To examine and analyse how Google Autosuggest functionality works
Tools used
- Safari - Activity window
- Firefox - Webconsole
I coducted series of experiments on Google search page with various kinds of
inputs and examined using the Safari Activity window, the actions going in the
back end.
The activity window display on opening a google search page looks some thing
like below
The screen shot below shows various javascript/image and other files loaded
while a query is being entered
Data loaded after every click can be downloaded using the activity window. The
downloaded file has JSON data with the url in hex format and the url contains all the
suggested values for the query
Below is the file downloaded for the above search query "Soc"
The set of urls in the activity window after every letter is entered in "Soc",or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osbampfp=c536c393c8baad2dampbiw=708ampbih=706amptch=1ampech=1amppsi=8wSXT8b1NMbliALimOndDw.1335297267994.1,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osbampfp=c536c393c8baad2dampbiw=708ampbih=706amptch=1ampech=2amppsi=8wSXT8b1NMbliALimOndDw.1335297267994.1,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osbampfp=c536c393c8baad2dampbiw=708ampbih=706amptch=1ampech=3amppsi=8wSXT8b1NMbliALimOndDw.1335297267994.1
Trying to analyze the urls,
nf - is always 1
cp - gives numbering to the urls 1,2,3...
gs_id - Should be Google search Id
tch - is always 1
ech - is also numbering but it will be same if a same query is entered twice
duwing one search
The figure below shows the highlighted part where we can see the words that are
retrived for the autosuggest list
As we type the second word in the query, the results are displayed using the
top item from the suggestion list. A similar file like above can be downloaded
which has the styling and content of the result page
I was not able to reverse engineer the autosuggest process but understood the sequence of events occur during search