Bio: Sreenidhi Pundi Muralidharan

I'm Sreenidhi Pundi Muralidharan. I did my Bachelor's in Computer Science and Engineering from Rajalakshmi Engineering College, affiliated to Anna University, India. I later joined Tata Consultancy Services and worked with them for almost a year. I did an Open University course on Information Security (CS 166) under Dr. Pollett, last fall (Fall 2012).

Currently, I'm a Masters student in the Computer Science student at San Jose State University and this is my first semester at SJSU. I'm now working on a CS 280 project with Dr. Pollett on experimenting with the usability of Yioop, by improving the user experience on a reverse turing test (CAPTCHAS) to find out if the user is a human or a computer. This lets users dynamically add/delete questions themselves to the database as well, in addition to solving the CAPTCHA questions. See proposal for more details.

I can be contacted through my email address