if ((next_piece_to_place is None and candidate_next_piece.numb_best_buddies > 0) or (next_piece_to_place is not None and candidate_next_piece > next_piece_to_place)): next_piece_to_place = candidate_next_piece return next_piece_to_place def _get_best_location_for_best_buddy(self, bb_id, neighbor_count_open_slots, numb_neighbor_sides): """ For a given best buddy piece id and a list of open slots for a given number of neighbors, this function returns the best open slot for that best buddy. Args: bb_id (int): Information on a best buddy in the pool neighbor_count_open_slots (List[MultisidePuzzleOpenSlot]): Open slot information numb_neighbor_sides (int): Number of sides with a neighbor Returns (NextPieceToPlace): Information on a possible candidate for next piece to place """ # Get the information about the piece best_buddy_piece = self._pieces[bb_id] # Get all the best buddies of the piece all_best_buddies = self._inter_piece_distance.all_best_buddies(bb_id) # Initialize the next piece to place next_piece_to_place = None # Iterate through all possible rotations if self._puzzle_type == PuzzleType.type1: valid_rotations = [PuzzlePieceRotation.degree_0] else: valid_rotations = PuzzlePieceRotation.all_rotations() for rotation in valid_rotations: # Iterate through each open slot for the given neighbor count for multiside_open_slot in neighbor_count_open_slots: # Store number of best buddies numb_best_buddies = 0 mutual_compat = 0 # Check each side of the piece for side in PuzzlePieceSide.get_all_sides(): # Check if the neighbor exists. If not, then skip. neighbor_side_pair = multiside_open_slot.get_neighbor_info(side) if neighbor_side_pair is None: continue # Get the information on the neighbor neighbor_piece_id = neighbor_side_pair.id_number neighbor_side = neighbor_side_pair.side # Calculate an adjusted side adjusted_side_val = (side.value + rotation.value / PuzzlePieceRotation.degree_90.value) adjusted_side_val %= PuzzlePieceSide.get_numb_sides() adjusted_side = PuzzlePieceSide(adjusted_side_val) # Check if the best buddy is right bb_test_candidate = (neighbor_side_pair.id_number, neighbor_side_pair.side) if bb_test_candidate in all_best_buddies[adjusted_side.value]: numb_best_buddies += 1 else: numb_best_buddies -= 1 # Update the mutual compatibility mutual_compat += self._inter_piece_distance.mutual_compatibility(best_buddy_piece.id_number, adjusted_side, neighbor_piece_id, neighbor_side) # Ensure the number of best buddies does not exceed the number of neighbors if PaikinTalSolver._PERFORM_ASSERTION_CHECK and numb_best_buddies > numb_neighbor_sides: assert numb_best_buddies <= numb_neighbor_sides # Normalize the mutual compatibility mutual_compat /= numb_neighbor_sides # noinspection PyUnboundLocalVariable candidate_next_piece = NextPieceToPlace(multiside_open_slot.location, best_buddy_piece.id_number, adjusted_side, neighbor_piece_id, neighbor_side, mutual_compat, True, numb_best_buddies=numb_best_buddies) # If this candidate piece is better than the next piece, then update the next piece if next_piece_to_place is None or next_piece_to_place < candidate_next_piece: next_piece_to_place = candidate_next_piece # Rotate the best buddies temp_all_bb = [[] for _ in xrange(0, PuzzlePieceSide.get_numb_sides())] for i in xrange(0, PuzzlePieceSide.get_numb_sides()): index = (i + 1) % PuzzlePieceSide.get_numb_sides() temp_all_bb[index] = all_best_buddies[i] all_best_buddies = temp_all_bb # Return the piece to place return next_piece_to_place def _is_slot_open(self, slot_location): """ Open Slot Checker Checks whether the specified location is open in the associated puzzle. Args: slot_location (PuzzleLocation): Unique location in the puzzle Returns (bool): True of the location in the specified puzzle is open and false otherwise. """ return self._piece_locations[slot_location.puzzle_id][slot_location.location] == PaikinTalSolver._UNPLACED_PIECE_ID \ and self._check_board_dimensions(slot_location) def _check_if_perform_best_buddy_heap_housecleaning(self): """ Determines whether best buddy heap housecleaning should be performed. Returns (bool): True if BB heap house cleaning should not be performed and False otherwise. """ if not PaikinTalSolver._ENABLE_BEST_BUDDY_HEAP_HOUSEKEEPING: return False if (len(self._best_buddy_open_slot_heap) >= PaikinTalSolver._MINIMUM_CLEAN_HEAP_SIZE and self._last_best_buddy_heap_housekeeping - self._numb_unplaced_pieces >= PaikinTalSolver._MINIMUM_CLEAN_HEAP_FREQUENCY): return True else: return False def _clean_best_buddy_heap(self): """ Removes elements in teh BB heap that are no longer valid. This can be used to speed up placement in particular when there are a lot of pieces. """ if PaikinTalSolver._PRINT_PROGRESS_MESSAGES: print "Cleaning best buddy heap..." elements_deleted = 0 # Stores the number of elements in the heap removed new_bb_heap = [] # Go through all the heap elements and if a slot is full or a best buddy was placed, remove # Do not add it to the new heap for bb_heap_info in self._best_buddy_open_slot_heap: if (not self._is_slot_open(bb_heap_info.location) or self._piece_placed[bb_heap_info.bb_id]): elements_deleted += 1 continue else: new_bb_heap.append(bb_heap_info) # Mark when BB heap was last cleaned. self._last_best_buddy_heap_housekeeping = self._numb_unplaced_pieces # Turn the cleaned list into a heap and replace the existing heap heapq.heapify(new_bb_heap) self._best_buddy_open_slot_heap = new_bb_heap # Print the number of elements deleted if PaikinTalSolver._PRINT_PROGRESS_MESSAGES: total_numb_elements = elements_deleted + len(new_bb_heap) print "%d out of %d elements removed in the heap cleanup.\n\n" % (elements_deleted, total_numb_elements) def _check_board_dimensions(self, puzzle_location): """ Checks if the location is an illegal location based off an optional set of puzzle dimensions. Args: puzzle_location (PuzzleLocation): Unique location in the puzzles Returns (bool): True if not an illegal based off the board location, False otherwise. """ # Get the specific location information puzzle_id = puzzle_location.puzzle_id location = puzzle_location.location # If no puzzled dimensions, then slot is definitely open actual_dimensions = self._actual_puzzle_dimensions if actual_dimensions is None: return True else: puzzle_dimensions = self._placed_puzzle_dimensions[puzzle_id] for dim in xrange(0, len(actual_dimensions)): # Check if too far from from upper left if location[dim] - puzzle_dimensions.top_left[dim] + 1 > actual_dimensions[dim]: return False # Check if too far from from bottom right if puzzle_dimensions.bottom_right[dim] - location[dim] + 1 > actual_dimensions[dim]: return False # If puzzle dimensions are not too wide, then the location is open return True def _initialize_best_buddy_pool_and_heap(self): """ Best Buddy Heap and Pool Initializer Initializes a best buddy heap and pool """ self._best_buddies_pool = {} # Clear the best buddy heap self._best_buddy_open_slot_heap = [] # Mark the last heap clear as now self._last_best_buddy_heap_housekeeping = self._numb_unplaced_pieces def _get_next_piece_from_pool(self, unplaced_pieces): """ When the best buddy pool is empty, pick the best piece from the unplaced pieces as the next piece to be placed. Args: unplaced_pieces ([BestBuddyPoolInfo]): Set of unplaced pieces Returns (NextPieceToPlace): Information on the piece that was selected as the best to be placed. """ is_best_buddy = False best_piece = None # Get the first object from the pool for pool_obj in unplaced_pieces: # Get the piece id of the next piece to place if is_best_buddy: next_piece_id = pool_obj.piece_id # When not best buddy, next piece ID is the pool object itself. else: next_piece_id = pool_obj # For each piece check each open slot for open_slot in self._open_locations: # Ignore any invalid slots if not self._is_slot_open(open_slot.location): continue # Get the information on the piece adjacent to the open slot neighbor_piece_id = open_slot.piece_id neighbor_side = open_slot.open_side # Check the set of valid sides for each slot. for next_piece_side in InterPieceDistance.get_valid_neighbor_sides(self._puzzle_type, neighbor_side): mutual_compat = self._inter_piece_distance.mutual_compatibility(next_piece_id, next_piece_side, neighbor_piece_id, neighbor_side) # Check if need to update the best_piece if best_piece is None or mutual_compat > best_piece.mutual_compatibility: best_piece = NextPieceToPlace(open_slot.location, next_piece_id, next_piece_side, neighbor_piece_id, neighbor_side, mutual_compat, is_best_buddy) # noinspection PyUnboundLocalVariable return best_piece def _initialize_open_slots(self): """ Initializes the set of open locations. """ self._open_locations = [] def _spawn_new_board(self): """ New Board Spawner This function handles spawning a new board including any associated data structure resetting. """ # Perform any post processing. if PaikinTalSolver._CLEAR_BEST_BUDDY_HEAP_ON_SPAWN: self._initialize_best_buddy_pool_and_heap() # Place the next seed piece # noinspection PyUnreachableCode self._place_seed_piece() def _place_seed_piece(self): """ Seed Piece Placer Whenever a new puzzle board is started, this function should be called. It removes the best seed piece from the set of possible pieces, then places it at the center of the new puzzle with no rotation (for simplicity as this using no rotation has no effect on the final solution). The function then adds the seed piece's best buddies to the pool. """ # Increment the number of puzzles self._numb_puzzles += 1 if PaikinTalSolver._PRINT_PROGRESS_MESSAGES: print "\n\nBoard #" + str(self._numb_puzzles) + " was created.\n\n" # Account for placed piece when calculating starting piece candidates. if self._numb_puzzles > 1: self._inter_piece_distance.find_start_piece_candidates(self._piece_placed) # Get the first piece for the puzzle seed_piece_id = self._inter_piece_distance.next_starting_piece(self._piece_placed) seed = self._pieces[seed_piece_id] self._mark_piece_placed(seed_piece_id) # Set the first piece's puzzle id seed.puzzle_id = self._numb_puzzles - 1 # Mark the last heap clear as now self._last_best_buddy_heap_housekeeping = self._numb_unplaced_pieces # Initialize the piece locations list shape = (len(self._pieces), len(self._pieces)) self._piece_locations.append(numpy.zeros(shape, numpy.int32)) self._piece_locations[seed.puzzle_id].fill(PaikinTalSolver._UNPLACED_PIECE_ID) # Place the piece unrotated in the center of the board. board_center = (int(shape[0] / 2), int(shape[1]) / 2) seed.location = board_center seed.rotation = PuzzlePieceRotation.degree_0 self._piece_locations[seed.puzzle_id][board_center] = seed.id_number # Note that this piece has been placed # Define new puzzle dimensions with the board center as the top left and bottom right puzzle_dimensions = PuzzleDimensions(seed.puzzle_id, board_center) self._placed_puzzle_dimensions.append(puzzle_dimensions) # Set the best buddy score to zero by default. self._best_buddy_accuracy.create_best_buddy_accuracy_for_new_puzzle(seed.puzzle_id) self._update_best_buddy_accuracy(seed.puzzle_id, seed.id_number) # Add the placed piece's best buddies to the pool. self._add_best_buddies_to_pool(seed.id_number) self._update_open_slots(seed) self._update_best_buddy_collection_neighbor_slots(seed.id_number) def _update_best_buddy_collection_neighbor_slots(self, placed_piece_id): """ Updates the information on the open slots in the best buddy placer data structures. Args: placed_piece_id (int): Identification number of the placed piece. """ # Get the information on the placed piece. placed_piece = self._pieces[placed_piece_id] placed_piece_location = PuzzleLocation(placed_piece.puzzle_id, placed_piece.location[0], placed_piece.location[1]) # Get the open slots neighbor_location_and_side = placed_piece.get_neighbor_locations_and_sides() # Iterate through the pairings of sides and location for i in xrange(0, len(neighbor_location_and_side)): # Build a puzzle location object (location, side) = neighbor_location_and_side[i] neighbor_location = PuzzleLocation(placed_piece.puzzle_id, location[0], location[1]) # Check if the slot is open if self._is_slot_open(neighbor_location): # Store the neighbor side neighbor_side = Puzzle.get_side_of_primary_adjacent_to_other_piece(neighbor_location, placed_piece_location) # Update the neighbor location information placed_piece_and_side = NeighborSidePair(placed_piece_id, side) self._best_buddy_placer.update_open_slot(neighbor_location, neighbor_side, placed_piece_and_side) @staticmethod
[docs] def get_side_of_primary_adjacent_to_other_piece(primary_piece_location, other_piece_location): """ Given two adjacent pieces (i.e. a primary piece and an other piece), return the side of the primary piece that is adjacent (i.e. touching) the other piece. Args: primary_piece_location (PuzzleLocation): Location of the primary piece other_piece_location (PuzzleLocation): Location of the other piece Returns (PuzzlePieceSide): Side of the primary piece adjacent to the other piece. """ diff_row = primary_piece_location.location[0] - other_piece_location.location[0] diff_col = primary_piece_location.location[1] - other_piece_location.location[1] # Verify the locations are actually adjacent # noinspection PyProtectedMember if PaikinTalSolver._PERFORM_ASSERTION_CHECK: assert primary_piece_location.puzzle_id == other_piece_location.puzzle_id # Verify the locations are exactly one space away assert abs(diff_row) + abs(diff_col) == 1 if diff_row == 1: return PuzzlePieceSide.left if diff_row == -1: return PuzzlePieceSide.right if diff_col == 1: return if diff_col == -1: return PuzzlePieceSide.bottom
def _updated_puzzle_dimensions(self, placed_piece_location): """ Puzzle Dimensions Updater Args: placed_piece_location (PuzzleLocation): Location of the newly placed piece. """ # Get the specifics of the placed piece puzzle_id = placed_piece_location.puzzle_id location = placed_piece_location.location board_dimensions = self._placed_puzzle_dimensions[puzzle_id] # Make sure the dimensions are somewhat plausible. if PaikinTalSolver._PERFORM_ASSERTION_CHECK: assert (board_dimensions.top_left[0] <= board_dimensions.bottom_right[0] and board_dimensions.top_left[1] <= board_dimensions.bottom_right[1]) # Store the puzzle dimensions. dimensions_changed = False for dim in range(0, len(board_dimensions.top_left)): if board_dimensions.top_left[dim] > location[dim]: board_dimensions.top_left[dim] = location[dim] dimensions_changed = True elif board_dimensions.bottom_right[dim] < location[dim]: board_dimensions.bottom_right[dim] = location[dim] dimensions_changed = True # If the dimensions changed, the update the board size and store it back in the array if dimensions_changed: board_dimensions.update_dimensions() self._placed_puzzle_dimensions[puzzle_id] = board_dimensions @property def best_buddy_accuracy(self): """ Access all of the best buddy accuracy information associated with the puzzle. Returns (List[BestBuddyAccuracy]): All the best buddy accuracy results in the puzzle. """ return self._best_buddy_accuracy def _update_best_buddy_accuracy(self, puzzle_id, placed_piece_id): """ Args: puzzle_id (int): Identification number for the SOLVED puzzle placed_piece_id (int): Identification number of the placed piece """ # Get the place piece's neighbors and the corresponding side the piece. neighbor_loc_and_side = self._pieces[placed_piece_id].get_neighbor_locations_and_sides() # Iterate through all neighbor locations and sides. for (neighbor_loc, placed_side) in neighbor_loc_and_side: # Get the neighbor and best buddy ids neighbor_id = self._piece_locations[puzzle_id][neighbor_loc] is_neighbor_open = (neighbor_id == PaikinTalSolver._UNPLACED_PIECE_ID) # Check this piece's info. placed_piece_bb_info = self._inter_piece_distance.best_buddies(placed_piece_id, placed_side) # If BB list is not empty, then get the BB info. if placed_piece_bb_info: # TODO This code only supports a single best buddy (placed_piece_bb_id, placed_piece_bb_side) = placed_piece_bb_info[0] # Handle the neighbor first. # Only be need to handle it if it is not empty. if not is_neighbor_open: neighbor_side = self._pieces[neighbor_id].side_adjacent_to_location(self._pieces[placed_piece_id].location) neighbor_best_buddy = self._inter_piece_distance.best_buddies(neighbor_id, neighbor_side) # Only need to analyze if no best buddy if neighbor_best_buddy: # Delete the best buddy from the open list since definitely has a piece next to it. self._best_buddy_accuracy[puzzle_id].delete_open_best_buddy(neighbor_id, neighbor_side) # If neighbor matches, then add to the list if placed_piece_bb_info and placed_piece_bb_id == neighbor_id and placed_piece_bb_side == neighbor_side: self._best_buddy_accuracy[puzzle_id].add_correct_best_buddy(neighbor_id, neighbor_side) self._best_buddy_accuracy[puzzle_id].add_correct_best_buddy(placed_piece_id, placed_side) continue # Check if the placed piece has a best buddy # If so, it (and potentially its BB) must be processed if placed_piece_bb_info: # If the BB is already placed, delete from open list if applicable and add to wrong list # if applicable if self._piece_placed[placed_piece_bb_id]: # Get the placed piece's puzzle id number bb_puzzle_id = self._pieces[placed_piece_bb_id].puzzle_id # If it is open, delete it from the open list self._best_buddy_accuracy[bb_puzzle_id].delete_open_best_buddy(placed_piece_bb_id, placed_piece_bb_side) # Neighbor does not match BB so mark as wrong self._best_buddy_accuracy[bb_puzzle_id].add_wrong_best_buddy(placed_piece_bb_id, placed_piece_bb_side) # Neighbor does not match BB so mark as wrong self._best_buddy_accuracy[bb_puzzle_id].add_wrong_best_buddy(placed_piece_id, placed_side) # If no neighbor and placed piece has a best buddy, add to the open list and move on. elif is_neighbor_open: self._best_buddy_accuracy[puzzle_id].add_open_best_buddy(placed_piece_id, placed_side) def _update_open_slots(self, placed_piece): """ Open Slots Updater When a piece is placed, this function is run and updates the open slots that may have been created by that piece's placement. For example, when the first piece in a puzzle is placed, this function, will open up four new slots. Whenever a new slot is opened, it must be compared against all best buddies in the pool and the pairing of that open slot and the best buddy added to the heap. Args: placed_piece (PuzzlePiece): Last piece placed """ # Get the placed piece's ID number piece_id = placed_piece.id_number # Get the puzzle ID number puzzle_id = placed_piece.puzzle_id # Get the set of open location puzzle pieces and sides location_and_sides = placed_piece.get_neighbor_locations_and_sides() # TODO Open slot checker should be made far more efficient for location_side in location_and_sides: location = location_side[0] piece_side = location_side[1] open_slot_loc = PuzzleLocation(puzzle_id, location[0], location[1]) if self._is_slot_open(open_slot_loc): # noinspection PyTypeChecker self._open_locations.append(PuzzleOpenSlot(open_slot_loc, piece_id, piece_side)) # For each Best Buddy already in the pool, add an object to the heap. for bb_id in self._best_buddies_pool.values(): # Go through all valid best_buddy sides valid_sides = InterPieceDistance.get_valid_neighbor_sides(self._puzzle_type, piece_side) for bb_side in valid_sides: mutual_compat = self._inter_piece_distance.mutual_compatibility(piece_id, piece_side, bb_id, bb_side) # Create a heap info object and push it onto the heap. bb_location = PuzzleLocation(puzzle_id, location[0], location[1]) heap_info = BestBuddyHeapInfo(bb_id, bb_side, piece_id, piece_side, bb_location, mutual_compat) heapq.heappush(self._best_buddy_open_slot_heap, heap_info) def _mark_piece_placed(self, piece_id): """ Mark Puzzle Piece as Placed This function marks a puzzle piece as placed in the Paikin-Tal Puzzle Solver structure. Args: piece_id (int): Identification number for the puzzle piece """ self._piece_placed[piece_id] = True self._numb_unplaced_pieces -= 1 def _add_best_buddies_to_pool(self, piece_id): """ Pool Best Buddy Adder Per Paikin and Tal's algorithm, when a piece is added to the puzzle, any of its unplaced best buddies are added to the pool of best buddies to place. This function of adding best buddies to the pool is done here. Args: piece_id (int): Identification number for piece p_i that is being placed. """ # Get the list of best buddies for each side. for p_i_side in PuzzlePieceSide.get_all_sides(): # Get the best buddies for p_i on side i best_buddies_for_side = self._inter_piece_distance.best_buddies(piece_id, p_i_side) # Buddy/Side Pairs for bb in best_buddies_for_side: # Create a best buddy pool info object bb_id = bb[0] bb_pool_info = BestBuddyPoolInfo(bb_id) # If the best buddy is already placed or in the pool, skip it. if self._piece_placed[bb_id] or bb_pool_info.key in self._best_buddies_pool: continue # Add the best buddy to the pool self._best_buddies_pool[bb_pool_info.key] = bb_pool_info.piece_id # Get the open slots for open_slot_info in self._open_locations: # Depending on the puzzle type, only look at the valid sides. valid_sides = InterPieceDistance.get_valid_neighbor_sides(self._puzzle_type, open_slot_info.open_side) for bb_side in valid_sides: # Get the mutual compatibility mutual_compat = self._inter_piece_distance.mutual_compatibility(bb_id, bb_side, open_slot_info.piece_id, open_slot_info.open_side) # Build a heap info object. bb_heap_info = BestBuddyHeapInfo(bb_id, bb_side, open_slot_info.piece_id, open_slot_info.open_side, open_slot_info.location, mutual_compat) # Push the best buddy onto the heap heapq.heappush(self._best_buddy_open_slot_heap, bb_heap_info) @property def puzzle_type(self): """ Puzzle Type Accessor Gets whether the puzzle is type 1 or type 2 Returns (PuzzleType): Type of the puzzle (either 1 or 2) """ return self._puzzle_type