CS297-298 Project News Feed

11/15/04 (Meeting 7)
   (Posted on Tue, 16 Nov 2004 21:20:05 PST .)
Items Covered:
probability distribution for syndrome grid
details of circuit inputs and outputs

Next Meeting:
office hours, Tuesday 23rd, 4:00

finish circuits to create DNF


11/02/04 (Meeting 6)
   (Posted on Tue, 16 Nov 2004 11:32:56 PST .)
Meeting 11/02/04

Items covered:
Nisan-Wigderson pseudorandom generator (overview)
Circuit class design

Initial l-sparse grid class
Initial Circuit class

Each circuit appears to take multiple inputs and have multiple outputs. 
How are the circuits divided to get inputs for Tau tautology generator?
Is i a fixed number or is a circuit generated for each row of the grid?


10/19/04 (Meeting 5)
   (Posted on Fri, 29 Oct 2004 12:19:24 PDT .)

Items covered:
- deliverable submission format
- possible architectures for Tau tautology generator inclusion in applet
- possible refinements of DPLL implementation
- Tau tautology definition

- interation 1 of Applet (with code as zip text instead of PDF)
- intial class for circuits


Progress Update
   (Posted on Sun, 17 Oct 2004 20:52:04 PDT .)

-revised code and UI for deliverable 1
-emailed first deliverable (iteration 1 of Applet), with
validated html

In Progress:
-implementation of DPLL
-not(DNF) to CNF format conversion and UI change

10/05/04 (Meeting 4)
   (Posted on Sat, 09 Oct 2004 18:13:15 PDT .)
Items Covered:
- DNF negation
- DPLL details
- typical DPLL heuristic for choosing variable
- weekly blog

- prototype 1 of Applet (via email)
- change user entry format to DNF
- conversion of not(DNF) to CNF
- implementation of DPLL
- printout of last blog’s reading


9/21/04 (Meeting 3)
   (Posted on Wed, 22 Sep 2004 12:14:12 PDT .)

Items Covered:
-review of gui interface
-discussion of conversion of DNF to CNF 
-discussion of using brute force to check satisfiability

- gui interface modifications (user information, justification)
- polynomial view
- change interface to allow for DNF entry and internal conversion to CNF
- implement brute force algorithm to check CNF satisfiability
- implement storage and display format for disjunctions as vectors of coefficients
- develop way to multiply vectors of coefficients
- prototype of Applet to put online

Dual weak pigeonhole principle, pseudo-surjective functions, and provability of 
circuit lower bounds , J. of Symbolic Logic, 69(1), (2004), pp.265-286.  


9/7/04 (Meeting 2)
   (Posted on Mon, 13 Sep 2004 23:16:51 PDT .)
Items Covered:

- proposal needs revision
- a proof exists showing that DPLL is faster than brute force ( can look up)
- initial Applet reviewed (list of additions under deliverables)
- discussed format of polynomials
- for pretty printer show polynomials before multiplication
- internal representation as vector of coefficients

Next Meeting: Tuesday, September 21st, 3:00 – 4:00

- brute force algorithm to check if a particular CNF formula is always true. 
Allow for selection of multiple sentences and check the conjunction. 
- implement method for mapping CNF formula to polynomial as a vector of coefficients
- implement pretty printer for polynomials
- allow addition and deletion of a sentence
- add text field entry for multiple CNF entry via cut/paste

- Applet allowing user to enter and store CNF clauses


Initial 180H Meeting
   (Posted on Tue, 31 Aug 2004 22:40:17 PDT .)
Items Covered:
- course set-up (blog, bio, 180H paperwork)
- my initial PowerPoint presentation (ch 7 in AI book, Groebner Basis article)
- project (implementation of DPLL and Groebner Basis algorithms)
- definition of Tau tautologies
- conversion of CNF formula to polynomial (T -> 0, F->1, *-> v, + -> ^)

Next Meeting: Tuesday, September 7th, 11:00

- Applet allowing user to enter and store CNF clauses
- Brute force algorithm to check if a particular CNF formula is always true
- (optional) method for mapping CNF formula to polynomial


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