CS297-298 Project News Feed
Status as of April 03
(Posted on Tue, 03 Apr 2007 09:12:28 PDT
I have completed the first draft of my CS298 Final Report
and am hoping to provide you with the same by Friday.
I was hoping that after you complete review of the same,
and we finalise the changes needed to be made on the report
the coming Tuesday (April 3rd),
I could submit the same to the Computer Science department
that week itself and the provide a demo and presentation to the
committee after first showing you the same the very next week
(April 10th ).
I was hoping to defend my thesis on April 30th or May 1st or 2nd
Status as of March 19th 2007
(Posted on Mon, 19 Mar 2007 23:06:31 PDT
Tasks Completed:
Code :
Implementation of the code needed to implement the design.
These have been presented in Professor Chris Pollett's format
and updated to the website.
Statistics :
On the basis of the guidance provided by Professor Pollett,
the following graphs have been plotted.
1> Music - Popularity
2> Difference between frequency prior to our implementation and
after the implementation.
3> Value of music
4> Blob's accessed by each voter
5> Currency needed to be spend by each voter if he purchases all
the music which he likes
On the basis of this statistics it has been observed that there
is a considerable amount of improvement after our new logic has been implemented.
1 2 2
2 36 0
3 1 1
5 10 2
6 0 0
7 28 4
8 0 2
9 2 0
10 6 6
11 10 10
Status as of Feb 27th
(Posted on Mon, 19 Mar 2007 23:05:41 PDT
1> Submit CS298 Proposal in html format
Status : Completed
would be submitted during meet today
2> Perform Deliverable 6:
Implement Byzantine on IP address model.
Status : Complete
Would demo the same to Professor today.
Need to perform some more brush ups before uploading it to the website.
3> Statistics of token ring model
Status : Partially complete
Have decided on the algorithm required to implement the same.
Would complete the same and present it to Professor
by next week meet.
Deliverables due on Feb 20th
(Posted on Fri, 16 Feb 2007 18:04:40 PST
On the basis of the discussions (please refer previous blog)
the following deliverables need to be modified and submitted.
1. CS298 Proposal
2. CS297 Final Report
3. Deliverable 4 in uploadable format
4. Modifications to the program to complete deliverable 5
5. Start writing CS298 Final Report
6. Provide statistics for various scnearios on token ring network.
Discussions held on Feb 13th
(Posted on Fri, 16 Feb 2007 18:00:51 PST
Meeting of February 13th was extremely fruitful in that
we have been able to define our project with the scenario of zune devices
and also establish the goal of our project
The CS298 project has been defined as follows:
For ease in understanding let us take a scenario of
multiple Zune devices within a network
i.e.; they can communicate with each other and exchange music.
There are two alternatives to obtain music;
they can purchase music or they could squirt the same from any other zune device in their network.
However, there is one limitation when you squirt the music (data),
users can play it only a limited number of times
and after that they need to squirt the music again.
Alternatively some users may even choose to just purchase their favorite music.
This results in two major issues coming forth
1. There is a considerable amount of Bandwidth consumed each time
2. Permanent copy of music is created on the new machine,
thus resulting in wastage of memory.
The above discussed factors have a major impact especially
when the two devices communicating with each other are located at a distance from each other.
The goal of our CS298 is to reduce the same.
This can be achieved by replicating a copy of this data
on some other zune device which not only is also looking for the same data
but also is located at a distance farther away from the original device,
thus ensuring that users on both side of the hemisphere have a
copy which can be easily accessed by them.
We would attempt to implement this on two difference network models
1. Token Ring Network
2. Internet Protocol (IP) Model
Deliverable 4 implements the above on a token ring network.
The same has been completed and demonstrated to Professor Pollett.
Status as of Feb 05
(Posted on Mon, 05 Feb 2007 14:27:01 PST
1. CS298 Proposal
The CS298 proposal has been completed and the same has been reviewed by Professor Pollett.
It has been submitted to the committee for further approval.
2. Deliverable 4
This is the first deliverable for this semister.
On te basis of the suggestions provided by professor Pollett during the previous semister,
for this deliverable, implementation has been performed.
Would demonstrate the same to professor Pollett tommorow.
Brief description about deliverable 4
Deliverable 4 : Determine frequency of requests to BLOBs
Our previous project implemented a real world scenario to implement a Distributed Byzantine implementation
where all the nodes in question arrived at a decision for a Boolean valued data
and also determined the most suitable machine in which to replicate a BLOB.
Thus at the end of the previous deliverable we were able to create a model for distributed Byzantine agreement.
This deliverable ntrates on moving this a step further.
Here an attempt is made to determine which BLOBs are more commonly in demand.
Voters will keep voting and depending on the BLOB they vote for determination is made regarding which BLOB is more commonly required.
We could do this for certain time druation or for certain rounds (like in our example where we are performing this for 100 rounds)
Consider that there are a set of BLOBS BSET = {B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6}
and a and a set of Voters VSET = {V1, V2, V3, V4 } each with partial interest in some of the blobs B.
For 100 rounds, on a random basis these voters cast votes. Depending on the votes cast counter for the votes is incremented.
The voters along with their respective counter values are placed in a sorted list.
Since java does not provide an easier approach to sort data, we sort the data using TreeMap.
Criteria for choosing the BLOBs which need to be broadcasted has been chosen as
The Top 2 Voters from the list
BLOBs being requested more than 40% of the time
Once it has been decided as to which are the BLOB elements which have a higher frequency list ,
Byzantine Agreement is performed only for those BLOBs and the machine from which these BLOBs
need to be extracted is obtained.
Dec 25 - Deliverable 1
(Posted on Mon, 25 Dec 2006 21:01:19 PST
Implement a program which checks frequency of requests for BLOBs.
Mechanism such as setting timer/counters can be used to check when each BLOB has been
accessed and the duration for which the BLOBs have to wait.
In our current program for each BLOB we obtain information.
Instead of this, we'll set up one or 2 BLOBs as the frequenct used BLOB.
Whenever a call for info is made to the database, we woudl also increment a counter.
Instead of just a counter we could use some of database features like sequence or triggers which would make this an
automated process instead of having it as a part of the code base.
Blog Entry -- Dec 25th
(Posted on Mon, 25 Dec 2006 20:40:39 PST
After all the work done last semister decided to take a week off and a small break.
Back to work, the deliverables which need to be dealt with through the next semister have
been chalked as follows:
Deliverable 1:
Implement a program for frequency measurement of BLOB across a distributed network.
Deliverable 2:
Implement a program to create a composite set.
Solution to the first problem of replication, which data needs to be replicated??
Deliverable 3:
Implement a program to improve the algorithm for partial broadcast / replication of data.
Deliverable 4:
Creation of testing framework and perform testing on the implementation performed.
Deliverable 5:
CS298 Final Project Report.
Status as of Dec 5th 2005
(Posted on Tue, 05 Dec 2006 10:47:32 PST
1. Deliverable 3
Status: Complete
Modified the same according to professor pollett deliverable template and
would provide the same today to professor for uploading to the website
2. Final Report – First draft
Status: Complete
Depending on the format suggested by professor Pollett , a detailed 30 page
report has been prepared. Would go over the same with professor Pollett
today. Modifications would be performed depending on the suggestions
3. Research on MANET – Final modifications to power point presentation
Status: Complete
Would submit the same to professor pollett today
4. Dynamic XML documents with Distribution and Replication
Status: Completed
Would submit the same to professor pollett today
5. Forming committee
Status: Partially complete
Professor Robert Chun has accepted to be a part of the committee
6. CS298 Proposal First draft
Status: Partially complete
Have prepared a rough draft based on my understanding of the problem,
However need to discuss things further with professor Pollett also need to
do more research on the idea and form a proper concrete understanding of the
Once this has been performed, the CS298 proposal would be further modified
Status: Complete
All my BLOG entries so far exceed 80 columns. Have changed all the entries
to be less than 80 columns for ease in reading.
Status as of November 28th 2006
(Posted on Tue, 05 Dec 2006 10:42:28 PST
1. Algorithm
Status : Completed
deliverable 3 has been completed and a demo for the same provided to Prof
Need to create deliverable 3 according to professor's template for updating the same to the website.
2. Research on Manet
Status: Complete
Approximately 10-15 different papers have been read on this particular topic.
Have prepared a power point presentation based on the same. Professor Pollett
has approved the same with some minor modifications. Once this is done it would
be uploaded to the website.
3. Dynamic XML documents with Distribution and Replication
Status: Complete
Professor Pollett has approved the same with some minor modifications. Once this
is done it would be uploaded to the website.
4. Event Points Annotating XML Documents for Remote Sharing
Status: Complete
This does not have too much relevance with our area of research. Hence this
would not be uploaded.
5. Google Videos
Status: Complete
Information present in the power point presentation would not have too much
relevance with our area of research. Hence this would not be uploaded.
Discussions performed on November 15th 2006
(Posted on Tue, 05 Dec 2006 10:40:58 PST
1> Deliverable 3: Voter's Algorithm
Modify deliverable 2(Byzantine Agreement) as the follows
Deliverable 2, had two votes which could be provided by voters
(heads or tails), in this deliverable 3, we are going to consider
the votes to be the machine names where the BLOB data could be stored.
Initially it would be assumed that we have 8 machines and later on
We would try to make it dynamic by counting the number of machines
present form parsing the data from the XML document.
b) Parse the XML document and obtain the location from the same. This
location is the parameter based on which all the votes would be casted
c) Earlier voters could be of 2 types, faulty or non faulty. In this
new scenario we would have 3 categories into which the voters can fall
into; faulty or non faulty or people who don't have/need that
particular BLOB object.
The 3rd category is the newly added category, here we would submit
random votes initially and once all the non faulty votes come on a
decision , these voters would also vote the same as the decision, so
that a Byzantine agreement can be reached.
d) Modify the XML document such that there are multiple location
parameters present in each document.
This is not a priority item and would be performed only after a) b) and
2> Research
Try to do some research on T-mobile network . maybe something like
where all the commiting data back to one of the several central
database.Do some search on "Manet"
3> Try to do more research on Google Videos
4> "Dynamic XML documents with Distribution and Replication"
Read and Understood and have prepared a Power point presentation on
the same. Would demonstrate the same to professor Pollett today.
5> "Event Points" Annotating XML Documents for Remote Sharing
Read and Understood and have prepared a Power point presentation on
the same. Would demonstrate the same to professor Pollett today.
Status of the project as of Tuesday,November 14th 2006
(Posted on Tue, 05 Dec 2006 10:40:37 PST
1> Byzantine Agreement
Status : Completed
Byzantine agreement has been completed sucessfully.
For our Byzantine example, we have 2 machines, 8 voters (4 each on each
machine), 2 faulty voters (1 on each machine).
In order to ensure flexibility care has been taken while writing the
code to ensure that it is possible to extend this program to any number
of machines simply by adding the ip of the same to Manager.java and
copying all the code to the other machine.
RMI has been used inorder to be able to implement distributed
functionality. By using RMI the voters present in different machine
communicate with each other, exactly in the same fashion as they would
have if they were located on the same machine.
JDBC features are used to store the votes obtained by each voter to the
Deliverable 2.html has been completed and would be provided to
professor Chris Pollett after demonstration of the same for uploading
to the website.
2> "Database Replication techniques: a three parameter classification"
Status : Completed
Suggestions provided by Professor Pollett have been applied to the
presentation and would be submitted today.
3> "Dynamic XML documents with Distribution and Replication"
Status : Completed
Read and Understood and have prepared a Power point presentation on
the same. Would demonstrate the same to professor Pollett today.
4> "Event Points" Annotating XML Documents for Remote Sharing
Status: Completed
Read and Understood and have prepared a Power point presentation on
the same. Would demonstrate the same to professor Pollett today.
5> Find out more information on how google streams video
Status: Partially complete
Have obtained certain information and run the same over to Professor
However, Professor Pollett has requested to some more information
regarding few specific topics present in the slides. Research on the
same is in progress.
Status as of Tuesday, November 7th 2006
(Posted on Tue, 05 Dec 2006 10:40:10 PST
Byzantine Agreement
Algorithm for the same has been created. Have started writing a small
program which performs the task of ElectionManager.java and Voter.java.
One of the most important tasks this week was to try to get JDBC.
Basically there were multiple versions of postgreSql present (the
default one which comes with Linux and SonyX - which had been
installed). Had to uninstall and reinstall postgres on both the
computers and now able to run a small program which connects to the
database and populates values correctly.
The same principle needs to be incorporated into our project right now.
Status:- October 31st 2006
(Posted on Tue, 05 Dec 2006 10:39:51 PST
Discussions performed/ Future tasks
1.Presentation on Distributed Algorithms
Status : Completed
Modifications suggested by professor Pollett completed and the same
would be submitted. today
2. Perform additional modification to deliverable 1 (a) xml file name
should not be hardcoded b) change it to the format requried for
Status : Completed
All the required changes suggested by professor Pollett has been
performed and the same would be delivered to Professor Pollett today.
3. Read, understand and present the paper "Database Replication techniques: a three parameter classification"
Status : Completed
The same has been completed, would run over the same today with
Professor Pollett.
4. Find out more information on how google streams video
Partially complete
Have obtained certain information and run the same over to Professor
However, Professor Pollett has requested to some more information
regarding few specific topics present in the slides. Research on the
same is in progress.
5. Byzantine Agreement
Have read and understood Byzantine Agreement. Also have read
information about Java sockets.
An algorithm and design have been prepared for the same. Would run the
same over with Professor Pollett. Implementation has commenced and
attempt woudl be made to complete the same before next meeting.
Also a powerpoint presentation, which explains all the fundamentals
regarding Byzantine agreement and our apprach towards it has also been
Status and discussion on October 17th 2006
(Posted on Tue, 05 Dec 2006 10:39:15 PST
Status of tasks assigned
1: “Complete modifications to presentation II, on the basis of the
suggestions provided by professor Pollett.”
Status : Completed and uploaded
2. Complete whatever is pending from last week task
2: “Perform research on how google streams video and create a
presentation on the same.”
Status : Completed and Presented the same. Professor Pollett has
suggested few more things on which he would like more information to be
made available, need to perform the same.
3. Change the implementation of Byzantine’s agreement algorithm
which has been mentioned in the Homework. Our implementation needs to
be changed to 2 databases; each has a copy of the dumb table with a
vote in it; you are making connection to the database to
synchronization. Provide Professor Pollett with a research on how you
would modify and what logic you would use to implement the same.
4. Complete whatever is pending from last week task 3: “Solve all
the issues which are being faced with respect to Deliverable 1 and
provide Professor Pollett with a demonstration and submit the same.”
Status : The same has been completed and presented. Professor Pollett
has requested an additional modification which needs to be performed.
5. Byzantine Agreement
Still reading up materials on the same, need to try to perform socket
programing and come out with a technique to perform the same.
Discussions performed/ Future tasks
1. Find out more information on how google streams video
2. Perform additional modification to deliverable 1 (a) xml file name
should not be hardcoded b) change it to the format requried for
Byzantine Agreement
3. Still reading up materials on the same, need to try to perform
socket programing and come out with a technique to perform the same.
4. Read paper 1 and provide a power point presentation on the same
Status as on October 10th 2006
(Posted on Tue, 05 Dec 2006 10:38:42 PST
Activities to be completed by October 10th
1. Complete modifications to presentation II, on the basis of the
suggestions provided by professor Pollett.
Status : Completed
The same would be submitted to professor Pollett during the meeting
next week.
2. Perform research on how google streams video and create a presentation on the same.
Status : Completed
Have been able to get some infomation though not extensive information.
Have prepared a small power point presentation. Would discuss the same
with Professor Pollett during meet next week.
3. Complete whatever is pending from last week task 3: Solve all
the issues which are being faced with respect to Deliverable 1 and
provide Professor Pollett with a demonstration and submit the same.
Status : Completed
Problems with respect to deliverable 1 have been taken care of and
correct output for the same is observed.
Would demonstrate the same to Professor Pollett, during next meet.
Discussions performed on October 3rd 2006
(Posted on Tue, 05 Dec 2006 10:38:22 PST
Activities to be completed by October 10th
1. Complete modifications to presentation II, on the basis of the
suggestions provided by professor Pollett.
2. Perform research on how google streams video and create a
presentation on the same.
3. Complete whatever is pending from last week task 3: Solve all
the issues which are being faced with respect to Deliverable 1 and
provide Professor Pollett with a demonstration and submit the same.
Activities to be completed by October 17th
1. Complete whatever is pending from last week task 1: “Complete
modifications to presentation II, on the basis of the suggestions
provided by professor Pollett.”
2. Complete whatever is pending from last week task 2: “Perform
research on how google streams video and create a presentation on the
3. Change the implementation of Byzantine’s agreement algorithm
which has been mentioned in the Homework. Our implementation needs to
be changed to 2 databases; each has a copy of the dumb table with a
vote in it; you are making connection to the database to
synchronization. Provide Professor Pollett with a research on how you
would modify and what logic you would use to implement the same.
4. Complete whatever is pending from last week task 3: “Solve all
the issues which are being faced with respect to Deliverable 1 and
provide Professor Pollett with a demonstration and submit the same.”
Concepts Discussed:
Concept 1:
Global Data Dictionary, needs to be replicated. We could look at
this aspect I 2 angles;
1. Data dictionary consists of xml data.
2. Could be stored in xml structure, which consists of some BLOB
We need to devise an algorithm to do so;
Status of Tasks to be completed by September 26th 2005 :
(Posted on Tue, 05 Dec 2006 10:38:00 PST
Status of tasks due on
September 19th 2006:
1> Read the following chapters from "Principles of Distributed Database System".
Make Power point presentations on the same.
a> Chapter 12: Distributed DBMS Reliability
Status : Completed
The chapter has been read, understood and powerpoint slide of the same
b> Chapter 14: Distributed Object Database Management Systems
Status : Completed
The chapter has been read, understood and powerpoint slide of the same
c> Chapter 16: Current Issues
Status : Completed
The chapter has been read, understood and powerpoint slide of the same
2> Submit CS297 Proposal (in Professor Chris Pollett's template).
Status : Completed
3> Submit a brief Bio to be put up on the website.
Status : Completed
4> Complete whatever is remaining of tasks 4 and 5 from previous week.
Status : In Progress
5> Get postgres setup on Linux
Status : Completed
Activities to be completed by September 26th 2006
1> Perform modifications on power point slides (prepared for chapter
4,5 and 7.5) according to suggestions provided by Professor Chris
2> Create a function in postgres, the function implementation would be
in C/Java programming language. Take data from an Xml file (maybe
something like an address) and shred it into the postgres database.
Activities to be completed by October 3rd 2006
Read,understand and perform powerpoint slides for the following
chapters from the book "Distributed Algorithms"
1> Chapter 6: Distributed Consensus with Process Failures
2> Chapter 7: More consensus problems
3> Chapter 8: Modelling II: Asynchronous System Model
Status of Tasks to be completed by September 12th 2005 :
(Posted on Tue, 05 Dec 2006 10:37:32 PST
1> Read the following chapters from "Principles of Distributed Database
System". Make Power point presentations on the same.
a> Chapter 4: Distributed DBMS Architecture
b> Chapter 5: Distributed Database Design
c> Section 7.5: Layers of Query Processing
Status : Completed
All the above 3 chapters (total of 89 pages) have been read understood
and a powerpoint presentation providing an explanation of he concepts
has also bee prepared for the same.
2> Install Linux on the Home Desktop
Status : Completed
Installation of Red Hat Linux version 9 has been succesfully completed
on the desktop
3> Install Dynamic DNS Server, so that you can access your desktop from
Status : Completed
Dynamic DNS has been succesfully setup on the desktop and testing on
the same has also been performed by trying to connect to it from IBM.
The Dynamic DNS has been installed from www.dynamicdns.com
The same can be accessed by using http://preethi.homelinux.net/
4. Get postgres setup on Linux
Status : In progress
Have performed research on trying to find a distributed postgres which
would match our requirement.
Currently trying to install "Slony-I --- A replication system for
PostgreSQL "
Slony-I is a "master to multiple slaves" replication system with
cascading and failover. The big picture for the development of Slony-I
is a master-slave system that includes all features and capabilities
needed to replicate large databases to a reasonably limited number of
slave systems.
More details about the same can be observed in
5> Try to add some Create Function
Status : Incomplete
This activity (which is deliverable 1 due on Sept 30th), cannot be
performed till task 4 is complete.
Meeting with Professor Pollett -- September 05,2006
(Posted on Tue, 05 Dec 2006 10:36:49 PST
Tasks to be completed by September 12th 2005 :
1> Read the following chapters from "Principles of Distributed Database
System". Make Power point presentations on the same.
a> Chapter 4: Distributed DBMS Architecture
b> Chapter 5: Distributed Database Design
c> Section 7.5: Layers of Query Processing
2> Install Linux on the Home Desktop
3> Install Dynamic DNS Server, so that you can access your desktop from SJSU.
4> Get postgres setup on Linux
5> Try to add some Create Function
Tasks to be completed by September 24th 2005 :
1> Read the following chapters from "Principles of Distributed Database
System". Make Power point presentations on the same.
a> Chapter 12: Distributed DBMS Reliability
b> Chapter 14: Distributed Object Database Management Systems
c> Chapter 16: Current Issues
2> Submit CS297 Proposal (in Professor Chris Pollett's template).
3> Submit a brief Bio to be put up on the website.
4> Complete whatever is remaining of tasks 4 and 5 from previous week.
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