Source code for hammoudeh_puzzle.solver_driver

"""Main Puzzle Solver Driver

.. moduleauthor:: Zayd Hammoudeh <>
# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
import random
import time
import datetime

# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
from hammoudeh_puzzle.puzzle_importer import Puzzle, PuzzleTester, PuzzleType, PuzzleResultsCollection, \
from hammoudeh_puzzle.puzzle_piece import PuzzlePiece
# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
from paikin_tal_solver.inter_piece_distance import InterPieceDistance
from paikin_tal_solver.solver import PaikinTalSolver

# Select whether to display the images after reconstruction
DEFAULT_PUZZLE_TYPE = PuzzleType.type2

# When true, all asymmetric distances are recalculated.

# Defining a directory where pickle files are stored.
PICKLE_DIRECTORY = ".\\pickle_files\\"

[docs]def paikin_tal_driver(image_files, puzzle_type=None, piece_width=None): """ Runs the Paikin and Tal image solver. Args: image_files ([str]): An array of one or more image file path(s). puzzle_type (Optional PuzzleType): Type of the puzzle to solve piece_width (Optional int): Width of a puzzle piece in pixels. """ # Define the variables needed through the driver local_puzzle_type = puzzle_type if puzzle_type is not None else DEFAULT_PUZZLE_TYPE local_piece_width = piece_width if piece_width is not None else DEFAULT_PUZZLE_PIECE_WIDTH # Print the names of the images being solved: print "\n\nNames of the Image Files:" for img_file in image_files: print "\t%s" % Puzzle.get_filename_without_extension(img_file) print "\n" # Extract the filename of the image(s) pickle_root_filename = "" for i in range(0, len(image_files)): # Get the root of the filename (i.e. without path and file extension img_root_filename = Puzzle.get_filename_without_extension(image_files[i]) # Append the file name to the information pickle_root_filename += "_" + img_root_filename pickle_root_filename += "_type_" + str(local_puzzle_type.value) + ".pk" # Build the filenames pickle_placement_start_filename = PICKLE_DIRECTORY + "start" + pickle_root_filename pickle_placement_complete_filename = PICKLE_DIRECTORY + "placed" + pickle_root_filename # When skipping placement, simply import the solved results. if PERFORM_PLACEMENT: paikin_tal_solver = run_paikin_tal_solver(image_files, local_puzzle_type, local_piece_width, pickle_placement_start_filename, pickle_placement_complete_filename) else: print "Importing solved puzzle from pickle file: \"%s\"" % pickle_placement_complete_filename paikin_tal_solver = PickleHelper.importer(pickle_placement_complete_filename) print "Pickle import of solved puzzle complete." # Get the results (pieces_partitioned_by_puzzle_id, _) = paikin_tal_solver.get_solved_puzzles() # Create a time stamp for the results timestamp = time.time() # Iterate through all the puzzles. Reconstruct them and get their accuracies. output_puzzles = [] for puzzle_pieces in pieces_partitioned_by_puzzle_id: # Get the first piece of the puzzle and extract information on it. first_piece = puzzle_pieces[0] puzzle_id = first_piece.puzzle_id # Reconstruct the puzzle new_puzzle = Puzzle.reconstruct_from_pieces(puzzle_pieces, puzzle_id) # Optionally display the images if DISPLAY_IMAGES: # noinspection PyProtectedMember Puzzle.display_image(new_puzzle._img) # Store the reconstructed image filename_descriptor = "reconstructed" if len(image_files) == 1: orig_img_filename = image_files[0] puzzle_id_filename = None else: orig_img_filename = None puzzle_id_filename = puzzle_id filename = Puzzle.make_image_filename(filename_descriptor, Puzzle.OUTPUT_IMAGE_DIRECTORY, paikin_tal_solver.puzzle_type, timestamp, orig_img_filename=orig_img_filename, puzzle_id=puzzle_id_filename) new_puzzle.save_to_file(filename) # Append the puzzle to the list output_puzzles.append(new_puzzle) # Determine the image filename orig_img_filename = image_files[0] if len(image_files) == 1 else None # Print the best buddy accuracy information paikin_tal_solver.best_buddy_accuracy.print_results() paikin_tal_solver.best_buddy_accuracy.output_results_images(output_puzzles, paikin_tal_solver.puzzle_type, timestamp, orig_img_filename=orig_img_filename) # Build the results information collection results_information = PuzzleResultsCollection(pieces_partitioned_by_puzzle_id, image_files) # Calculate and print the accuracy results results_information.calculate_accuracies(output_puzzles) # Print the results to the console results_information.print_results() # Print the results as image files results_information.output_results_images(output_puzzles, paikin_tal_solver.puzzle_type, timestamp)
[docs]def run_paikin_tal_solver(image_files, puzzle_type, piece_width, pickle_placement_start_filename, pickle_placement_complete_filename): """ Paikin & Tal Solver This function takes a set of inputs and runs the Paikin and Tal solver. It can be sped-up by importing the calculations of distances from existing Pickle files. Args: image_files (List[String]): Path to the image files used to create the puzzles puzzle_type (PuzzleType): Type of the puzzle to be solved piece_width (int): Width/length of all puzzle pieces pickle_placement_start_filename (String): Filename to export a pickle file after calculating all inter-piece distances and before starting placement. If recalculating distances is disabled, then this serves as the filename to import calculated distances from. pickle_placement_complete_filename (String): Filename to e Returns (PaikinTalSolver): Solved Paikin & Tal result. """ puzzles = [] # Stores all of the puzzles. combined_pieces = [] # Merge all the pieces together # Optionally import the images from disk if RECALCULATE_DISTANCES: for i in range(0, len(image_files)): # Define the identification number of the first piece starting_piece_id = len(combined_pieces) # Build the puzzle and add it to the list of puzzles new_puzzle = Puzzle(i, image_files[i], piece_width, starting_piece_id) puzzles.append(new_puzzle) # Concatenate to the list of all pieces. combined_pieces += puzzles[i].pieces # Select whether or not to use fixed puzzle dimensions puzzle_dimensions = None if USE_KNOWN_PUZZLE_DIMENSIONS and len(images) == 1: puzzle_dimensions = puzzles[0].grid_size # Create the Paikin Tal Solver print "Inter-piece distance calculation started at: " + time.ctime() start_time = time.time() paikin_tal_solver = PaikinTalSolver(len(image_files), combined_pieces, PuzzlePiece.calculate_asymmetric_distance, puzzle_type, fixed_puzzle_dimensions=puzzle_dimensions) elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time print_elapsed_time(elapsed_time, "inter-piece distance calculation") print "\n" # Add a blank line. # Export the Paikin Tal Object. PickleHelper.exporter(paikin_tal_solver, pickle_placement_start_filename) else: print "Beginning import of pickle file: \"" + pickle_placement_start_filename + "\"\n\n" paikin_tal_solver = PickleHelper.importer(pickle_placement_start_filename) print "Pickle Import completed.\"" # noinspection PyProtectedMember # This recalculate of start piece is included since how start piece is selected is configurable. paikin_tal_solver._inter_piece_distance.find_start_piece_candidates() # Run the Solver print "Placer started at: " + time.ctime() start_time = time.time() elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time print_elapsed_time(elapsed_time, "placement") # Export the completed solver results start_time = time.time() formatted_time = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(start_time).strftime('%Y.%m.%d_%H.%M.%S') print "Beginning pickle export of solved results at time: \"%s\"" % formatted_time PickleHelper.exporter(paikin_tal_solver, pickle_placement_complete_filename) print_elapsed_time(time.time() - start_time, "pickle completed solver export") print "Completed pickle export of the solved puzzle." return paikin_tal_solver
if __name__ == "__main__": # PaikinTalSolver.use_best_buddy_placer = False # images = [".\\images\\muffins_300x200.jpg"] # paikin_tal_driver(images, PuzzleType.type1, 25) # paikin_tal_driver(images, PuzzleType.type2, 28) # # PaikinTalSolver.use_best_buddy_placer = True # paikin_tal_driver(images, PuzzleType.type2, 28) # images = [".\\images\\duck.bmp"] # paikin_tal_driver(images, PuzzleType.type1, 25) # images = [".\\images\\cat_sleeping_boy.jpg"] # paikin_tal_driver(images, PuzzleType.type1, 28) # paikin_tal_driver(images, PuzzleType.type2, 28) # images = [".\\images\\kitten_white_background.jpg"] # paikin_tal_driver(images, PuzzleType.type2, 28) # images = [[".\\images\\book_tunnel_pixabay.jpg"], # [".\\images\\dessert_pixabay.jpg"], # [".\\images\\dandelion_pixabay.jpg"], # [".\\images\\primula_pixabay.jpg"], # [".\\images\\small_pink_flowers_pixabay.jpg"]] # for image_arr in images: # paikin_tal_driver(image_arr, PuzzleType.type2, 28) # images = [".\\images\\two_faced_cat.jpg"] # paikin_tal_driver(images, PuzzleType.type1, 25) # paikin_tal_driver(images, PuzzleType.type2, 25) # images = [".\\images\\7.jpg"] # paikin_tal_driver(images, PuzzleType.type2, 28) # images = [".\\images\\mcgill_20.jpg"] # paikin_tal_driver(images, PuzzleType.type2, 28) # images = [".\\images\\7.jpg", ".\\images\\mcgill_20.jpg"] # paikin_tal_driver(images, PuzzleType.type2, 28) # images = [".\\images\\mcgill_20.jpg", ".\\images\\two_faced_cat.jpg", ".\\images\\muffins_300x200.jpg"] # paikin_tal_driver(images, PuzzleType.type1, 28) # paikin_tal_driver(images, PuzzleType.type2, 28) # images = [".\\images\\mcgill_03.jpg"] # paikin_tal_driver(images, PuzzleType.type2, 28) # images = [".\\images\\bgu_805_08.jpg"] # paikin_tal_driver(images, PuzzleType.type2, 28) # images = [".\\images\\bgu_805_10.jpg"] # paikin_tal_driver(images, PuzzleType.type2, 28) # images = [".\\images\\3300_1.jpg"] # paikin_tal_driver(images, PuzzleType.type2, 28) # images = [".\\images\\boat_100x100.jpg"] # paikin_tal_driver(images, PuzzleType.type2, 25) # images = [".\\images\\che_100x100.jpg"] # paikin_tal_driver(images, PuzzleType.type1, 25) # paikin_tal_driver(images, PuzzleType.type2, 25) # # images = [".\\images\\bgu_805_08.jpg", ".\\images\\mcgill_20.jpg", ".\\images\\3300_1.jpg"] # PaikinTalSolver._CLEAR_BEST_BUDDY_HEAP_ON_SPAWN = True # InterPieceDistance._USE_ONLY_NEIGHBORS_FOR_STARTING_PIECE_TOTAL_COMPATIBILITY = True # InterPieceDistance._NEIGHBOR_COMPATIBILITY_SCALAR = 1 # paikin_tal_driver(images, PuzzleType.type2, 28) images = [".\\images\\bgu_805_08.jpg", ".\\images\\mcgill_20.jpg", ".\\images\\3300_1.jpg"] PaikinTalSolver._CLEAR_BEST_BUDDY_HEAP_ON_SPAWN = True InterPieceDistance._USE_ONLY_NEIGHBORS_FOR_STARTING_PIECE_TOTAL_COMPATIBILITY = True InterPieceDistance._NEIGHBOR_COMPATIBILITY_SCALAR = 1 paikin_tal_driver(images, PuzzleType.type2, 28) # images = [".\\images\\bgu_805_08.jpg", ".\\images\\mcgill_20.jpg", ".\\images\\3300_1.jpg"] # PaikinTalSolver._CLEAR_BEST_BUDDY_HEAP_ON_SPAWN = True # InterPieceDistance._USE_ONLY_NEIGHBORS_FOR_STARTING_PIECE_TOTAL_COMPATIBILITY = False # InterPieceDistance._NEIGHBOR_COMPATIBILITY_SCALAR = 4 # paikin_tal_driver(images, PuzzleType.type2, 28) # # images = [".\\images\\bgu_805_08.jpg", ".\\images\\mcgill_20.jpg", ".\\images\\3300_1.jpg"] # PaikinTalSolver._CLEAR_BEST_BUDDY_HEAP_ON_SPAWN = False # InterPieceDistance._USE_ONLY_NEIGHBORS_FOR_STARTING_PIECE_TOTAL_COMPATIBILITY = False # InterPieceDistance._NEIGHBOR_COMPATIBILITY_SCALAR = 1 # paikin_tal_driver(images, PuzzleType.type2, 28) # # images = [".\\images\\bgu_805_08.jpg", ".\\images\\mcgill_20.jpg", ".\\images\\3300_1.jpg"] # PaikinTalSolver._CLEAR_BEST_BUDDY_HEAP_ON_SPAWN = False # InterPieceDistance._USE_ONLY_NEIGHBORS_FOR_STARTING_PIECE_TOTAL_COMPATIBILITY = False # InterPieceDistance._NEIGHBOR_COMPATIBILITY_SCALAR = 4 # paikin_tal_driver(images, PuzzleType.type2, 28) # images = [".\\images\\bgu_805_08.jpg", ".\\images\\mcgill_20.jpg"] # paikin_tal_driver(images, PuzzleType.type2, 28)