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HW2 Solutions Page

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	Filename: p40hw2file1.php
        Purpose: This is the file that sets up the frame layout for the site
                 the wily platypus site.

<title>The Wily Platypus</title>
<meta name="ROBOTS" content="NOINDEX, NOFOLLOW" />
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;
        charset=iso-8859-1" />
<meta name="Authors" content="Christopher Pollett" />

<frameset cols="30%,70%">
  <frame src="p40hw2file2.php" name="index" scrolling="yes" />
  <frame src="p40hw2file3.php" name="content" scrolling="yes" />

<noframes> <!-- Be nice to lynx users. -->
Your poor browser does not appear to like frames.
<a href="p40hw2file3.php">Click here</a> to see the main document.


	Filename: p40hw2file2.php
        Purpose: This file contains the left hand frame for the site
                 the wily platypus. This is file contains some links
                 which act as an index to the right-hand document

<head> <!-- Notice each frame has a head and a body. This make it
            easier to split if don't want frames at some later date.
            Also might keep some browsers happy-->

  <title>The Wily Platypus</title>
  <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;
        charset=iso-8859-1" />
  <meta name="Authors" content="Christopher Pollett" />

<body style="background: #99FFCC">
<h3 style="text-align: center">Index</h3>

<a href="p40hw2file3.php#intro" target="content">Introduction</a>

<a href="p40hw2file3.php#gestation" target="content">Gestation</a>

<a href="p40hw2file3.php#plural" target="content">Pluralizing Platypus

<a href="p40hw2file3.php#avoid" target="content">Avoiding Platypus Attacks

<a href="" target="_top">
Another Platypus Site</a>


	Filename: p40hw2file3.php
        Purpose: This file contains the right hand frame for the site
                 the wily platypus. This is essentially a text document
                 describing what a platypus is

   <title>The Wily Platypus</title>
  <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;
        charset=iso-8859-1" />
  <meta name="Authors" content="Christopher Pollett" />

<body style="background: white">
<h1 style="text-align:center">The Wily Platypus</h1>

<a name="intro">
<h3 style="text-align:left"> Introduction </h3></a>

Here you could have a whole bunch of content saying what a platypus was.
But I am lazy so I am not going to tell that a platypus is a mammal nor
that they live in Australia. Don't expect me to divulge that they have
a duck-like mouth or a beaver-like tail and are otherwise furry.
In fact, I am going to start spewing random characters now tell I am done
at least one screen. So there. djhsjdg fhdh sdfth hdfghh dshghgjdj
dfjdjdgh djfjh gg gghgh ghhg gh gh ghgh gh gh ghghghghyrturtyuetru tyrty
tyrytry et ye ty tey t tyu eytuyruthrjhtuw  ghdfghjdh wtrethwreht
trewywty rewjhtjwreh trjhtejrhjt gfdgjnherhtjkrhjk rtjhj rejhjer trhjre
retjre rtkjrjt rejktsn rtjwjn trwepolrp aw;ltlhmm wep[q

<a name="gestation">
<h3 style="text-align:left">Gestation</h3></a>
Did you know that platypus lays eggs? Time to babble again. adsghajdfg
gakagjkfg gajhgfjkad gaklgakjg agkhgjag gakghag adkgjkre rrhetyjht
gfdhgf  shfh sh hshg shhhsyty ysrey y t  asrt  yhklklerw gkyhjkrt
yktsryj sryeyjtw syhjjkst syrhjtryh;s syhjskthy ksyjtykj hyjtrjk j56h5j4
46hjqw43h 54hgq34h5 g  rj6tyhejy tjyhejty jhyjerh jhyetjhyhj
wyrekwhjrt wjyhjyhjhe yjehwjhytehj jhtyy yejehjeytyjhkjh ejhuhejkuehuj

<a name="plural">
<h3 style="text-align:left">Pluralizing Platypus</h3></a>
A very philosophical conundrum. Oh well. ksfjdkg trjehtjwerh gfsjbhjtr
fdshfg eajthjret thrthj tkrejhtwjh tjhrwhthj sgjhrthjhjr
djjdj rtyeytn dyuty rtjwrehj ytjhtrjh erjthtrjyh ryjhetj eyktj
triute ywjhytw rtwjhjwrt yrwjhyhtj yrwjhyjh wyjhyj whgyhgy
wlkjyj jwyjkweyh ywhyghjew ywhlqat p;wep[ra; tkysowe
plty kytkjthjkju kyurjkyu ryklyrklkjly ryel;ksdyrlkl lkreklt
fsgjkfd sdfghjfdhkjghjfghjsfgh fsdjgjsfdjghdfh nsfdghgfhjsfdh gsjdfgsdfhhjsf
fsdhjskjgh jksgjksdfhj fdjghjsfdhgf sfdjhsfghjgfg fsdjgjsdhfhjgsfgh
sdfgjhsfdhgsjdg sfdjhsjghjgj sfjdgfgsgdgh sgfdjgjshjfgj gsjhfgdjg
sgjhdfgsdf sgjdgjshjgf sghjfg sfgjhgsfdhh sgfjfdfj sgfkjgfdf sgfkjgsfdh
gsfdjgjh gsfshjfg sdgdjgfsdhjg fgsjgfdhjsgf sfgfjkgfhfg

<a name="avoid">
<h3 style="text-align:left">Avoiding Platypus Attacks</h3></a>
I don't know. Ask Crocodile Dundee.


# FileName: p40hw2file4.plx
# Purpose: This program gets a table of people's names followed by the
#          animals they like from the user. It then prints out the
#          distinct animals in alphabetical order together with all
#          the people who liked that animal also in alphabetical order.
# Example:
#           Bob emu
#           Alice tiger
#           Jane emu
#           ^D
# Returns the result:
# emu:
#                 Bob
#                 Jane
# tiger:
#                 Alice

print "Please enter some people's names followed by a space followed\n";
print "by their favourite animal. Hit ^D (^Z<RET> on NT) when done.\n";

chomp(@inarray = <STDIN>); #each element of @inarray is in form "$name $animal"
                           #the chomp gets rid of the trailing \n of each elt.

@inarray = sort @inarray; # peoples names will now be in order

# make the hash table, animals as keys and people's names as values.
foreach $pair (@inarray)
	($name, $animal) = split(/\s/, $pair);

 	$table{$animal} = "$table{$animal}\t\t$name\n";
                  # add the people's names to a row of hash table
                  # note how we are also adding formatting instructions

@animals = sort keys(%table);

# print out hash table

foreach $animal (@animals)
	print "$animal:\n";
  	print $table{$animal};