Finish Intro to Linear Algebra - Perceptrons


Chris Pollett

Sep 1, 2021



Matrix Operations

More Matrix Operations


Normalization, Orthogonality


Dual Spaces, Tensors

Identity and Inverse Matrices


Determinants Properties

  1. The determinant is also column multi-linear. (Is implied by row using multi-linearity).
  2. Swapping two rows of `A` or swapping two columns of `A` yields a sign change in the determinant. (Is implied by using multi-linearity).
  3. `|AB| = |A||B|`. (To see this let `A_i` denote the `i`th row of `A`, verify `(AB)_i = A_iB`, then verify `|[[A_1B],[...],[A_nB]]| = |A||B|`.)
  4. (3) above implies, if `|A|` is 0, then the matrix can't be inverted.
  5. Let `n ge 2`. Given an `n times n` square matrix `A`, the `k,j` minor `A_{kj}` is the `n-1 times n-2` square matrix obtained by deleting the `k`th row and `j` column. Given this definition, using column multi-linearity and (2) abbove, one can show: `|A| = sum_{j=1}^n(-1)^{k+j}a_{kj}|A_{kj}|.`
  6. Using (5), and induction, one can show `|A|` equals the area/volume/hypervolume of the parallogram/parallelpiped/parallelotope determined by the rows of `A`.

In-Class Exercise

Lines, Planes, Hyperplanes

A Plane, points x and p on the plane and tangents t and normal n

Other Hyperplane Equations, Halfspaces


Image with basic components of an neuron

Choice of Activation Function

Perceptron Update Rule
