Introduction on Neural Machine Translation

As neural networks became dominant in various fields such as visual object detection, trend prediction, etc., researchers tried to utilize neural networks to further improve machine translation. Neural networks demonstrated its ability to resolve complex relationships between inputs and outputs: [1] showed neural networks improved the accuracy of house price prediction from up to seven kinds of input features. It would be difficult for a human being to determine how important each input feature weights, but neural networks can assign the optimal weight to each feature, and perhaps assign weights to mixtures of multiple features.

Although neural networks had presented excelling capabilities, the nature of neural networks might contradict with some tasks. Different from trend prediction and object detection, machine translation has a variable length in both input and output. For example, in a visual object detection application, the input shape is often fixed (28 x 28 in the popular MNIST dataset), and so is the output shape (usually a 10-digit long one-hot vector for MNIST digit classification) [2]. On the other hand, the input shape of a machine translation project can vary from 5 (a short sentence) to 50 (a longer sentence having several clauses in it); moreover, the output shape is also indeterministic: two sentences having same shape can have different length when translated into target language.

Without the capability to consume variable sized input and generate outputs accordingly, it would constrain the machine translation (MT) application to be flexible enough to become practical. A fixed length input and output meant the application could only translate sentences that meet the limitation.

To enable neural networks to consume and output variable shaped sentences, [3] designed a neural network that can generate translations in different shapes as well as consume variable input shapes. Since then, neural machine translation (NMT) has become the dominant technology regarding to machine translation tasks.

Neural Machine Translation Implementation

There are various designs in NMT, and the designs keep updating as this report was written. This report would cover the NMT designs up to when attention technique, and the remaining designs will be covered in the next report.

[3] presented a design that allows neural networks to produce variable shaped outputs. The authors designed a schema that utilized two long short-term memory (LSTM) neural networks. LSTMs are similar to recurrent neural networks (RNNs), but they solved the gradient vanishing problem. Like RNNs, LSTMs take a fixed sized input and generates a fixed sized output.

The authors designed a protocol that two LSTMs could cooperate to give variable length translations as follows:


The inputs were first preprocessed by padding empty strings to the maximum length that this application aims to take so all the inputs had equivalent lengths without introducing significant bias. The first LSTM summarized the input sentences, producing a vector that acted as activations for the next LSTM. The second LSTM then takes the summarized vector and produce the translation until it generates a special token <EOS>, abbreviated from end of sentence.

This method was also referred as encoder-decoder implementation, because the first LSTM essentially encoded the information in the input and the second LSTM decoded the information accordingly.


A dual LSTM setup is implemented aiming to translate English sentences into Chinese (shown in the image below). The model was designed with two LSTMs, one for encoding information in English sentence while the other one decodes the information. In order to reduce workload on hardware, an embedding layer was introduced to first reduce the input size: the embedding layer also acted as another encoder to reduce the input size from 15k to 1k. With a reduced size input, the encoder LSTM then summarized the embeddings, and the decoder LSTM eventually generates corresponding output from the summary given by the encoder LSTM. The output at that stage was a reduced vector, which a time distributed layer expands the reduced vector to the original size. Eventually, a softmax layer regularized the values in the outputs and the translation can be recovered from the one-hot outputs. UM-corpus [4] was used to train and evaluate the model.

[3] presented a design that allows neural networks to produce variable shaped outputs. The authors designed a schema that utilized two long short-term memory (LSTM) neural networks. LSTMs are similar to recurrent neural networks (RNNs), but they solved the gradient vanishing problem. Like RNNs, LSTMs take a fixed sized input and generates a fixed sized output.

The authors designed a protocol that two LSTMs could cooperate to give variable length translations as follows:


Fig 2.

With the embedding layer generating a 1024-long vector and configurating both encoder and decoder LSTM to be shape of 128 after 3000 epochs of training, the model gave the accuracy as shown in the image below. The training accuracy kept increasing, but the validation accuracy essentially remained the same. Therefore, the current configuration might not improve further with more training epochs.


Fig 3.

Looking at the actual outputs of the model, some sentences were translated properly while some was not. In Fig 5, some results were shown. The first translation completely failed, where the decoder couldn't properly generate any meaningful words but kept repeating the word "的". The reason for getting such result was the encoding for the word "的" was close to the untrained model output (shown in Fig 4), i.e., it could be viewed because of not being trained at all. The second sentence improved on its sentence structure, where less stuttering was observed, but the translation didn't match the meaning of the original sentence. The third translation has a high quality: the model translated the meaning correctly, produced a valid sentence structure, and the difference between the ground truth 时事新闻节目 and the output (新闻报导) was acceptable as they were synonyms. With these three sentences, a gradient of how this model can learn was presented. The model improved from giving random outputs to structured sentences not matching the SL sentence, and it eventually learned to produce translation according to the SL sentence.


Fig 4. untrained model translation


Fig 5. translation produced after 3000 epochs of training


NMT provides a way for programmers to develop a translation model without specifying the 1-to-1, 1-to-many, or many-to-1 relationships between SL and TL. NMT learned from a great amount of examples about the underlying relationship between SL and TL, and by using sentence embedding techniques, which was analogous to interlingua schema discussed in the first deliverable, the model could produce satisfactory translations.

In the experiment section, it shows that NMT produced valid translations without giving the relationships between SL and TL vocabularies but a lot of sentences. However, it was apparent that the translations were not optimal and had a great room for improvement and the model was experiencing overfitting; this could be solved by increasing the number of training data. Due to lack of computing power, this report will not conduct experiments on those configurations.


  • [1] A. Varma, A. Sarma, S. Doshi and R. Nair, "House Price Prediction Using Machine Learning and Neural Networks," in 2018 Second International Conference on Inventive Communication and Computational Technologies (ICICCT), 2018
  • [2] L. Deng, "The mnist database of handwritten digit images for machine learning research," in IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, vol. 29, pp. 141-142, 2012
  • [3] I. Sutskever, V. Oriol and Q. V. Le, "Sequence to Sequence Learning with Neural Networks," arXiv, 2014
  • [4] L. Tian, D. F. Wong, L. S. Chao, P. Quaresma, F. Oliveira, Y. Lu, S. Li, Y. Wang and L. Wang, "UM-Corpus: A Large English-Chinese Parallel Corpus for Statistical Machine Translation," in Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'14), 2014