Visible Surface Algorithms, Convex Set Algorithms


Chris Pollett

Apr 20, 2010



Area Subdivision

Z-Buffer Algorithms

Scan Line Algorithms


Which of the following statements is true?

  1. The algorithms we learned for convexity testing were O(log n) in the number of vertices.
  2. Newell-Newell-Sancha depth sorting sorts objects with respect to a viewpoint.
  3. The BSP traversal part of the BSP depth sorting algorithm we gave does not depend of the viewpoint.

More Geometric Modeling Tools


Theorem. Let `vec p_1, vec p_2, \ldots, \vec p_s` and `vec q_1, vec q_2, \ldots, \vec q_t` be points in `mathbb{R}^n`. Let `X` and `Y` be the convex hulls respectively of the first and set set of points. Assume the hull of `S = \{ vec p_1, vec p_2, \ldots, \vec p_s, vec q_1, vec q_2, \ldots, \vec q_t \}`has dimension `n`. Then the following two statements are equivalent:

  1. The convex hull of `X` and `Y` are linearly separable.
  2. There are linearly independent vectors `vec r_1, vec r_2, \ldots, vec r_n` in S so that if `vec n` is any nonzero normal to the hyperplane `\{ \vec x| \vec x = \vec r_1 + a_2\vec r_2 +\cdots + a_n\vec r_n\}` they generate, then the intervals `vec n(X)` and `vec n(Y)` intersect in at most one point.

Proof of the Theorem

Convex Hulls

Theorem. Let `vec p_1, vec p_2, \ldots, \vec p_s` and `vec q` be points in `mathbb{R}^n`. Assume that the convex hull of `X` of `vec p_1, vec p_2, \ldots, \vec p_s` has dimension `n`. Then `vec q` is disjoint from `X` iff there is a subset `vec r_1, vec r_2, \ldots, vec r_n` of linearly independent points of `vec p_1, vec p_2, \ldots, \vec p_s` so that the hyperplane with these points separates `X` and `vec q`.

Definition. A point `vec v` is said to be a vertex or an extreme point of a convex set `C` if `vec v` does not belong to the interior of any segment whose endpoints lie in `C`.

Corollary Let `vec p_1, vec p_2, \ldots, \vec p_s` and `vec q` be points in `mathbb{R}^n`. Assume that the convex hull of `X` of `vec p_1, vec p_2, \ldots, \vec p_s` has dimension `n`. Let `Y` be the convex hull of `vec p_1, vec p_2, \ldots, \vec p_(s-1)`. Then `\vec p_s` is a vertex of `X` iff either:

  1. `Y` is (n-1)-dimensional, or
  2. there is a set of n linearly independent points in `vec p_1, vec p_2, \ldots, \vec p_s` whose hyperplane strictly separates `Y` and `vec p_s`.

Let `m=s+t`. The proofs of the theorems above give `O(m^(n+1))` algorithms for whether the intersection of convex hulls of `s` and `t` points intersect. i.e., choose a subset of size `n` and try to verify the condition of the theorem for that subset. One also gets an order `O(s^(n+1))` algorithm for deciding if a point is a vertex of a convex hull.