. * * END LICENSE * * @author Chris Pollett chris@pollett.org * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ GPL3 * @link http://www.seekquarry.com/ * @copyright 2009 - 2015 * @filesource */ if(!defined('BASE_DIR')) {echo "BAD REQUEST"; exit();} /** Register File Types We Handle*/ $add_extensions = array("csv", "tab", "tsv", "txt"); if(!isset($INDEXED_FILE_TYPES)) { $INDEXED_FILE_TYPES = array(); } $INDEXED_FILE_TYPES = array_merge($INDEXED_FILE_TYPES, $add_extensions); $add_types = array( "text/plain" => "TextProcessor", "text/csv" => "TextProcessor", "text/x-java-source" => "TextProcessor", "text/tab-separated-values" => "TextProcessor" ); $PAGE_PROCESSORS = (isset($PAGE_PROCESSORS)) ? array_merge($PAGE_PROCESSORS, $add_types) : $add_types; /** * Load the base class */ require_once BASE_DIR."/lib/processors/page_processor.php"; /** * Get the centroid summary */ require_once BASE_DIR."/lib/centroid_summarizer.php"; /** * Get the graph based summary */ require_once BASE_DIR."/lib/graph_based_summarizer.php"; /** * So can extract parts of the URL if need to guess lang */ require_once BASE_DIR."/lib/url_parser.php"; /** * Parent class common to all processors used to create crawl summary * information that involves basically text data * * @author Chris Pollett * @package seek_quarry\library\processor */ class TextProcessor extends PageProcessor { /** * Computes a summary based on a text string of a document * * @param string $page text string of a document * @param string $url location the document came from, not used by * TextProcessor at this point. Some of its subclasses override * this method and use url to produce complete links for * relative links within a document * * @return array a summary of (title, description,links, and content) of * the information in $page */ function process($page, $url) { $summary = NULL; if(is_string($page)) { $summary[self::TITLE] = ""; $lang = self::calculateLang($page); if($this->summarizer_option == self::CENTROID_SUMMARIZER) { $summary_cloud = CentroidSummarizer::getCentroidSummary($page, $lang); $summary[self::DESCRIPTION] = $summary_cloud[0]; $summary[self::WORD_CLOUD] = $summary_cloud[1]; } else { $summary[self::DESCRIPTION] = mb_substr($page, 0, self::$max_description_len); } $summary[self::LANG] = self::calculateLang( $summary[self::DESCRIPTION]); $summary[self::LINKS] = self::extractHttpHttpsUrls($page); $summary[self::PAGE] = "
"; } return $summary; } /** * Tries to determine the language of the document by looking at the * $sample_text and $url provided * the language * @param string $sample_text sample text to try guess the language from * @param string $url url of web-page as a fallback look at the country * to figure out language * * @return string language tag for guessed language */ static function calculateLang($sample_text = NULL, $url = NULL) { if($url != NULL) { $lang = UrlParser::getLang($url); if($lang != NULL) return $lang; } if($sample_text != NULL){ $words = mb_split("[[:space:]]|".PUNCT, $sample_text); $num_words = count($words); $ascii_count = 0; foreach($words as $word) { if(strlen($word) == mb_strlen($word)) { $ascii_count++; } } // crude, but let's guess ASCII == english if($ascii_count/$num_words > EN_RATIO) { $lang = 'en'; } else { $lang = NULL; } } else { $lang = NULL; } return $lang; } /** * Gets the text between two tags in a document starting at the current * position. * * @param string $string document to extract text from * @param int $cur_pos current location to look if can extract text * @param string $start_tag starting tag that we want to extract after * @param string $end_tag ending tag that we want to extract until * @return array pair consisting of when in the document we are after * the end tag, together with the data between the two tags */ static function getBetweenTags($string, $cur_pos, $start_tag, $end_tag) { $len = strlen($string); if(($between_start = strpos($string, $start_tag, $cur_pos)) === false ) { return array($len, ""); } $between_start += strlen($start_tag); if(($between_end = strpos($string, $end_tag, $between_start)) === false ) { $between_end = $len; } $cur_pos = $between_end + strlen($end_tag); $between_string = substr($string, $between_start, $between_end - $between_start); return array($cur_pos, $between_string); } /** * Tries to extract http or https links from a string of text. * Does this by a very approximate regular expression. * * @param string $page text string of a document * @return array a set of http or https links that were extracted from * the document */ static function extractHttpHttpsUrls($page) { $pattern = '@((http|https)://([^ \t\r\n\v\f\'\"\;\,<>\{\}])*)@i'; $sites = array(); preg_match_all($pattern, $page, $matches); $i = 0; foreach($matches[0] as $url) { if(!isset($sites[$url]) && strlen($url) < MAX_URL_LEN && strlen($url) > 4) { $sites[$url] = preg_replace("/\s+/", " ", strip_tags($url)); $i++; if($i >= MAX_LINKS_TO_EXTRACT) {break;} } } return $sites; } /** * If an end of file is reached before closed tags are seen, this methods * closes these tags in the correct order. * * @param string& $page a reference to an xml or html document */ static function closeDanglingTags(&$page) { $l_pos = strrpos($page, "<"); $g_pos = strrpos($page, ">"); if($g_pos && $l_pos > $g_pos) { $page = substr($page, 0, $l_pos); } // put all opened tags into an array preg_match_all("#<([a-z]+)( .*)?(?!/)>#iU", $page, $result); $openedtags = $result[1]; // put all closed tags into an array preg_match_all("##iU", $page, $result); $closedtags=$result[1]; $len_opened = count($openedtags); // all tags are closed if(count($closedtags) == $len_opened){ return; } $openedtags = array_reverse($openedtags); // close tags for($i=0;$i < $len_opened;$i++) { if (!in_array($openedtags[$i],$closedtags)){ $page .= ''; } else { unset($closedtags[array_search($openedtags[$i],$closedtags)]); } } } } ?>