Source code for paikin_tal_solver.inter_piece_distance

"""Inter-Puzzle Piece Distance Object

.. moduleauthor:: Zayd Hammoudeh <>
import numpy
import sys

import operator

from hammoudeh_puzzle.puzzle_importer import PuzzleType
from hammoudeh_puzzle.puzzle_piece import PuzzlePieceSide

[docs]class PieceDistanceInformation(object): """ Stores all of the inter-piece distance information (e.g. asymmetric distance, asymmetric compatibility, mutual compatibility, etc.) between a specific piece (based off the ID number) and all other pieces. """ _PERFORM_ASSERT_CHECKS = True _ALLOW_MULTIPLE_BEST_BUDDIES = False _ENABLE_AVERAGE_CHECK_SPEED_UP = False _MAXIMUM_AVERAGE_SEPARATION = 20 def __init__(self, id_numb, numb_pieces, puzzle_type): """ Args: id_numb (int): numb_pieces (int): Number of pieces in the puzzle puzzle_type (PuzzleType): Returns (PieceDistanceInformation): Distance information object for a single puzzle piece. """ self._id = id_numb self._numb_pieces = numb_pieces self._puzzle_type = puzzle_type self._min_distance = None self._second_best_distance = None self._asymmetric_distances = None self._asymmetric_compatibilities = None self._mutual_compatibilities = None # Define the best buddies information self._best_buddy_candidates = [[] for _ in PuzzlePieceSide.get_all_sides()] self._best_buddies = [[] for _ in PuzzlePieceSide.get_all_sides()] @property def piece_id(self): """ Piece ID Accessor Gets the piece identification number for a PieceDistanceInformation object Returns (int): Piece identification number """ return self._id
[docs] def asymmetric_distance(self, p_i_side, p_j, p_j_side): """ Asymmetric Distance Accessor Returns the asymmetric distance between p_i and p_j. Args: p_i_side (PuzzlePieceSide): Side of the primary piece (p_i - implicit) p_j (int): Secondary puzzle piece p_j_side (PuzzlePieceSide): Returns (int): Asymmetric distance between pieces p_i (implicit) and p_j (explicit) for their specified sides. """ p_j_side_val = InterPieceDistance.get_p_j_side_index(self._puzzle_type, p_j_side) return self._asymmetric_distances[p_i_side.value, p_j, p_j_side_val]
[docs] def asymmetric_compatibility(self, p_i_side, p_j, p_j_side): """ Puzzle Piece Asymmetric Compatibility Accessor Gets the asymmetric compatibility for a piece (p_i) to another piece p_j on their respective sides. Args: p_i_side (PuzzlePieceSide): Side of the primary piece (p_i) where p_j will be placed p_j (int): Secondary piece for the asymmetric distance. p_j_side (PuzzlePieceSide): Side of the secondary piece (p_j) which is adjacent to p_i Returns (double): Asymmetric compatibility between the two pieces on their respective sides """ p_j_side_val = InterPieceDistance.get_p_j_side_index(self._puzzle_type, p_j_side) return self._asymmetric_compatibilities[p_i_side.value, p_j, p_j_side_val]
[docs] def set_mutual_compatibility(self, p_i_side, p_j, p_j_side, compatibility): """ Puzzle Piece Mutual Compatibility Setter Sets the mutual compatibility for a piece (p_i) to another piece p_j on their respective sides. Args: p_i_side (PuzzlePieceSide): Side of the primary piece (p_i) where p_j will be placed p_j (int): Secondary piece for the asymmetric distance. p_j_side (PuzzlePieceSide): Side of the secondary piece (p_j) which is adjacent to p_i compatibility (float): Mutual compatibility between p_i and p_j on their respective sides. """ p_j_side_val = InterPieceDistance.get_p_j_side_index(self._puzzle_type, p_j_side) self._mutual_compatibilities[p_i_side.value, p_j, p_j_side_val] = compatibility
[docs] def get_mutual_compatibility(self, p_i_side, p_j, p_j_side): """ Puzzle Piece Mutual Compatibility Accessor Gets the mutual compatibility for a piece (p_i) to another piece p_j on their respective sides. Args: p_i_side (PuzzlePieceSide): Side of the primary piece (p_i) where p_j will be placed p_j (int): Secondary piece for the asymmetric distance. p_j_side (PuzzlePieceSide): Side of the secondary piece (p_j) which is adjacent to p_i Returns (double): Mutual compatibility between the two pieces on their respective sides """ p_j_side_val = InterPieceDistance.get_p_j_side_index(self._puzzle_type, p_j_side) # Return the mutual compatibility return self._mutual_compatibilities[p_i_side.value, p_j, p_j_side_val]
[docs] def best_buddy_candidates(self, side): """ Best Buddy Candidate Accessor Gets the list of possible best buddies for this set of distance information. Args: side (PuzzlePieceSide): Reference side of the puzzle piece Returns (List[ Tuple[int] ]): Returns an array of the ID numbers and the respective side for the ID number for possible best buddies. """ if PieceDistanceInformation._ALLOW_MULTIPLE_BEST_BUDDIES: return self._best_buddy_candidates[side.value] else: # If there are more than one best buddy candidate, there are none. if len(self._best_buddy_candidates[side.value]) <= 1: return self._best_buddy_candidates[side.value] else: return []
[docs] def best_buddies(self, side): """ Best Buddy Accessor Gets a list of best buddy piece ids for a puzzle piece's side. If a puzzle piece side has no best buddy, this function returns an empty list. Args: side (PuzzlePieceSide): Side of the implicit puzzle piece. Returns ([int]): List of best buddy pieces """ return self._best_buddies[side.value]
[docs] def all_best_buddies(self): """ Best Buddy Accessor Gets all the best buddies of a piece Returns (List[int]): List of best buddy pieces """ return self._best_buddies
[docs] def add_best_buddy(self, p_i_side, p_j_id_numb, p_j_side): """ Best Buddy Puzzle Piece Adder Adds a best best buddy to a puzzle piece's side. Args: p_i_side (PuzzlePieceSide): Identification number for a side of the puzzle piece p_i p_j_id_numb (int): Identification number for the best buddy puzzle piece p_j_side (PuzzlePieceSide): Identification number for the side of p_j where p_i is placed """ # Optionally check piece is not already a best buddy candidate on this side if PieceDistanceInformation._PERFORM_ASSERT_CHECKS: assert((p_j_id_numb, p_j_side) not in self._best_buddies[p_i_side.value]) # Add the piece to the set of valid best buddies # noinspection PyTypeChecker self._best_buddies[p_i_side.value].append((p_j_id_numb, p_j_side))
[docs] def clear_best_buddy_information(self): """ Best Buddy Information Clearer Clears the best buddy candidates and best buddy list for a puzzle piece. """ # Reset the piece's best buddy information self._best_buddy_candidates = [[] for _ in PuzzlePieceSide.get_all_sides()] self._best_buddies = [[] for _ in PuzzlePieceSide.get_all_sides()]
[docs] def calculate_inter_piece_distances(self, pieces, distance_function): """ Calculates the inter-piece distances between all pieces. Args: pieces ([PuzzlePiece]): All pieces across all puzzle(s). distance_function: Function to measure the distance between two puzzle pieces """ # Based on the puzzle type, determine the number of possible piece to piece pairings. numb_possible_pairings = len(InterPieceDistance.get_valid_neighbor_sides(self._puzzle_type, PuzzlePieceSide.get_all_sides()[0])) # Build an empty array to store the piece to piece distances self._asymmetric_distances = numpy.zeros((PuzzlePieceSide.get_numb_sides(), self._numb_pieces, numb_possible_pairings), numpy.uint32) fill_value = 2 ** 31 - 1 self._asymmetric_distances.fill(fill_value) # Reset the piece's important distance values. self._reset_min_and_second_best_distances() # Calculates the piece to piece distances so we only need to do it once. for p_j in range(0, self._numb_pieces): if self._id == p_j: # Do not compare a piece to itself. continue # Iterate through all of the sides of p_i (i.e. this piece) for p_i_side in PuzzlePieceSide.get_all_sides(): # Define the set of valid sides of p_j where p_i can be placed for the given side set_of_neighbor_sides = InterPieceDistance.get_valid_neighbor_sides(self._puzzle_type, p_i_side) # Go through the set of x_j sides for p_j_side in set_of_neighbor_sides: # See if the calculation can be skipped. p_i_avg_color = pieces[self._id].border_average_color(p_i_side) p_j_avg_color = pieces[p_j].border_average_color(p_j_side) # If the pieces are too different, the calculations can be sped- if (PieceDistanceInformation._ENABLE_AVERAGE_CHECK_SPEED_UP and abs(p_i_avg_color - p_j_avg_color) >= PieceDistanceInformation._MAXIMUM_AVERAGE_SEPARATION): dist = sys.maxint else: # Calculate the distance between the two pieces. dist = distance_function(pieces[self._id], p_i_side, pieces[p_j], p_j_side) # Store the distance p_j_side_index = InterPieceDistance.get_p_j_side_index(self._puzzle_type, p_j_side) self._asymmetric_distances[p_i_side.value, p_j, p_j_side_index] = dist # Update the minimum and second best distances as appropriate self._update_min_and_second_best_distances_and_best_buddy_candidates(p_i_side, p_j, p_j_side, update_best_buddy_candidates=True) # Calculate the Asymmetric Compatibilities self.calculate_asymmetric_compatibility()
def _update_min_and_second_best_distances_and_best_buddy_candidates(self, p_i_side, p_j, p_j_side, update_best_buddy_candidates): """ Args: p_i_side (PuzzlePieceSide): Reference side of the implicit puzzle piece p_j (int): Alternate piece identification number p_j_side (PuzzlePieceSide): Reference side of the other piece """ # Extract the distance between p_i and p_j on their sides p_j_side_index = InterPieceDistance.get_p_j_side_index(self._puzzle_type, p_j_side) dist = self._asymmetric_distances[p_i_side.value, p_j, p_j_side_index] # See if the minimum distance needs to be updated. if dist < self._min_distance[p_i_side.value]: self._second_best_distance[p_i_side.value] = self._min_distance[p_i_side.value] self._min_distance[p_i_side.value] = dist if update_best_buddy_candidates: self._best_buddy_candidates[p_i_side.value] = [(p_j, p_j_side)] # See if there is a tie for best buddy elif dist == self._min_distance[p_i_side.value]: # TODO Decide later what to do about best buddy ties. self._second_best_distance[p_i_side.value] = dist if update_best_buddy_candidates: # noinspection PyTypeChecker self._best_buddy_candidates[p_i_side.value].append((p_j, p_j_side)) # If only the second best then update the second best distance elif dist < self._second_best_distance[p_i_side.value]: self._second_best_distance[p_i_side.value] = dist def _reset_min_and_second_best_distances(self): """ Minimum and Second Best Distance Resetter Resets the minimum and second best distances for an individual piece. """ # Store the second best distances in an array self._second_best_distance = [sys.maxint for _ in range(0, PuzzlePieceSide.get_numb_sides())] # Use the second best distance to initialize a min best distance array. # It should be slightly less in value than the second best distance (e.g. subtract 1) since the best # distance is supposed to be the minimum. self._min_distance = [sys.maxint - 1 for _ in range(0, PuzzlePieceSide.get_numb_sides())] def _find_min_and_second_best_distances(self, skip_piece): """ Minimum and Second Best Distance Finder Finds the minimum and second best distance for a piece with respect to already calculated distances. Args: skip_piece ([Bool]): A list indicating whether each piece should be skipped. If True, the piece should be skipped. If the piece should be checked, then the array should be false. """ # Reset the piece's distance information. self._reset_min_and_second_best_distances() # Select whether to update the best buddy candidates update_best_buddy_candidates = True if skip_piece is None else False # Go through all the valid sides for p_i_side in PuzzlePieceSide.get_all_sides(): # Go through all other valid pieces. for p_j in range(0, self._numb_pieces): # Do not compare a piece to itself or if it is already placed if self._skip_piece(skip_piece, p_j): continue # Check all valid p_j sides depending on the puzzle type. for p_j_side in InterPieceDistance.get_valid_neighbor_sides(self._puzzle_type, p_i_side): # Update the first and second best pieces as appropriate self._update_min_and_second_best_distances_and_best_buddy_candidates(p_i_side, p_j, p_j_side, update_best_buddy_candidates)
[docs] def calculate_asymmetric_compatibility(self, is_piece_placed=None): """ Asymmetric Compatibility Calculator Calculates the asymmetric compatibility for this piece with respect to all other pieces. Args: is_piece_placed (Optional [Bool]): For each puzzle piece, True if the piece is placed and false otherwise. """ # Based on the puzzle type, determine the number of possible piece to piece pairings. numb_possible_pairings = len(InterPieceDistance.get_valid_neighbor_sides(self._puzzle_type, PuzzlePieceSide.get_all_sides()[0])) # Regenerate the numpy array only if it has not already been generated if self._asymmetric_compatibilities is None: # Build an empty array to store the piece to piece distances self._asymmetric_compatibilities = numpy.zeros((PuzzlePieceSide.get_numb_sides(), self._numb_pieces, numb_possible_pairings), numpy.float32) self._asymmetric_compatibilities.fill(float('inf')) # Calculate the asymmetric compatibility for p_j in range(0, self._numb_pieces): # Do not compare a piece to itself or if it is already placed if self._skip_piece(is_piece_placed, p_j): continue for p_i_side in PuzzlePieceSide.get_all_sides(): set_of_neighbor_sides = InterPieceDistance.get_valid_neighbor_sides(self._puzzle_type, p_i_side) for p_j_side in set_of_neighbor_sides: # Calculate the compatibility p_j_side_index = InterPieceDistance.get_p_j_side_index(self._puzzle_type, p_j_side) # Get the parameters need to either specially set or calculate asymmetric compatibility piece_to_piece_distance = self._asymmetric_distances[p_i_side.value, p_j, p_j_side_index] second_best_distance = self._second_best_distance[p_i_side.value] # Check if calculations can be skipped if piece_to_piece_distance == sys.maxint: asym_compatibility = -sys.maxint elif second_best_distance == 0: asym_compatibility = -sys.maxint # Prevent divide by zero elif piece_to_piece_distance == 0: asym_compatibility = 1 else: # Calculate the asymmetric compatibility asym_compatibility = (1 - 1.0 * piece_to_piece_distance / second_best_distance) self._asymmetric_compatibilities[p_i_side.value, p_j, p_j_side_index] = asym_compatibility # Build an empty array to store the piece to piece distances self._mutual_compatibilities = numpy.zeros((PuzzlePieceSide.get_numb_sides(), self._numb_pieces, numb_possible_pairings), numpy.float32) self._mutual_compatibilities.fill(float('inf'))
def _skip_piece(self, skip_piece, p_j=None): """ Deetermine if a piece should be skilled during placement Args: skip_piece (Optional [Bool]): p_j (Optional int): Returns (bool): True if this piece should be skipped and False otherwise. """ if (p_j is not None and self._id == p_j) or \ (skip_piece is not None and skip_piece[p_j]): # Do not compare a piece to itself. return True else: return False @property def minimum_distance(self): """ Minimum (Best) Distance Property For this piece's inter-piece distance information, this function is used to access the MINIMUM (i.e. best) distance between it and any other piece. Returns(float): Minimum (i.e. best) distance for this puzzle piece """ return self._min_distance @property def second_best_distance(self): """ Second Best Distance Property For this piece's inter-piece distance information, this property returns the second best distance. Returns (float): Second best distance for this puzzle piece """ return self._second_best_distance
[docs]class InterPieceDistance(object): """ Master class for managing inter-puzzle piece distances as well as best buddies and the starter puzzle pieces as defined by the Paikin and Tal paper. """ # If true, assertion checks are run. Optional to increase algorithm stability and speedup runtime. _PERFORM_ASSERT_CHECKS = True # These are used for picking the starting piece. _USE_ONLY_NEIGHBORS_FOR_STARTING_PIECE_TOTAL_COMPATIBILITY = True _NEIGHBOR_COMPATIBILITY_SCALAR = 4 def __init__(self, pieces, distance_function, puzzle_type): """ Inter-Puzzle Piece Distance Object Constructor Stores the piece to piece distance Args: pieces ([SimplePuzzlePiece]): List of all puzzle pieces in simple form.s distance_function: Function to calculate the distance between two pieces. """ # Give each piece an identification number. id_numb = 0 for piece in pieces: piece.id_number = id_numb id_numb += 1 # Store the number of pieces in the puzzle. self._numb_pieces = len(pieces) # store the distance function used for calculations. assert(distance_function is not None) self._distance_function = distance_function # Store the puzzle type self._puzzle_type = puzzle_type # Initialize the data structures for this class. self._piece_distance_info = [] for p_i in range(0, self._numb_pieces): self._piece_distance_info.append(PieceDistanceInformation(p_i, self._numb_pieces, self._puzzle_type)) # Define the start piece ordering self._start_piece_ordering = [] # Calculate the best buddies using the inter-distance information. self.calculate_inter_piece_distances(pieces) # Calculate the piece to piece mutual compatibility self.calculate_mutual_compatibility() # Calculate the best buddies using the inter-distance information. self.find_best_buddies() # Find the set of valid starter pieces. self.find_start_piece_candidates() # Clear the distance function for pickling purposes self._distance_function = None
[docs] def calculate_inter_piece_distances(self, pieces): """ Inter-Piece Distance Calculator Calculates the inter-piece distances between all pieces. Also calculates the compatibility between two parts. Args: pieces ([PuzzlePiece]): All pieces across all puzzle(s). """ # Calculates the piece to piece distances so we only need to do it once. for p_i in range(0, self._numb_pieces): self._piece_distance_info[p_i].calculate_inter_piece_distances(pieces, self._distance_function)
[docs] def get_total_best_buddy_count(self): """ Get the total number of best buddies. This function is mostly used for assert checking. Returns (int): Total number of best buddies """ bb_total_count = 0 # Iterate through all pieces for piece_dist_info in self._piece_distance_info: # iterate though the side of each piece. for side in PuzzlePieceSide.get_all_sides(): bb_total_count += len(piece_dist_info.best_buddies(side)) return bb_total_count
[docs] def calculate_mutual_compatibility(self, is_piece_placed=None): """ Mutual Compatibility Calculator Calculates the mutual compatibility as defined by Paikin and Tal. Args: is_piece_placed (Optional [Bool]): List indicating whether each piece is placed """ for p_i in range(0, self._numb_pieces): # Go through all the valid sides for p_i_side in PuzzlePieceSide.get_all_sides(): for p_j in range(p_i + 1, self._numb_pieces): # Skip placed pieces # No Need to check p_i == p_j since doing a diagonal calculation if p_i == p_j or (InterPieceDistance._skip_piece(p_i, is_piece_placed) and InterPieceDistance._skip_piece(p_j, is_piece_placed)): continue # Check all valid p_j sides depending on the puzzle type. for p_j_side in InterPieceDistance.get_valid_neighbor_sides(self._puzzle_type, p_i_side): p_i_to_p_j = self._piece_distance_info[p_i].asymmetric_compatibility(p_i_side, p_j, p_j_side) p_j_to_p_i = self._piece_distance_info[p_j].asymmetric_compatibility(p_j_side, p_i, p_i_side) # Check if the calculation can be skipped for speed-up if p_i_to_p_j == -sys.maxint or p_j_to_p_i == -sys.maxint: mutual_compat = -sys.maxint else: # Get the compatibility from p_i to p_j mutual_compat = (p_i_to_p_j + p_j_to_p_i) / 2 # Store the mutual compatibility for BOTH p_i and p_j self._piece_distance_info[p_i].set_mutual_compatibility(p_i_side, p_j, p_j_side, mutual_compat) self._piece_distance_info[p_j].set_mutual_compatibility(p_j_side, p_i, p_i_side, mutual_compat)
[docs] def recalculate_remaining_piece_compatibilities(self, is_piece_placed, is_piece_placed_with_no_open_neighbors): """ Compatibility Recalculator When no best buddy is in the pool, this function is called to recalculate the best buddies and compatibilities. Args: is_piece_placed ([Bool]): List indicating whether each piece is placed is_piece_placed_with_no_open_neighbors ([Bool]): Subset of the elements in the array "is_piece_placed." It is only those pieces that are placed AND have no open locations amongst their direct neighbors. """ if InterPieceDistance._PERFORM_ASSERT_CHECKS: assert len(is_piece_placed) == len(is_piece_placed_with_no_open_neighbors) # Find the minimum and second best distance information for the placed pieces pieces_with_changed_dist = self._find_min_and_second_best_distances(is_piece_placed, is_piece_placed) # Calculate the asymmetric compatibilities using the updated min and second best distances. self._recalculate_asymmetric_compatibilities(pieces_with_changed_dist, is_piece_placed) # Recalculate the mutual probabilities self.calculate_mutual_compatibility(pieces_with_changed_dist)
def _find_min_and_second_best_distances(self, is_piece_placed=None, is_piece_placed_with_no_open_neighbors=None): """ Args: is_piece_placed (Optional [Bool]): List indicating whether each piece is placed """ # Determine whether anything for this piece needs to be recalculated. min_or_second_best_distance_unchanged = [True] * len(is_piece_placed_with_no_open_neighbors) # Initialize the minimum distance to prevent warnings in PyCharm prev_min_dist = None prev_second_best_dist = None # Iterate through all of the pieces for p_i in range(0, self._numb_pieces): # Skip placed pieces if InterPieceDistance._skip_piece(p_i, is_piece_placed_with_no_open_neighbors): continue # If these change, it means asymmetric distance or mutual compatibility need to be recalculated if is_piece_placed is not None: prev_min_dist = self._piece_distance_info[p_i].minimum_distance prev_second_best_dist = self._piece_distance_info[p_i].second_best_distance # Find the minimum and second best distance for each piece and side # noinspection PyProtectedMember self._piece_distance_info[p_i]._find_min_and_second_best_distances(is_piece_placed) # Check if the distances changed if is_piece_placed is not None and (prev_min_dist != self._piece_distance_info[p_i].minimum_distance or prev_second_best_dist != self._piece_distance_info[p_i].second_best_distance): min_or_second_best_distance_unchanged[p_i] = False # Return those parts whose distance actually changed to speed up calculations. if is_piece_placed is not None: return min_or_second_best_distance_unchanged def _clear_placed_piece_best_buddy_information(self): """ Best Buddy Information Clearer Clears the best buddy information for all placed pieces. """ # Clears the best buddy information for placed pieces for p_i in range(0, self._numb_pieces): self._piece_distance_info[p_i].clear_best_buddy_information() def _recalculate_asymmetric_compatibilities(self, min_or_second_best_distance_unchanged, is_piece_placed_with_no_open_neighbors): """ Asymmetric Compatibility Recalculator Recalculate the ASYMMETRIC compatibilities of unplaced pieces after minimum and second best distances were found. Args: min_or_second_best_distance_unchanged: (Optional [Bool]): List indicating whether each piece is placed """ # Iterate through all pieces skipping placed ones. for p_i in range(0, self._numb_pieces): # Skip placed pieces if InterPieceDistance._skip_piece(p_i, min_or_second_best_distance_unchanged): continue # Recalculate the self._piece_distance_info[p_i].calculate_asymmetric_compatibility(is_piece_placed_with_no_open_neighbors)
[docs] def find_best_buddies(self, is_piece_placed=None): """ Finds the best buddies for this set of distance calculations. The best buddies information is stored with the inter-piece distances. Args: is_piece_placed (Optional [Bool]): List indicating whether each piece is placed """ # Go through each piece to find its best buddies. for p_i in range(0, self._numb_pieces): # Skip placed pieces if InterPieceDistance._skip_piece(p_i, is_piece_placed): continue # Find the best buddies of all sides. for p_i_side in PuzzlePieceSide.get_all_sides(): # Iterate through all the sides. # Get p_i's best buddy candidates. best_buddy_candidates = self._piece_distance_info[p_i].best_buddy_candidates(p_i_side) # See if the candidates match for (p_j, p_j_side) in best_buddy_candidates: piece_dist_info = self._piece_distance_info[p_j] if (p_i, p_i_side) in piece_dist_info.best_buddy_candidates(p_j_side): self._piece_distance_info[p_i].add_best_buddy(p_i_side, p_j, p_j_side)
[docs] def find_start_piece_candidates(self, is_piece_placed=None): """ Creates a list of starter puzzle pieces. This is based off the criteria defined by Paikin and Tal where a piece must have 4 best buddies and its best buddies must have 4 best buddies. This list is sorted from best starter piece to worst. Args: is_piece_placed (Optional [Bool]): List indicating whether each piece is placed """ # Calculate each pieces best buddy count for each piece all_best_buddy_info = [] for p_i in range(0, self._numb_pieces): # Skip placed pieces if InterPieceDistance._skip_piece(p_i, is_piece_placed): all_best_buddy_info.append(([], 0)) continue # Best buddies and compatibility storage. p_i_best_buddies_and_compat = [] # Iterate through all sides of p_i for p_i_side in PuzzlePieceSide.get_all_sides(): p_i_best_buddies_and_compat.append([]) # Iterate through best buddies to pick the best one for (p_j, p_j_side) in self._piece_distance_info[p_i].best_buddies(p_i_side): if InterPieceDistance._skip_piece(p_i, is_piece_placed): continue compatibility = self._piece_distance_info[p_i].get_mutual_compatibility(p_i_side, p_j, p_j_side) # Use negative compatibility since we are using a reverse order sorting and this requires # doing things in ascending order which negation does for me here. p_i_best_buddies_and_compat[p_i_side.value].append((p_j, compatibility)) # Extract the info on the best neighbors p_i_best_buddies = [] neighbor_compatibility = 0 for bb_and_compat in p_i_best_buddies_and_compat: # Check if no best buddies. If so, go to the next. if not bb_and_compat: continue # TODO Change the code to support multiple best buddies and to pick the best one. bestest_best_buddy_index = 0 # Out of all of the possible best buddies on this side, this is the best one p_i_best_buddies.append(bb_and_compat[bestest_best_buddy_index][0]) # Get p_j neighbor_compatibility += bb_and_compat[bestest_best_buddy_index][1] # Get NEGATED mutual compatibility # Calculate the average (Not needed since based off the sum and sort off number of best buddies # if len(p_i_best_buddies) > 0: # neighbor_compatibility /= len(p_i_best_buddies) # else: # neighbor_compatibility = 0 # Store the best neighbors list as well as the average distance all_best_buddy_info.append((p_i_best_buddies, neighbor_compatibility)) # Build the best neighbor information self._start_piece_ordering = [] for p_i in range(0, self._numb_pieces): # Skip placed pieces if InterPieceDistance._skip_piece(p_i, is_piece_placed): continue this_piece_bb_info = all_best_buddy_info[p_i] # Store the number of best buddy neighbors # Multiply by the number of sides here to prioritize direct neighbors in the case of a tie. numb_bb_neighbors = PuzzlePieceSide.get_numb_sides() * len(this_piece_bb_info[0]) total_compatibility = InterPieceDistance._NEIGHBOR_COMPATIBILITY_SCALAR * this_piece_bb_info[1] # Include the neighbors info p_i_best_buddy_ids = this_piece_bb_info[0] for bb_id in p_i_best_buddy_ids: numb_bb_neighbors += len(all_best_buddy_info[bb_id][0]) if not InterPieceDistance._USE_ONLY_NEIGHBORS_FOR_STARTING_PIECE_TOTAL_COMPATIBILITY: total_compatibility += all_best_buddy_info[bb_id][1] # Add this pieces information to the list of possible start pieces self._start_piece_ordering.append((p_i, numb_bb_neighbors, total_compatibility)) # Sort by number of best buddy neighbors (1) then by total compatibility if there is a tie (2) # See here for more information: self._start_piece_ordering.sort(key=operator.itemgetter(1, 2), reverse=True)
[docs] def next_starting_piece(self, placed_pieces=None): """ Next Starting Piece Accessor Gets the puzzle piece that is the best candidate to use as the seed of a puzzle. Args: placed_pieces (Optional [bool]): An array indicating whether each puzzle piece (by index) has been placed. Returns (int): Index of the next piece to use for starting a board. """ # If no pieces are placed, then use the first piece if placed_pieces is None: return self._start_piece_ordering[0][0] # If some pieces are already placed, ensure that you do not use a placed piece as the # next seed. else: i = 0 while placed_pieces[self._start_piece_ordering[i][0]]: i += 1 return self._start_piece_ordering[i][0]
[docs] def best_buddies(self, p_i, p_i_side): """ Gets the best buddy information (if any) for a specified piece's side Args: p_i (int): Identification number of the piece who best buddy information is to be retrieved p_i_side (PuzzlePieceSide): Side of piece whose best buddy is being retriefed Returns (List[int]): List of best buddy piece id numbers """ return self._piece_distance_info[p_i].best_buddies(p_i_side)
[docs] def all_best_buddies(self, p_i): """ Gets an array of all best buddies information as a list for a specified puzzle piece. Args: p_i (int): Piece identification number Returns (List[Tuple[int, PuzzlePieceSide]]): Best buddy information for the specified piece. """ return self._piece_distance_info[p_i].all_best_buddies()
[docs] def asymmetric_distance(self, p_i, p_i_side, p_j, p_j_side): """ Asymmetric Distance Accessor Returns the asymmetric distance for p_i's side (p_i_side) relative to p_j on its side p_j_side. Args: p_i (int): Primary piece for asymmetric distance p_i_side (PuzzlePieceSide): Side of the primary piece (p_i) where p_j will be placed p_j (int): Secondary piece for the asymmetric distance. p_j_side (PuzzlePieceSide): Side of the secondary piece (p_j) which is adjacent to p_i Returns (int): Asymmetric distance between puzzle pieces p_i and p_j. """ # For a type 1 puzzles, ensure that the pu if InterPieceDistance._PERFORM_ASSERT_CHECKS: self.assert_valid_type1_side(p_i_side, p_j_side) return self._piece_distance_info[p_i].asymmetric_distance(p_i_side, p_j, p_j_side)
[docs] def asymmetric_compatibility(self, p_i, p_i_side, p_j, p_j_side): """ Asymmetric Compatibility Accessor Returns the asymmetric compatibility for p_i's side (p_i_side) relative to p_j on its side p_j_side. Args: p_i (int): Primary piece for asymmetric distance p_i_side (PuzzlePieceSide): Side of the primary piece (p_i) where p_j will be placed p_j (int): Secondary piece for the asymmetric distance. p_j_side (PuzzlePieceSide): Side of the secondary piece (p_j) which is adjacent to p_i Returns (int): Asymmetric compatibility between puzzle pieces p_i and p_j. """ # For a type 1 puzzles, ensure that the pu if InterPieceDistance._PERFORM_ASSERT_CHECKS: self.assert_valid_type1_side(p_i_side, p_j_side) return self._piece_distance_info[p_i].asymmetric_compatibility(p_i_side, p_j, p_j_side)
[docs] def mutual_compatibility(self, p_i, p_i_side, p_j, p_j_side): """ Mutual Compatibility Accessor Returns the mutual compatibility for p_i's side (p_i_side) relative to p_j on its side p_j_side. Args: p_i (int): Primary piece for asymmetric distance p_i_side (PuzzlePieceSide): Side of the primary piece (p_i) where p_j will be placed p_j (int): Secondary piece for the asymmetric distance. p_j_side (PuzzlePieceSide): Side of the secondary piece (p_j) which is adjacent to p_i Returns (int): Mutual compatibility between puzzle pieces p_i and p_j. """ if InterPieceDistance._PERFORM_ASSERT_CHECKS: self.assert_valid_type1_side(p_i_side, p_j_side) p_i_mutual_compatibility = self._piece_distance_info[p_i].get_mutual_compatibility(p_i_side, p_j, p_j_side) # Verify for debug the mutual compatibility is symmetric. if InterPieceDistance._PERFORM_ASSERT_CHECKS: assert(p_i_mutual_compatibility == self._piece_distance_info[p_j].get_mutual_compatibility(p_j_side, p_i, p_i_side)) # Return the mutual compatibility return p_i_mutual_compatibility
[docs] def get_valid_neighbor_sides(puzzle_type, p_i_side): """ Valid Puzzle Piece Determiner For a tuple of puzzle_type and puzzle piece side, this function determines the set of valid PuzzlePieceSide for any neighboring piece. For example, if the puzzle is type 1, only complementary sides can be placed adjacent to one another. In contrast, if the puzzle is type 2, then any puzzle piece side can be placed adjacent. Args: puzzle_type (PuzzleType): Puzzle type being solved. p_i_side (PuzzlePieceSide): Side of p_i puzzle piece where p_j will be placed. Returns (List[PuzzlePieceSide]): List of all valid sides for a neighboring puzzle piece. """ if puzzle_type == PuzzleType.type1: return [p_i_side.complementary_side] else: return PuzzlePieceSide.get_all_sides()
[docs] def get_p_j_side_index(puzzle_type, p_j_side): """ Secondary Piece Side Index Lookup Args: puzzle_type (PuzzleType): Either type1 (no rotation) or type 2 (with rotation) p_j_side (PuzzlePieceSide): Side for the secondary piece p_j. Returns (int): For type 1 puzzles, this normalizes to an index of 0 since it is the only distance for two puzzle pieces on a given side of the primary piece. For type 2 puzzles, the index is set to the p_j_side value defined in the PuzzlePieceSide enumerated type. """ if puzzle_type == PuzzleType.type1: return 0 else: return p_j_side.value
[docs] def assert_valid_type1_side(self, p_i_side, p_j_side): """ Valid Side Checker For type 1 puzzles, this function is used to verify that two puzzle piece sides are a valid pair. Args: p_i_side (PuzzlePieceSide): Side of the primary piece (p_i) where p_j will be placed. p_j_side (PuzzlePieceSide): Side of the secondary piece (p_j) where p_i will be placed. """ if self._puzzle_type == PuzzleType.type1: assert(p_i_side.complementary_side == p_j_side)
@staticmethod def _skip_piece(p_i, is_piece_placed_with_no_open_neighbors): """ Piece Skip Checker Checks whether a puzzle piece should be skipped based off whether it is placed. Args: p_i (int): Identification number of the puzzle piece is_piece_placed_with_no_open_neighbors ([Bool]): List indicating whether each piece is placed Returns (bool): True if piece p_i should be skipped and False otherwise """ if is_piece_placed_with_no_open_neighbors is not None and is_piece_placed_with_no_open_neighbors[p_i]: return True else: return False